Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

3 PAGE EIGHT. CHURCHES Christian Church. Third street and Delphi avenue. Sunday school, 9:30 a. preaching, 10:30 a.

and 7:30 p. Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. 111. You will be wot come to all these services. B.

F. AspS. pastor. Temple Congregational Church. The quarterly commurton service will be observed tomorrow and new members received.

Miss Simons will sing "Jesus lover of My Soul," brranged by Mac Dougall. There will be n0 evening service. P'revarations a ate being made for Old Folks' day to be observed at the Temple, Sunday. July 18. The serrico will be participated In by the octogenarian ministers prAt out, Including Rev.

G. P. Riley, Rev. Almon Greenman and Rev. Stephen D.

Kite. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Services every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the Marion Conservatory of Music, corner Seventh and Wash: ington streets. Subject of the lessou sermon for communion Sunday is "Sacrament." Sundar begins At 9:45. Wednesday evening testimenial mooting is at S.

'The Coristian Science free reading room is in the same building. room 4. The public is cordially invited to attend these First Friends Church. Bible school at 9:15 and preaching at 10:30. "Actions" will be the -sulr feet considered by the pastor.

topic of the 7:30 service mill bA "The Changed Life." Mid week meeting on Thursday evening." tr First Baptist 'Church. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Pastor. Strickland will preach at- 10:45 In.

on Tho Home and Its Upon the Church Work in the City." Nicar this timely message. B. Y. P. 6:30 p.

m. The regular. evening service will be held in the gospel tent cn East Swarze and Ohio streets. All are invited to come. 1..

Baptist Gospel Tent. Success das characterized the infer terest and attendance of the gospel tent meetings at Swayzee and Ohio streets. A big meeting Sunday night and meetings every night next week. All are invited. 1 St.

John's Evangelical Luther, Corner Fourteenh and Gallatia streets. Sunday school, 9:30 A. morning- servive in the Sweetser conAll gregation. are cordially Frening invited. service, 7:30 p.

In. A 7: 5 First- M. E. Church. Charles A.

Row and, pastor. Morn ing there "The -Print- of the Evening (heme, "After Death, First Presbyterian Church. Rev. H. T.

Gary, pastors- Sabbath school, 9:30: morping worship. 10:13 theme. of the sermon. "The Courtroom of the Soul." Vesper services at o'clock, themes of the sermon, "The Sower." The public is Invited to these services. First Christian Church.

First Christian church. J. Boyd Jones, minister. Preaching and communion at 10:45. The Bible school meets at 9:30 sharp and all the mem- PILES Cured at Home S.

U. TARNEY. WILL BE AT Marion, -Manitou Hotel, Fourth -and Branson streets, Wednesday, July-14. At Wabach. National Hotel, Thursday, July All persons.

mate or female, suffer Ing from loss of expelling forces, Prolapsing. Fissures, Fistulas, tarrb, Infammation. Ulceration, Constipation, Bleeding, Blind or Itching PILES are kindly requested to call and ree No Examination! No Operation Medicine placed DIRECT to the diseased parts by yourself. I claim t.be complete, successfui, original end sensible method of curing th terrible ambirtions ever offered to the public. By the use of my Positively Painless Pile Care all the above named rectal diseases can be cured as easily as if it were on the outside.

Come and see mo and learn something worth knowing. It may you hundreds of dollars and years of suffering. Most. kindly yours, S. U.

TARNEY Solo Proprietor and Manufacturer, If you can't call Artie me at AUBURN. INDIANA. Much kidnared bey, little Carlton, Clark, who kidnaped by bi3 another. Mrs. Maud Clark.

from Mrs Sophia Kramer of New York, to whom the lad's father had entrusted him aftsecuring a divorce" front his wite two years ago. Mire. Kramer recently located the boy-at his grandmother's house in Boston, and with the ald of detectives spirited him back, to New York. E- bers of the school are urged to be on! band to hear some Important a'l bouncements. The evening service! will be in the bands of the young peo-4 -ple who have prepared a splendid pro gram of story and song.

