OOKS. BOOKS.media.aadl.org/documents/pdf/michigan_argus/... · I to inspire fear and awe rather than hopo and love. God would speak to me more charmingly on tho: iky, with it wind - [PDF Document] (2025)

OOKS. BOOKS.media.aadl.org/documents/pdf/michigan_argus/...· I to inspire fear and awe rather than hopo and love. God would speak to me more charmingly on tho: iky, with it wind - [PDF Document] (1)

Friday morning,in thetbJrd»t«rjcorm-'rorMnia and llnrou streets

1 , tfioll Bntr.inocon Huronuse.

•! POM>. IMitor iiiul Publisher.

^ $•;.<)<> a Year in AdVdtice



• ' • • I c »• '


! your.

I e oo19 (»)!.-, CO

-ill Illl

I IS pTT oirciciory, not to exceed foul lines. $4.00

«nitotlieext<m( "f :i qnnr'orcolumn MI atilled to have their cards in

out.-xtra cl.arccin forirlh p i i c nnce-imd-a fo'.irlli

mlvertifJementy.;:.,••• I'S i . cent- a line. Rngices-*

n aline ofsp.icg i:»r:h<- [li-stlnsurtloii,,. ii aubsequem LuaerttuD.

ruhaveilic privilciri- of ih.-;riL-liv_-v"'! .•tUcmcnt" threetimee. Additional cbang.

pani' <1 by writ ten or: II- and

IMJ"1'""'"'1''• ^*V] .(ly^i-risrjTi'iti^. I'nst Insor Ion 7-emit* per

'lbsequenl Insertion.H-llI is -.<l-:.-fl tu ;lll ;l'lVcVt'-('Til-l];

- •• :is the nret luser- I• i i i> made.

•>,-:.--- l i iml-K-e- • 'a iiinrs. Cards,,!.-. Bill.IU-ails. and other

ui K.inry -loS l*riT 1 inir executednl>tn«?s ,and i" t!><- b e s t : Iblo style.

Vol. .AN" 1ST AEBOR, FRIDAY, JA.ISTUA.RY 5, 1872. No. 1355

I architects may complain of the space and1 iron wasted in supporting tho d:mie, but

i:i spite of critics and defects it mustover remain oni of the most surjortlbuilding-; in the world. The magnificenttemple of tlm Novth is at St. Isaacs. Yet

richness it is a saddeningI fn a summer

I to inspire fear and awerather than hopo and love. God wouldspeak to me more charmingly on tho

: iky, withit wind for an anthem, than

within these wall.-:, vi • the pyra-n-1 echoing chuit and prayer Of

priest ami devot i a Journey tol'rortor.

'jfelNE 3 3 DIRECTORY.,V i y { : K I » 1 5 > \ *«->>Kth Mali)!

or. Mich-. •( ' r e t s anil Groceries

ifJSltfand Groceries.


• ^ l i T S O V l >'. A-" "I f»r the Kiiikle A WonVluchiivc They are client,

,- «} .in-! m 1;.- I':.- locks t i t ch No. "•• nil Arbor - 1 ::4C_v' •

'•irk & S C H W I D , Dealers in Dry Goods.Ht,M.v!".'"-rr'"Ul"--v ''•'• Ni>- :"'4 South Hals

1.1-:. ^S. t>. . Hi-ii.leiirc.iinl Officeirti'-r \\*ii!i iraa and i hon

j^udflln hours, l to Sr >..

I ^TfilX7:5. n l ' K R A Y , Roofer Fire andprun'. I'cli unil 0<iiniM)»itlon Qmvolid order HiulWiirraiiti I. BTe'siaenccon

IJJJpStrMl, Ann Arbor.

In V EIXJS & <"«., DrujrgtisU «»<'dealersI K, j , Pi.inte.oiU, etc. No.-' South Main street,

;x. cewortnC. It.P . i r t . T . Ofllct? e n i i n r M l l i u a D d t i n i - i i ; d i r e c t s .

. i " . A n n , u l ; . i l ,I if r . i j ; : i - . i l i .

i T B R E A K E V , ?S. s».. Phyeloisn andtS OIllc*, at residence corner of Hn-

nd Wyisioo Streets, first .U«)r easl ol Ih l Ann Arbor, Midi.

n j . . J O ! I \ S W , Dealer in HatB and Caps,U* far?.Siniw c . ••• ':•. ' Furnishing Goods,It. So iS'iatu Main tr«et. Ann Arlmr. >:i.-h.

n tTBEBI .AND A- W ! U ' ! ) « > , Lift andsuddcalerniuKualKsuto.

• iron sue.'!.

LEtrtS t . R I B B O N , licalei in Hardware,••-'M2V, Tin V. nre,&c.

