1. Sanshiro Sugata: Film Club Introduction - Akira Kurosawa info
4 mei 2010 · The availability of the film with English subtitles is not stellar, but do check out the Kurosawa DVDs page for more information. In his ...
This month, our Akira Kurosawa Film Club turns to Sanshiro Sugata (1943), Kurosawa’s first feature film as a director after years spent as an assistant director and screenwriter. The availability of the film with English subtitles is not stellar, but do check out the Kurosawa DVDs page for more information. In his autobiography, Kurosawa writes […]
2. Kurosawa Akira's One Wonderful Sunday: censorship, context, and ...
Reading One Wonderful Sunday (Subarashiki Nichiyōbi, 1947) as counter-discursive film, this paper challenges humanist readings of the film to argue for a ...
Reading One Wonderful Sunday (Subarashiki Nichiyōbi, 1947) as counter-discursive film, this paper challenges humanist readings of the film to argue for a more critical commentary on the problematic postwar. The essay investigates the labels of
3. DVD & Blu-ray Reviews - The Films of Akira Kurosawa - The Digital Bits
19 feb 2010 · Audio is the original Japanese mono, clean and clear throughout, with optional English subtitles. There are no extras. Bill Hunt, Editor
4. Kurosawa and the Censors - The Criterion Channel
Bevat niet: subtitles | Resultaten tonen met:subtitles
Between 1945 and 1952, during the American occupation of Japan, censorship agencies reviewed all films proposed for production. In this 2007 video essay, film scholar Lars-Martin Sorensen sheds light on the challenges Akira Kurosawa faced from the censors in making DRUNKEN ANGEL.
5. Holdings: Yoidore tenshi / :: Library Catalog
Other title: Kurosawa and the censors. Akira Kurosawa : It is wonderful to create ... In Japanese, with optional English subtitles. ... DVD PN1997.2.Y642 2007.
6. Movies At Mother's - Spaghetti Western Wednesdays - Paul Harrod
28 jul 2015 · At the time it was hard to find a version of this film with a decent English language soundtrack, so I showed the film in Italian with subtitles ...
Since 2006 I have been hosting a monthly film series at Mother's Velvet Lounge in Portland Oregon. Mother's Bistro, one of our city's most beloved eateries was established by my dear friend, Chef Lisa Schroeder. In 2006 Lisa came to me with an idea for a movie night at the bar section of t
7. Kurosawa's films worth watching - even subtitled - Deseret News
Bevat niet: Censors (2007)
Akira Kurosawa died last weekend. And when I was in a video store a few days later, I found myself gravitating toward the ``foreign'' shelf to see if any of his Japanese films from the '50s and '60s - which provided my introduction to Japanese cinema - might be there. There was only one. Predictably, it was Kurosawa's 1954 epic masterpiece, ``The Seven Samurai.'' And if you can only have one, that's not a bad choice.
By contrast, they have elevated Kurosawa to the status of national treasure ... produced not by a zoom-in shot, which does not occur and which would have.
See AlsoSams Club Food Court Hours
9. The Cases of Yasujiro Ozu and Akira Kurosawa - Film International
31 jan 2017 · Censorship of Japanese Films falls into six chapters. Chapter 1 addresses the state of research while emphasizing the importance of the ...
A Book Review by Matthew Fullerton. Lars-Martin Sorenson is probably best known to cinephiles for his interview on censorship during the American occupation of Japan, which accompanies Criterion’s 2007 release of Drunken Angel (1948). At the time, he had just completed his PhD, and Censorship of Japanese Films during the […]
10. Ophelia Unbound in Asian Performances - OpenEdition Journals
The same could not be said of other Asian Shakespeare films which are not available on VCD or DVD, do not have subtitles (in any language), or are not easy to ...
Comment de nouvelles images d’Ophélie émergent-elles des scripts et discours narratifs modernes ? Certains metteurs en scène asiatiques ont choisi de tirer parti de la propension de Shakespeare à saper l'idéologie dominante sur le rôle des femmes, notamment à travers le personnage d’Ophélie, afin de renouveler la tradition théâtrale asiatique. Quel dialogue existe-t-il entre Shakespeare et les metteurs en scène contemporains au-delà des fossés historiques et culturels ? Avec l’analyse de trois adaptations d’Hamlet (Haider, Bollywood, 2004; Le roi et le clown, Corée, 2005; et Prince de l’Himalaya, Tibet, 2006), cet article se propose d'examiner l'approche que prennent ces productions sur l’image d’Ophélie comme victime emblématique ainsi que sur les normes culturelles asiatiques. En dehors de leur pays d'origine, ces films attirent un public fasciné par un certain exotisme, qu’il soit shakespearien, de motif asiatique, ou une combinaison des deux. Au sein de leur marché local, l’image de marque d'un contenu shakespearien d'origine anglophone renforce une valeur ajoutée prestigieuse. L’utilisation par ces metteurs en scène de conventions cinématographiques spécifiques, tels que la danse bollywoodienne, ou encore les séquences d'arts martiaux chinois, sert de dénominateur commun et de liant entre différentes périodes pour aboutir à une double identité culturelle.
11. Film Events | Geordie Japan
... had Japanese censors up in arms over its depiction of unsimulated onscreen sex. ... 2007 / 116min / Colour / English Subtitles With ... Yasuo Baba's 2007 time- ...
Posts about Film Events written by geordiejapan
12. 2010-11 — Calgary Cinematheque
It's the time of the Cuban missile crisis but also an era where the rivalry between film and television is fierce. Cinemas are closing down as the tube steals ...
13. [PDF] Western Literature in Japanese Film (1910-1938) Alex Pinar - ddd-UAB
Kurosawa, is regarded as one of the masters of Japanese cinema. During ... that detective films should have, it would have been more interesting.'333 ...
14. Staff View: Drunken angel - Catalog - Spokane Public Library
Drunken angel. directed by Akira Kurosawa ; screenplay by Akira Kurosawa and Keinosuke Uegusa. Video DVD - 2007. A criminal infected with tuberculosis in Tokyo ...
15. My Kurosawa proyect - Resources - WaniKani Community
Bevat niet: Censors (2007)
It’s been somewhat over two years since I started learning japanese and I’ve reached probably my biggest milestone so far, the main reason for my interest in the language has become now something I can enjoy in japanese. 🤩🤩 I’m talking about Akira Kurosawa’s films. It all started with this box set given as a present, like when DVD collections were a thing 😅 … I was heavy into film and film history some years ago and Kurosawa’s films were this big referen...
16. Home Entertainment Guide: November 2024 | DVD/Blu-Ray
29 nov 2024 · English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing; PLUS: An essay by author and film critic Michael Koresky. "Godzilla" (Criterion).
Great new stuff on Blu-ray and streaming, including Speak No Evil, Trap, and a Criterion edition of The Shape of Water.
17. Teaching Sound Film - Brill
His criticism is for anyone who has ever burst out laughing or burst into tears at a movie, without really knowing why. R. J. Cardullo tells us why, but without ...