With elec-1 tric fans our auditorium is pleasant and last Sunday at both services we bad large audiences. You will And u3 at cordial the library welcome. and we will give you a the program. The. following is, Opening hymn.

Invocation by Rev. J. Boyd Jones. Hymn. Scripture reading by Arratt Hummell Anthem by church choir.

Violin solo by Goldie Reynolds. Song by male quartet. Short talk by Nellie Weaver. Address by Rev. J.

Boyd Jones. Song by girl's chorus. Reading by Minnie Dickey. Reading by Edith Feigbner. Vocal solo by.

Elste Winters. Song Reading, by by- mixed Omar. quartet. Lincs. Reading by.

Ruth Stone. Duett by Mesdames Shaw and Haines. Song. America, by congregation. Benediction by Rev.

J. Boyd Jones. THE MARION 4 Miss Hazel Moore is working for Mrs. Grace Weagant this week. Mr.

and Mrs. D. Clapin and daughter Ola spent Tuesday witb their daughter, Mrs. Oscar Jentis, Swayzee. Mrs.

James Mills and son Arthur were in Swayzee Wednesday evening. Frank Clanin played ball with the Mier team Sunday at Sweetser. Mr. and Mrs. Sreano Shanahan and Miles evening Julia in Marshall spent Wednesday Swayzee.

Ira and Walter Haynes spent Sun-: day, Virgil forenoon Gowin in and Herbst. Dora Clanin were Sweetser Saturday evening. "Sir. and Mrs. E.

D. Clanin had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ben Alexander, Miss Hazel Moore, Miss Etta Lening. Mr.

and Mrs. E. D. Clanin, Hazel Moore and Ola Clanin attended the band concert Wednesday evening. Glen was in Swayzee Wednesday Mrs.

Thursle Elliott spent Wednesday night with Mrs. Susic Pennington. Miss Snsie Ancil, Melvin Dillinger attended the lee cream supper at Jalapa. Charley and Willie Hones spent Wednesday evening In Swayzce aud an Ice cream supper will be held at Maple Run Saturday evening. Johnny Turner of Kokomo is spendIng this week with his grandparents, Joseph Myers, near Swayzee.

Russell Small called on Miss Mirrtle Myers Sunday, evening. Mr. and Sis. Emmet Foltz and childr. Dorothy, Deloras, Velina.

spent Wednesday evening in Swayze. Miss Ola Clonin, Mies Hazel Moore, called on Mrs. Mary Myers Sunday ofternocn. Mr. and Mira.

Amos Patterson daughter, Mabel, called on Mr. and Mrs, Brown. Mr. and 'Mra, Hosea Hawking and Sunday. daughter, Afton, visited Sometect Miss Hazel Moore, Charles Weagant on Miss Ola Clanin Friday eveplug.

Mrs. Grace Weagant called on Mrs. John Matthews. Air. Poe's harn b'urned Wednesday.

Virgil and Merrit Gowin are helping F. IL. Weagant with the hay. Mrs. Ira Gage will leave Sunday for A visit In Wabash.

Miss Eva Fear of Anderson Is vis iting Marion friends. GIBSON HOUSE Cincinnati's MOST FAMOUS HOTEL In the Very GunS Center of the EUROPEAN PLAN City's Business and Up. ties. Lowest Prices for Highest Grade Accommodations. 47.

Superb Service. Club Breakfasts and Table D'Hote Dinners. We want your patronage and will make every possible effort to obtain and retain it. We want everyone who visits Cincinnati orcasionally to know that the Gibson House is the most advantageous place to THE A. G.

CORRE HOTEL CO. Cornelius A. Burkhardt, Pres. nod Mgr. Proprietors Gread Hotel, LEADER SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1909.