B .U.II A- A B E ! . , Dealers in Pry Good-" tfcc.Nu -G ifouth Main" trcet, Ann

I^Llw*"11 ^ SOW, (;.- cers, Provision and• .-.it dealers In Water

P]a£t«r,*ndPl38'.or Purit. No. 10 Kasl

D H K i n , Wholesale and Retail Dealer|3iio Kctdy Hade clothing, Cloths, Caodmerra,

I Gent's Furujjliiu. Go- ds. No. 8 South.

u ' l . W A G N E R , Dealei In E-:ady MadoCloth-It iag.UotlM. Cunlmercu I , Oaps,

•-M ^nub .M:iinstreet.

. , u : * - F I S K K , Booksellers and Sta-U ii;.-.:! I..c.i and College Tell Bo k.-,

. 8 North MainBlock, Ann Arbor.

rein Boots,S". t East Huron street,


AITOBNEY AT LAW !08«it:th E. W. Morgsn, ):MS! side <ifCourt Housefp«. 1881


!»clicr of Music: G'"<-6 iBstrucUon on the


l M j . o r a t the n&deace oi the pupil.

PIANO TUNIJSiG,| «J«»sped»lHy and satisfaction gnaraniccd;1 B24l

j i E O C K E i ! Y .


J. & t». Donnellyivelnstore aim rockery, < Hawwarc,HWife/'iHiery Grocencrt, i c , ie . , till to be

£as: linrou Street, Ann Arbor.««tt J . & J'. B O N N E M . T .



FRESH AND SALT MEATS,L t R R , S / U S A G K S , E t c . .llcited and promptly filled with thchesl

*«i« inthe market. 31 East Washington street.•taAriior, S"i>t. ISth, 1809.

F. Hi t ,>SISS&tf

Manufacturer of(lBBIAfiES, Bl'fiClSS, LliHBEB WACOM,


M*irkwarranted oftb'e bcsl materlar. Repair•{mepromptly and reasonable. AH work warJMtOKivcpurfectsaii-fuctlou. OS S-nth Main


Carriages, Buggies, Wagons,"DSLEIons of every style, made of tin- best

M>d warranted. Horse shoeing: ahd Re-r-»« done promptly and prices reai

••"street, oear R. I{. Depot, Ann Arbor,Mich

1)K-«'.«'. PORTER,


'"Operations on the Natural TeethPERFORMED WITH CARE,




proper site, shape,color. Jtrmnentandin al ctprctsio*. 1244



411 Operations peiformed in theMost Thorough and Scien-

tlfio manner.

J U r o u s O x i d e Gas constantly on handM»<lministered with perfect safety.







C I T Y O F ^ N > T A H H O R ,


XuwnMof Ann Arl>or, Xortlsfii-Iil, Web"sic:. s<ii>, Lima, k>evlii, Sylvan unilLyndon,


Hon. Charles Tripp, EUhu B. Pond,. \ ' ^ ' • . ( . - ; , \. M . . r . i ; . 1 1 - : i ! >•' I > . D e n n e t t ,

Wm. I-'. Breokey, M. I)., Btephes M. WJ. U. A. Sc-sii.iis,\\ anx-ii Tioniiiin,

All PollotAS are TCon-lTorfai ter pttyiueiit of t>rie aiiiiual

X l-eii^iuiiu

It pays Dividends on fho FirstPremium.

The Company is Prohibited by Law fromSpeculating in Heal Estate or


t deals in CASH OXI.Y. ' - H i s an obvious/ princi-ple of l i fe A - - . t it sannot be done

on credit. 1 n which tiieCompany deaU mast be ^;iid

for i"» Ouch before ilcan be Mipr






REVENAUGH,No. 30 Huron Street.

Insure with the Michigan Mutual be-cause it iiivc- Is the funds of its Pol

icy IJolde s cf this Dist.iot inthe District, under the super-

vision cf the Bca;d,


Policy lloli'.--is Bccure't. thtmeolrea

The Highe&t Rates cf InterestThere is ;i difference o! fully 3 per cent

between rates of interestKasi :uul West.

$1 ,ooo Invested annually for so yonrs,Hi Hi]..-, cent, :.mounts to l , a s 0 , 2 9 5 ) . 4 O

MI Invested annually for Mlyr'e iii T i»er cent., aim'^ to 1 ;4.!'SG,()O

Difference, W 4 C 8 t 3 w 4 O

i'lic higher the rates of inter-estreceived the less will be tlio

cost of insurance and Ihe 'larger the dividends.


ti WITH 64




R . I : - TREPP.Pferfd i;t.•:. I!. POND. Vice IV-MEPHBN M. over.

EY, M D . Medical Examiner.I. Q A RR8SIONS AttorneyardAeont.JKo. L. FOOTE, Secretary HI .1 Diatrlet Agent.


OHN J BAQLBY, P m U e n t .A' o i i s i- iRRAND. Vice President.. JH X T. LIGGETT. Secretary.AMES c . WATSON, Actuary

L. M. Til A YEU, General AgentISSUwO




This is fi simple soug, 'tistcue—My wings ure never orcrni e;

Aii'l yer \-{\ try and scatter t h g• .i.] ailvi'.-ij.

Ti» ' • ! ! II •:•• (';ii n d , a n 1 l e a r n•

Tor 6 . i : i - turn,i up, and SOUK' L-UIUJ down.

A \•

M, J l f i i l I V V . " '

I brown;Fto' he is lik. ly to ;•<.. up,

And you are likoly u> (uun^ down.

• i l];in;, you will -v

T h a t " < odflsii tristocrncy,"Lfl but H scaly thing at I

A I M thontrh flio Itdhes, !:•.!•„••• and H*rong,Mil) TO, '

Yet fl i and small,

Our lirea arc full of ohnnoe ttod ohangOiAnd eft an* • you know is newv a

And 'tn • 'inge,i

And Ihougli the ii.' ;,iilc,A:t 1 \ ii-i'.J '; • i the crown*

while,That U t'u^ "1J ; ' • <\vn.

•v\-\ for VOM and me my fiHatli something ••• :ndsaml ponce,

Tin :: lei rn humb j pe QUUII idA, little n -•• of -••'•'- •

,i dde,i u-own,

i wn.


DRY GOODS L INE!Useful and Oraamentiil




OOKS.3. K. WfiBiSTER & CO.





,f IRST GiTJ ALITT ,""lyonhandandroreakhy


Buy your N ice aces,Collars, Handkerchiefs,

Gloves, Hosiery,For Presents, at

C. H. Millen's.SAM. JB. UEVKNAliGH

CopieB Old




Yes sir ; ni:l ifyouil, i! in the v.-.!y • >f"; n"ry, it's as 'prettya bit of html as yuu'i! iin.i in Kent coun-'.y. That stretch now nhrart. By tho

- r tfiiag happ.11 tiic track jii.-r th ire thfett yea r i figo,

•";iin,- 'i .. • : , - - -a« q u

ever odme m my way since [*Ve bt-m rail-roading. It occurred In tfeiJa v.-ay; I'll

in tell it, I reckoii.WB have to switoli off for the exp>

the nextstatibn by fora ivhilo.This branch road) you se©, was biiilt

for ti:. . . I was puton us conductor of the firt< train that was•un. By George! hov gine woke;he country up ! rl'li< Delawareans arerciminc Southemera—lnzy and hospita-»le. 'i hoy woeo hosj

:. a wayi immercial peoplebouldntiaml. It, wasn't .'i matter ofit was a home affair to them, like

heir church or tbeir darkies; something0 chuckle .and gossip over andibtrat. The stations used to be crov.-.l. dwith youag fellows in flashy necktee andtheir sweethearts, nice, modest little girls,oaded with cheap finery, wh i ha 1 made

ome down from the in-to see the train go by. Every oldroil the routo thought h o ' o . v i i ligine, (it was tlio General Jackson),

and know each separate oai aa well as ho:lid liis own bulls and sheep. They'dtreat their, wives to a few milerf ride, thteiamo as you town people would rum over;o Europe with j

Ofoonrse, .- at- home here onho road in two w«ots. Everybody cull-

ed me Dick. There were scores of placesdrcp iafor an odd meal.

D to doubt whether they were myuncles and oousfns or Dot. Besid;ian here, after fitly, has no Other bu.-i-less but loafing. All the aid fellows gotroe ]> ;\sookheir cornel rn-fire i'or the

ge-car. There th: y , day• iid told qu< of their

;it nf any-body tl :1 the

hy heart directly. I t was justwhen the peaches wen; in Hooin, "too,when I went on tho road, i wepunching opi u buds with tu; thumbnail,

'kiii£ learnedly ot'J - h andMorris Whites with the rest. Its a curi-ous Bight to pink flush, above the

pritig mud, from ono end of theio the other, and to think thai

is the one matter of lflfe and death to thupeople.

The peaches had come and gone, thoughwhen one day, about a month belbroThanksgiving, an old fellow came onboard with his family, who had ai'or two down to St. George's. I saw at aglanee that he was none of my usualdeal head squid. A thin, wiry old man,whit .-head. (1, but as active as a boy ofsixteen, and with the true Delawknack offinding friends and showing him-self fri 'iidly. He was a reporter on somePhiladelphia penny-paper, and had hisnote-book ou1 evei y-minute, pumping meabout tho Wilmington whipping-post,Sloan's fislibreeding experiment, andabout tha condition of the fre=d negroes.