Receipt Weak Men---Free Send -Name -and -AddressCan Have It Free and Bo Strong and Vigorous I have in my possession a prescription for nervous debility, lack of vigor, weak. ened manhood, tatting memory and lame back. bt-ught on by excesses, unnatural drains or the follies of youth, that has! cured 80 many worn and nervous men right in their own homer- any additional help or medicine that I think every man who wishes to regain his manpower and quickly and quietshould have a copy. So, I have deterinined to send copy the prescription, free of charge, in plain ordinary sealed envelope to any man who will write ine for prescription comes from a physiclan who ta. Inad special study of men, and 1 am convinced it Ir the surestauting combination for, the cure of doncent manhood and vigor-failure ever put together.

think I owe it to my fellow man tr send them a copy in confidence, so that any man, anywhere a bo.is weak and discouraged. with repeated fallures may atop dragging himself with harmful patent medicines, recure what- I believe, it the quickest-actine. restorative, upbuild. Ing. SPOT remedy ever devied, and so, cure himself at hume quiet.

1y and quickly. Just drop me A line like A. Robinson, 4136 Luck Detroit. and I will send you a copy of thie aplendid receipt, in plain, ary sealed envelone. free of charge.


A WIRED HOUSE IS USUALLY AN HOUSE. YOU WILL FIND A TENANT WHO WANTS ELECTRICITY, MOST 'ALWAYS, A GOOD ONE, PHONE US, WE WILL SEND A MAN TO F' 7 GIVE YOU A PRICE ON WIRING. Marion 1 Light Heating 114 West St. Company Telephone 2429 Sweetser BOOSTERS BEATEN BY THE BLUFFERS Marion lost at Blufton yesterday by a score of something like 7 to 3. color and could not locate the platc.

mainly because Blankenbaker was off He is said to. have given eight bases on balla and to have. otherwise played anything but. baseball. Through Marion suffered a severe reversal of form from the lay before when they bear Bluffton In- one of the best canies of season, ard.

the miserable exhibition of Friday Is said to have come as a surprise. 7. 7 Herbst Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weagant and spent children, George, Harold.

Charles, with Mr. and C. Peterson aud family. Miss Hazel P. Moore called on Miss Ola Clanin Sunday.

Harvey Ancil. Miss Jessie Trook, Miss Nina Perking, Frank Clanio, Miss. Ola Clanin, Glen Buroker attended the ice cream social at Sweetser Saturday evening. Ray Pence attended the band concurt Swavzee Wednesday evening. Harry has returned to his work after his short for a few days.

Mildred Morrow called on MiRR Myrtle Myers Wednesday Mr. Mra. Dora and children, Hattie and Esther, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mira. Haynes fonilly.

Rotert McGibbons Is helping Haynes put up hay this week. 7. Mias Myrtle. Myers and Mare. shall spent Sunday in Kokomo.

Charley and Wille HoneaR are helping E. Foltz in the bay Meld. THE BROWNLAUNDRY DRY Wonld announce the Installation of 1 ver set of cuff presses that prevent fracking and hitters; puts the. cuff In perfect form and elegant style. 'We have the most approved process soft water and use the purest soap and A life finest of linen of which add to the your and enable u8 to give you satisfactory results, Call.

36 for acceptable service. Airs. B. Masterson, Dire. S.

Morgan and Miss Ruth McCool of Troy, 0. are visiting Tom Masterson and A family, Miss Mary Shannahan returned 10 Marion after a few days'. Visit with Miss Edith Cranor, north of town. Frank R. Sacrist.

a salesman of To ledo, called on Sweetser merchants, Thursday. Mrs. Earl Drook of Mier called o3 her aunt, Mrs. E. P.

Ward, Wednesday. rion spent Thursday with ver father, William Williamson, who is seriously ill. Children's day exercises will be beid at the M. E. church, Sunday morning, Immediately after Sunday school.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Veach and baby of Jonestoro visited William Veaca and family, Sunday. Charles Murphy of Marion was call ing en friends here, Thursday. Mrs.