'Makes items, makes itnms ! " he said.'Pushes the paper wonderfully into lo-:al circulation."

lie had been a doctor cr lawyer, I for-get which, in Xew York, aud was starvedout, he told me, so took up journal]He did not impress me as a man of abili-ty ; and besides, the poor old fellow wasworn out. I t was high time for him toio by and loaf with the others in. thoba-ggage-car.

" > . ••• work, ho said, " p a y slandsomely, compared to my own pro-

D. We get on quite comfortably onmy salary! quite comfortably."

I noticed however, that both ho andhis women folks were thinly and shabbily

I. 1 did not x'ay much atteto the women, but there was a bey,the old man's grandson—a little chap ofbour, that I took an odd fancy to fromthe first. He hail an ugly face, but Ithink one of the most hb'n-st and lovable1 ever saw.

Tanner tnat was the old man's name—fie that he had brought his wife and

daughter down to keep Thanksgiving in:!;i; village, where they had lived yearsbefore.

!" We were ail younger and cheerfullorthen than now,'' he said, '• and I thought,may be, with tlio old place wouldback some of the old feeling. Th.other ways of keeping tho feasts thanwith stuffing the stomach you know."

I thought to myself it would bo as wellif the stomach had its share of rejoicing.Tanner, cheerful and cliirrupy as ho was,looked meager and hunger-bitten. Fourpeople could no! : on eight dol-lars a week, which I found was liis sala-ry. He hired a vacant house for ftmonth. There it is—that one beyond thehill. The family went to housekeepingiu some s >rt ol' way in it, and he use I totun down Friday evenings to stay withthem over Saturday, which is the news-

per men's Sunday, as you know. Wegrew to be very ti iendly. I fell into thehabit of watching with him for Dan,who always oame out on the poroh towait for him, his mother holding him bythe hand I used to wonder if thalittle widow ever let go her hold of thechild, day or night, and once 1 rememberthinking what she would do if the childshould die. One has those queer, idlefancies, you know, lint Dan's motheiwas one of those women who seemed tohave no life outside of one or two peoplethey love.

AVell! Thanksgivii lame, aiTanner was aboard going home, buthad no time to talk to him, as thewas crowded with people who hodup in Wilmington laying in supplithe holiday. Even the passenger*carawere heaped with baskets and bundles.Tanner had his little package, too—•something for Dan I saw hi]into it with 1:is eyes twiltwice. 1 remember b .1 he was

when I brought him a monster turkey lorMrs. Tinner. Tho old lady, althoughshe b an me on the train iwhisked by, had taken an anxfooj ml •)'•

I had ": . , . ; ! ]• of m; y the olmail.

I don't know \ m ie I

Ihey linn'l keep Thanksgiving, orbecause of the honor that folio •feaiembev i i one of thebright M and cheerfullesl of my lif<r. Theivir wasoold and crisp. Ti • red

Us: in the . and sta-tidna there was nothing but good-humorand friendly good wishes. 1 don't I

nous tilings, yet it seemmo that day thai th people oame .withone aooord nonrer f.1. (I «\ 'Thanksgiving. One old gentleman on

• an' idea., I suppose: for,•vii behind him to count my

change, 1 saw him watching the ;>. i i ' I! S -

.i.i, turning to his companion,he said :

"There1:: something very wholesome intho effect of these holidays." Colonel.They awaken men to a sense of depen-

aud gratitude, as a year'ioannol

The other was so long.in replying thaied ap athim.

h mio or ho::ic tie?to give thanks for, t!u: holiday IS Ino doubt.''

It was so queer and cold an athat T felt a curiosity about the man. Hewent back to his nowapa

i ,'!ish one, I uotie.t J . .n totalk immediately about the isilks and linens. J- soon found that hewas largely interested in both ;

1 over a gdo3 part of the world,• i • ' I n, and, as 1 sup-

posed, successfully. Ho had the a i r of a; to command, a n d to a

ifoof. ; middle-agred, stout-ly built man, with a g] in-shaierful face, and shrewd, pL eyos. I

id that through all his converse•1 to avoid seeing the happy groups

of people who were in ing onor off the train; and once, when ain pas id at his cane, he turnedhis back roughly on it. Yet, [ had afancy—I don't know why—thai the peo-ple and Thanksgiving mattered ax \him than any oJ

His friend said to him rjrescntly," You're not well Colonel'( " " Never wasbetter. But the truth is, Venn, this coun-try is all familiar to me, anything whichrecalls old times makes me nervous and

ble. It's a weakness which I willoutgrow probably. If you'll excuse me,I'll go forward." Ho saw mo just then,in,!, touching his hat, asked leave t •m the engine, in order to see the

Now tho rules of the road were•hod enough, but that was a tiling I neverillowed. However, I had taken a euri-riis interest in thi) nian, and I likedis courteous manner, so I nodded and

ivent before him into the baggage car,and over the tender to see himicross. To my surprise, Joe Fenton, ourengineer, met him as an old acquaintJoe had ) . regimentduring the war. i >k hands

. hur-ry to tell that i: d, and the

"hat he stammered. Tho•i laughed, and looked as pleased as

Joe. l ie was a different man from tho.no I had. seen in the car. I wail

moment to point out Brock's model farmto him, when Joo said :

" You used to come down to those partsfishing often, I remember, Colonel! "

"Vur good lady now, sir?