Virginia Williamson has returned to Marion alter. a visit with relatives. Mr. and Mire. Emanuel Harreld aud children, Mr.

and Mrs. Edgar Duon and Miss. Minnie Harreld picnicked at the river Thuralay. J. IA Michaels das returned to his home at Peru after an extended visit with relatives cast of own.

Miss Delores Ancil was hostess to the members of the K. D. club at her home on South Main street, Wednesday. afternoon. After business affairs were attended to 'good music on the piano and light refreshments were enjoyed.

Miss Mabel Winger has returned lol her home north of town after a vigil with Miss Marie Jester. Miss Nellie Shafer entertained at a of July party, cake Saturday evenIce cream and were served The attendance included Mr. and Mrs. Riley Lake, Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Jarob, and Mrs. Charles. Shafer, Misses Cleo Lake. Resale Marie Jacob; Mowers. Verlin, Glen and Albert Jacob, Jack and WIt Smith, Leonard Shockey.

Franklin and Aibert Shafer. Miss Marie Shockey is home from a week's visit at Gas City. I Drs. Glen Trowbridge and daughter Ruby have returned home from Ma-1 rion. Miss Verdie Anderson entertained Thursday afternoon in honor 5 of her eighth Lirthday, Diss Nellie George of Mier was callIng on friends bere, Wednesday.

Miss Annabelle Clanin entertained. Monday evening, Miss Ethel Ancil of Melvin, 0., Mr. and Mra. Ovid Stanley and daughter Margaret and Cal Mias Mabel Miller was entertained I at the home of Miss Helen Burge, Sunday. Earl Mayne has returned from a three months' stay at Piper City.

Ill. Harry Loring of Marion spent Wednesday with his sister, Mrs. Peter Bragg. Tilitha Sarah Line, who attend on school their at Bloomington, are home fummer cacation. Little Lorena Stevens, who has Leen serlously 111, la much improved.

The high school girls will give an ice cream social on the lawn just north of Daniels' drug store on Satur. day evening. July 10. Miss Marguerite McGraw attended Catholic services at Marion, Sunday. Mins Harvey Shockey has returned 10.

Roseburg after a visit with Are. Levi Shockey. Miss Helen Burge was pleasantly! surprised Monday evening when al folly crowd rnjoyed a bay ride to her home near Mt. Olive. Those in the party were Missen Mabel Miller, Vella, Rocella Masterson.

Smith, Marie: Jester, Madelene Stevens, Estella Stevens, Small, Haida Daniela, Thel ma Snyder, Maigaret Megera. Harvey Stevens, Clande Ancil, Dudley Small, Oris Carey, Emery Fred Julian, Cale. Veach, Clifford Blackman, Mr. and Mrs. George Carter and Mrs.

C. W. Snyder. DEATH CAUSES MUCH SADNESS Hattie Francis McE haney died at her home, 409 North Adams Friday o'clock; at the age of fourteen years. four months, aand one day; after 1 lingering illncez of dropsy.

Deceased was born at Ottawa, Mareb 8, 1893 and das 14 tided in Marion the greater part of her life. She was loved by all who knew her. She faves loving parents. three sisters and one brother, relatives and host of' frieace to her loss. The funeral service Ho held st 2:30 Monday afternoon -at Gether mane church.

The latch string is always, Lout at the Jefferson club. Hanfield Quite a number attended the Sunday school entertainment al Fletcher Chapel, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Hedrick attendcd the funeral of the lufaut child of Mr.

and Jirs. Luther Davis of Danquo, Wednesday. Parker Morgan of Sims and Diss Gladis Sheer spent the Fourth at Goldthwait park. Messrs. Earl Zion, WIll Cranston and Homer.