And the child ': Se was as port a young-

The gentleman replied but by a gos-ure with his hand.

" What, both ? " gasped Joo. " Both ? "The Colonel did not speak for a min-

ute, and then he said quietly : " JI/LJ wifewas with me in China. She Bailed with taeihild for home on the Petrel. I was to

follow six months later. The Petrel wentdown. There was no one saved."

Joo said nothing; but presently hoput out his hand nndsmoothid the oldman's sleeve. It was just such a thing asa woman would do.

The Colonel added hastily, as if afraidhe would betray any emotion. " I'm onmy way West now, in search of rny fath-er, who has left Xew England. Peopleare easily lost sight of in America ."

" That's a fact, sir," said Joe, and tb.cnhe and I began to talk about the e.glad to get back to her. We had noright to meddle with a grief like that.

I went back to tho car again, until wecame to that hill ahalf-mile beyond Tan-ner's hotise, when I stepped back to theengine. I had an u iling some-how about leaving the man there. Wehad lost time, and were going at full

. when Joe gave a horrible oath", andat tho same ti thing fluidown on the track from the bank, not ov-er twenty yards ahead. The next, I J*wthat it was a child, that ii was Dan,laughing and running, with both handsstretched out, to me STou know,sir, how long a minute like that lasts. Ihad time to hear Joe's mud whistle fordown brakes shrieking out through thehills, and to thiuk it was like the yell of adevil, and to thank God that Tanner wasin the ba< k of the train, and could not

:. it. v. e nroul i have to see, and yet itll but a breath of time.

I t was too late. Tho engine did notslacken, and the child was hurryingtoward it. Then I saw its mother abovethe bank, running down the iieid. Shehad missed Dan, aud would be in sightbefore

I remember Joe's lips were white. Yetho sat as cool as could be, " I twoideath, I reckon, but—if a man couid onlyswing himself down from the cow-er "

I pushed forward, but the Colonel heldme back.

" I've nothing to lose," and as swift asa cat he passed round the ledgethrew himself headlong down on tntrack in front.

I shut my eyes. "-. lie and thewhole train thundortd pn, Blackened atlast, ami stopped. I remeiuhjt how slow-ly I clim ed down and looked over to afield. 1 did not kuow what I wouldt r e a d i l l .•

The p iople poured out off ho (rain. Inthe clay lay tho Oolofie] .ik • 01 o ''e idclear out of the track, sir. Hechild alive and unhurt, still clutched inboth hands. He was only stun i • 1, an Icame to in a moment, and stool iidid not see. I to the train, or the menabout him; nothing but the boy, over\,-h;j<e face he was lias-an;.- I,is b

" Ood Almighty I" he-cried. "Us my

Then I • mother dowio n t h e g r o u n d w i t h b i ' i a i i e

and poor old 1.pulling at hi and crying,

"Jaokj J iI saw how it wag in a flash and made i

i motion to Joo to v ruing, amted " Al] : :" ' ' i. :i. Tel

minutes la1..- !" Though l'iiworld to wring the . hand. It

joioing for i. in.Though I've got no better f 11

tlio Colonel and his father. Joe and 1 gothere as oi'ien us Thanksgiving i

1. No one ever speaks of that day,but i: . Yon-der is their house —s o i id the

i 'i He's o:i the en-gine, sir. Passengers not allowed on the

Bt. George's! TickeLs '.--il.'rlh andJljiue.

TheNfghi i6Battle ofBY \ I \-\-

That night there was a cry of alarm••ii o f

..I communitiesthat lay around Boston, and dying i

ist and the wiiemen gal] t the

line off t larm!alarm! There c-liingtroops coming K rough the

ing-li • re was hen-an.I. there theof a drum, and the ass-. :.

farmers with theif v. Bo all thatnight there was marching, Imustering, there was trouble: andthe road from Boston, a steady march of

.s' feet unwai'l, onward into theland whose last warlike disturbance' had

when tiie n I • is trod it.nnius )n .. | knew, lii-

rest, that it was the sound of comingwar, "Fools that lain are!" said he, asho rose from bod and looked out at the

stars; " they do not livo longenough to know1 the value and pjirnlife, else they would combino together tolive long, in-t.ad of thrown;; av.-iythelives of t e m ad I- :'s t icy do And whatmatters a little tyranny m so short a life. .-What matters a form of government forsuch ephemeral crea'tu