Wagner spent Wednesday crening in Landess. Mrs. Pearl Cox and Mrs. Ira Ray visited with, Mrs. Dillon Cox, Thurs day.

Mrs. Mary Tinkle is confined to her bed with stomach trouble. Mrs. Allie Lett and daughter Dessie were Marion visitors, Wednesday. Mr Mra.

Herbert Knetzer tended the Sunday school entertain ment at Antioch, Sunday evening. Ora. Belle Rudicel and son Carlo spent last week with Mrs. Allen Cox and famliy. Mrs.

Albert Feightuer spent lastSuuday afternoon with der mother, Mrs. Aaron Lobdell, and family of Marion. Arca Cranston was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Ella Wright, and faully of Gas City. Thomas Cole and dauzhter: of! Van Buren visited with Mrs.

Lottie Cooler. Thursday. Fred Bunker and Harry Wigger are cutting wheat. Park Sheer of Mt. Etna riaited will his Lrother, John Sheer, recently.

Joseph Patterson of Marion was the guest of cis daughter, Mrs. Ice Stone, Tuesday.The funeral Thursday of Grace Sears, who died of was largely attended. Mrs. Burr Hicks and family visited with Mrs. Mollie Hix, Wednesday.

Ora Hummell and Miss Blanche Mil. ler were the guests of the latter's Mrs. Herbert Knetzer, rcecatly. Alfred Hacker and family took an! excusion trip to Toledo, Thursdar. Arch Cranston has mirchased the little farm which belonged to Arch Mimus.

Russell Small of Sims called on liomer Wagner. Monday, Mrs. John Conn met with a painful, accident Friday while loading hay. The load of hav and heavy turned over striking Mrs. Conn on thy limb breaking two hones.

Mrs. Dillon McCracken and sister, Miss Iva Wine, were Marion visitors, Wednesday, Mrs. Sarah Young vialted with her brother Sylvester Comits, Wednesday. Henry Wagner of East Charles street, Marion, is painting Caleb Don. ley's new house.

John Scott and family visited with: Noah Scott, recently. Gordon Tombaugh of 'Roann returned home after spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Ellas. Hedrick. James Baxter was in our town on Thurrday evening.

Little Bernice, the -1hree-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mra, Clyde munson of Illinois, while visiting her! grandmother. Mrs. Mollie Hicks, felli from her bed and recelved a several fracture of the right collar bone. Handeld W.

C. T. U. met with Mra. Allen Cox, Wednesday aCernoon.

A Gallon of Prevention 08 is worth a barrel of proscriptions. You need supply of good, pure whiskey in your home. You need an occasional THO MOORED stimulant and tonic. But when you get whiskey for home use, be doubly sure WHISKEY you get unadulterated, trustworthy THO'S MOORE RYE WHISKEY PRICES--Express Prepaid: a gallon $4.00 a gallon Straight from U. S.

Government: Bonded Warehouse. A Address: THO'S MOORE DISTILLING' CO. McKee Pa. SOLDIERS HOME NEWS Mrs. J.

Leisure and son, Ft. Wayne, visited the former's father, Ell Bank on Wednesday. Herbert Hunt 1s enjoying a teal days' pass at tia home in W. J. Finley left Friday for a visit, at his home in Little Rock, Ark.

The deaths in the hospital thus far daring the present month dare been: July 6th, Michael lelman, company, 22nd Indiana infantry, aul; Archie Hunter, company, 13th U. S. Colored troops, heavy artillery: An- here receired letter from" J. HI. Mitchell, former recorder for the council of administia-weil excellent program was renderal.

Airs. Lyda Heald was taken into the order. Mrs. Julia Sougart of the Deer Creek W. C.

T. U. was present. Tue meinberg present were Mrg, Gertrude P'hilip, Lizzie Wigger, Flora Cox, Adal Knetzer, Emma Weegner and their president, Mrs. Marion Campbell, and Mrs.