As morning brightened, these solthis clamor,—or something that was intae air and caused the clamor,—griloud that Soptiiniu .. : . .even in his SOHtude. iu the at-mosphere;—storm, v itemont, asoming deed. Men huirie i along theusually lonely road in groups, with ,

in their hands, - the old fowling-ofsoven-foot b.mvl, . ich the

I'uritans had shot ducks on the river an :Walden Pond; tho heavy barquwhich perhaps had leveled one of KingPhilip's Indians; the old Bang gun,blazed away at th • French of Loniior Quebec,—hunter, husbandman, all.vere harrying each other. I t was a good;inio, everybody felt, to b-j alive, a nkindred, a closer sympathy between m vaand man; a sense of the goodness of theworld, of tho sacredness of country, ofthe excellence of life ; and yet its slightsvecount compared with any truth,principle ; tho weighing of the materialand ephemeral, and tho finding tho for-mer not worth considering, when, nevor-

l, it had so much to do with themeat of the crisis. Tho ennobling

of brute force ; the feeling that it had itsjrodlike side; the" drawing of heroicbreath amid the scenes of ordinary life, sothat it seemed as if tl: y had all boon

figured since yesterday. O, high,loroic, tremulous juncture, when man:elt himself almost an angel; on the

..-.'.rdly lookidish! O, strange rapture of tho

joining battle ! We know something ofthat time now; wo that havo seeu the

village sol on thong house green, and at railway sta-

tions ; 1 the dni!. , andseen the. farewells; seen the familiar facesthat we hardly knew, now that WO feltihcin to bo heroes ; breathed higher 1for their Bakes; felt our eyes moisten-ed ; thanked thorn in our souls for irig us that nature i i yet capable of hcro-c moments; felt how a great impulseifts up a people, and every cold, passion-

• ^different spectator, -lifts him upnto religion, and makes him join in

what becomes an act of devotion, a pray-er, when perhaps ho but half approves.—


Hunting Walrus in the Arctic.A correspondent writes to tho Now

Bedford Standard :" For the past three nr four years the

North Pacific whaling fleet have boontaking walrus in the months of Ju!August, as tho whales iu those months gointo the ice an I around Point Barrow,out of the reach of iall the years.from ISi'J to lfclGT whaihad let the walrus alone or had takenvery few. In 1 hip's" oomied taking walrus, and did quite well, se-curing from 200 to 000 walrus and daing half as many more. In 1number of ships were engaged in thebusiness, but in 1870 the whole ileet (withtwo or three exceptions) ' went in ' andtook all they could. Probably not lessthan 50,000 walrus, with thoir young,were killed and destroyed. The pasty a r three-fourths of the ileet were en-

aged iu tho business, but the walruswero shy, and had gone far into the ice,and they did not do so well. Shipmasters

send their boats twenty to twenty-live miles to find them.

"Tho Arctic walrus aro nearly allfemales, who go into the Arctic iu thesummer months to bring forth and nursetheir young, which the mothers are veryfond of and attached to. They will never

0 their young, but will take themaud hold them to thoir

• destroyerputting their sharp. Jances through andthrough them, and the blood is streamingfrom every side, uttering the most heart-rending and piteous cries, until they die ;and then the little oue must starve, un-less the whaleman can thrust his lancethrough it and send it to tho bottom.This is one of the most cruel occupthat I know of, and many a humanewhaleman has,ieltguilty an,I' .

.iid it. Xuo" walrus average abouitwenty gallons of oil and four pounds ofivory.

•• !,.;: ; : lure of the bn• i. the natives of tha entire Arctic

shores, from Cape Thaddeusin the AnidirSea, to the farthest point north, a shoreof more than a thousand miles rat the west-

island of St. I :' V. -, the smaller ones of Diomed ami1 [glands, all thickly inhabited, and

our o\ of Northern Alaska, arenow :. a lent upon thei'or tie Lr food, clothing, boots and dwvll-

Twenty years ago whales wereplenty and easily caught; but they havebeen driven north, so that now the na-tives seldom get a whale. This is a sadstate of things for them. The questionnow is, shall'our whalemen keep on tak-ing the walrus and eventually starve and

pulate these Arctic shores? I t willcertainly conic to that soon. Althey a're starving or on the point of star-vat: . . ;: . **

reral captains lately arrived hometold me '.'; w natives 30 or

40 miles tYo.ij land, on the ice, trying tocatch a walrus to eat, and living on the

• . • ... h a d;. What must, these poor crea

nter, with no whale or walrus rptain Barker, who was shipwreck-

i winter with them I ••;i hat they were upon the very

I ion in many plaoesI r u s b e i n g i -.••• a n d

that ho was ashamed of himself to1 in the

most of thearrived home, and they tell the samestory."

Horse History.Horses have figun

earliest times. In Holy Writ we ftnflthem prominent in connection w itfa

ad warfare, and in the mythologyyptians, • Greeks and Romans

. 1 with deeds of st;and nolle strife. Tho setilptuev; li and Thebes bear clearly dchara-tei'S of them, and in all thfl'jords of t'

rather ranked ainong thechampions of nations. As juohs a n g o f h i m , a n d iS. : i j i i u r - o , i i y ione or tw. : was sub-

! tb servile sorv; i.The cavalry ©f th ! KnS was re-

bbe most I > h i ftheir service. .Solomon hud, in la.s ownstalls, Foi ty th msand i b riolliis traffic in fin i : this kind waa

an 1 selling largely to thand '•• \ tinehorses at averaged "onehundred and fifty shekel? of silver each,"or about one hu lUaTS. Thilield as a price1 of ao inconsiderable pro-portions, wiiich command t ma-

vial to be had in tbe .unu ui1 highbredand spirited o.ni;

It ig believi 1 that hor intro-i into Jitrypt by tin- sWpl

about the fcinxo of Abraham; Ihfl mostiHieient Egyptian sculptures boartraces of th in.

The Greeks n iirersand swift hbrSOBj nr.d racing was a

favorite pastime with them. Homtrsaysof Achilles that, above |

. •;, l ie w a s .chariot racing. Thes'saly, hisC mutry, was famed for wealth, ci\tion, and horsemanship, long lufore Ho-mer's fckaa. The people i wereprobably tho first, among the Gr. ileast, 'red any skill as eques-

, and adapted the horse to the pur-of w ufare. \. I b.e fa-

ble that Thessalj was oriyiually inhabit-ed. 1 y

Tho "Olympic games"of tho Greeks,in whioh feats in horsomanship and char-iot-racing formed tie i ling attrnction,

attended by the kings and hifrom all part i of Greece and r

; countries, and the interest ialike by all, ci ly popular

ion of our day. I


rinse them in cold water, and standin tho wind or in a hot place to dry. Forwashing finger marks from looking-glass-es or windows, put a few drops of ammo-nia on a moist rag an workof it. If you wish your house plants toflourish, put a few drops cf spirits ofammonia in every piiii of water uwatering. A tcaspooiiful in a

: will add much to the rcfrcsh-leet.-i of a bath. Nothing is I

lh;.n ammonia-water for cleansing thehair. Iu i • rinse the ammoniawith clear water.— !;

Farming as p Moral Foree.At a recent meeting of the New York

is' (,'iii'o, Dr. J, V. C. Smitibcussed " Farming as a Moral Force'' inthis wise:

Then; is, lit; said, one peculiarity dis-able among i n ;i: as which timo is

calculated to corroot, that is to-s tiie full enjoyment of .tho

of their industry. Too many of thec r a f t s e e m t o be aiii'iit.ioi.. i they

•. an.T pul pend-ents on a course of foginion that wouldnot be satisfactory were it imposed uponthem by otfa

To glftan the land and depriveself of tho luxuries that constitute thopi i.l" of ft market is voluntary exohing what [uire, totmjiicy, w^ich, tfhen tiiat is a govern-

. . tiered f a others toenjoy whoiBftithe* know nor circwhat source it was accumulated, i'.n-donco is a virtue, and should be encour-

:d both by preoept and example; but• i••. ;• vise w;;on a dispositiota to

hoard the comforts and eonven-• ismotis

s h o u l d i i v e g e n . - o i i - ! v . o • -I p r o -duets of 1 iii. If (heir taWosare terved with what will not sell, their

* ,.i never develop to a standard ofiuteUig.-uco on which the success of farm-ing positively depends; and theirchildronwill have t.-..iui.:i i • i i i them an in-

ity for attaining distinction in anyof the hig life. Tiiero isbut a feeble exhibition of brain-power

tho stom I ecu i\-s;h ibitually to inappropriate diet. Nutri-tion must l.dant to supply the various organs of thebody with elements necessary to tho full

lion of their functions. The far-•.,':o rniunly subsists on a

:. . l of Commerce.

of Olympiad i food,_because he imag-ttory upon which their wholo chron

1, and from which period all otherLeading events were dated.

Tho horse occurs on some standards.ins of past periods as well as .

present day. On tho coins of tho Hin-doos, of E Mstria and Ceylon, and those oftlio Sak kings of Luvashtra, ho is con-spicuous. Ossian describes tho standardof the kings and chiefs of clans, in earlyEnglish times, when tho king's standardbore tin! figure of a white horse.