Allen Cox. Visitors present were Mrs. Nick Collina, Henry Wagner and! Mrs. Belle Rudicel. Converse Mr.

and Mrs. John Albott have FOo for a two weeks' risit with their daughter near Vincennes, 111.. and enroute home will visit friends at Attica, Ind. Miss Hazel Morew arrived last oreDing for a few daya' visi: -with her rarents, Mr. and Mrs.

Moren. Marsh Dangerdeld, salesmon for the Duke Music company of Peru, WAg In town on business today. Mrs. Delaney ty moving to Peru. Her household goods were sent today.

John Wilson and niece, Mrs. S. K. Reynolds and two children, Grace and Harry, of Clicago, who have been visiting George Wilson and family, started today in their automobile for Co few Corington, days' Ky. visit They with will his stop sister here in for a few days' vialt on their return to Chicago.

Mrs. M. C. Kimball 13 Off the sick list. Mrs.

Frank Holt was seriously injured and her bushand burt In a runaway west of Converse, Monday, their horse being frightened The buggy was overturned down a steep embankment and for several hours -it Was believed Mrs. Holt would not The auto driver was arrested here and he gave his name us Frank Reynolds of Chicago. Ie made. a with Mr. Holt for $100 after It was learned that Mrs.

I Tolt WAN not fatally Injured. She suffered three fractured riba and two ligaments at her shoulders -vere torn loose. Dr. I. J.

Baker of Logansport was In town treating several of his Datients. Miss Hallie Wolf and Wales- Macy: spent the day fishing at Pipe creek. Richard Powelr and family are viaIting relatives. in Wabash. Charles of Chicago 18 visiting his father, Peter Esholman of South Branson street.

tion of dead men's effecta. lie is ditor for the Arm of B. F. Ajeig and Company, Implement dealers, ville. and is doing well.

Chester Shaw has returned from a business trip to Benton Harbor, Mich. As planned the fireworks are to be sent skyward en Tuesday. eventing, next. operation on Veteran Winkle, the unfortunate man of the recent episode, hes been eminently successful and he is deing finely. The other veteran operated on on very favorable circ*mstances, in doing A9 as may be expected.

HATFIELO QUITS HIS JOB Harvey D. Hatfeld. a news. reporter who has been connected "with the News-Tribune for the past two years, has resigned his position and returned to Huntington, and B. S.

McVickor has taken up the work. Miss Josephine Wigging of Columbus, will come next week to slit relatives. Meet me at the Jefferson club. DIRE DISTRESS. 5 It is Near at Hand for Hundreds of Marion Readers, Don't neglect an aching back.

Backache is the kidney's cry for belp. Neglect harry to their all Means that urinary troubles follow quickly Dire distress. diabetes, Bright's di3 case. Profit by 1 Marion citizen's cxderience. Newton Romine, corner 8.

Brownlee and 32nd street. Marion, says: "I have not used Doan's Kidney IMlis very long but 1 can, notico1 a great inprorement in my' health, For ton years afflicted with lumbago and pometimeg bat suffered Intensely from pains across my loins. had often read about Doan's Kidney Pills. and heard -them highly recommended but never tried them until a few months ago. Then I procu.

ed a box at Lander's Medicine Shop and was: gratifed at Die prompt roller theybrought. I intend to continue the 1130. of this remedy. For sale by all dealers. Price 50- cents.

Foster-Milburn Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States, Remember the name--Doan's-acd take no other. A COLD STORAGE ICE CREAM HARD COAL HARD $6.50 per ton Cash on Delivery Scully $3.75 per COnCash on Delivery Jackson Hill Splint Egg Lump and $4.50 per ton Cash on Delivery Cadillac $3.00 per ton: Cash on Delivery United Coal Yards Co. C. G. ROBBINS, Manager PHONE 90 and Yards Big Corner Four Adams and and Railroad Lincoln Crossing: Ave..

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.