England owe.; to Arabia the possof her improved aud aow unrivaled brood

••os, adapted for tin; turf, field, androad. Tho Arabian horses are divided1

into two great branches: the Kadischi,decent is unknown, aud the Koch-

lain, of whom a written genealogy

.horses, and are valued at high rftt.03."They are said to havo originated fromKing Solomon's studs, and their power ofendurance aro marvelous, being able toencounter tho most trying fatigues,to endure tho severest privations of food.They are also spoken of as exhibiting un-common courage ia the tace of the enemyiu battle, and the degree of intelligencethey manifest on such occasions is trulystriking. Often, when his rider has fall-en iu battle, tho noble steed baa careful-ly wat h d beside him until assisstancehas arrive.!, frequently neighing to at-tract attention to the

Tho Kochlahi are neither largo norhandsome, but amazingly swift. Thewhole race is divided in several faroach of which has its proper name,

of these liavo a higher reputationthan others, on account of their ancientand uncontaminated nobility.

In England there are two millions oflit and plasure horses, besides one

hunatod thousand agricultural i.'i history records that out of everycolts from thorough-bred

but one pri' • . A horse whoseeejis eight generations in duration

without any base admixture, is consider-ed thorough-bred,

The number of horses in Eusgreater in proportion to the pop-.:than it is in the greatest horso region oftiiis country, which is Kentucky. J.has one horse to every three personswhile Kentucky has ono horse to aboutfour and a half of its population.

Historical records show that up to 1<J32there were no horses iu Xew England,and their introduction into New N(lands, now New York, occurred during

listrafion of Gov. Yon T-willer,in 1633-38: Trumbull's History of Con-necticut mentions tho horso as aoeoni-panying emigrants from Massachusetts to

State, October 25th, 1636, Tho firsthorse seen iu Canada was brought tu thatcountry fn in a. ship which ar-

l K:, J u n e ^";li, lt'> t7.I t iff estimated that then: aro now m

this country eight millions of 1.I at between two and three thous-

and millions of dollars'(a sum ample topay the nation i,l debt): The hiprice reoe tually paid for anyone horse \. : it is saidthat §150,000 would not liavo bought

liSteur" at h: :•. K li.'.n. In thisry "Lexitr'1 o" sold for •i?!5,000,

• .10 of his s since sold for', whilo • • d for

'• SXambrino Pilot" has tempted tho of-fer of $3U;000 without success, and "Ham-blotonian," whoso death at an advancedage, was recently announced, commanded

100 a short time before. Dexterbrought $33,000. There arc some seventythousand horses in this country, says l ie -

's recent work, worth from $8,000 to$10,000 eai h. A r. . ant estimate has iixed the probable valuation of hor-

Vorkcity, embracing all olasi

ines ho cannot afford to consumo any-

thatthing that would sell for a profit,far more than ho can ever gain bypolicy.

I t is said one reason why farming, isnot looked upon with more interest inIreland, but perhaps unjustly, is b•••

engaged iu it a t kblp p y

engaged iu it arc not remarkablefor intelligence. Certain it i:

fd lg

laborers there are fed principally on po-tatoes; but when th

L'nite.l States,where it is customary to have a vancondiments and a m i x d diet f

ana salt, they chin .id exhibit

Ammonia in the Household.Ammonia is valuable for many ;

cal purposes in tho economy of the house-hold. Chemists are profoun 1 concerning

live article in its all-importanin the economy of nature ; but

farmers' wives throughout tho countryreally know but very'littlo of tho niani-

i a pint o:spirits koTpt in tl bottlted and la-

. The following an; among these1'Vir washing paint, put a tablespoonfuin a quart of mod.eratoly hot water, dipin a flarini

will i'or taking gfrom any

nearly pur y white blotting pa-ly. Ii

I of w a rmix two t- in a

. of hot soit, using an old nail

or tooth pui-nose. Forshake

the brushes up and down in a mix!ono teaspoonful of ainmouia tp a pint

ycondiments, and a mixed diet of iand v iusive

exhibit; bold

deterniin iti i quite 1 ; wouldhavo 1 ir social, intel-


that a fanner may advance tho interof society, ho must p .se qualifi-oati >'.is which com; . set. ilisknowledge of ti •.vhich ho isdevoted, is regarded with attention by

ovo their owncondition by following his example.Next, with a reputation for being dis-ireet; a safe counselor i:i whatever ap-

pertains to the manag. onent of his pro-perty makes him a : men,whose acqui give stability to in-stitutions with which he may bo connect-ed, and thus a moral force accompanies(ill" his acts, aijd his moral influence is arich investment for : ty.

In conclusion, Dr. Smith expressed the' that farmers should have more so-

dal intercourse with each other. I tI immensely redound to their ad-

vmfige to visit fanning districts at adistance, for the purpose of seeing howother peoj ad loam by observa-tion their procei I modes. No bot-h r investments could bo made than toimprove ono's self by studying thosemeans which others liavo pursued for thoattainment of comfort, intelligence, andindependence. Although Dr. Franklinasserted thai

"He tlvit by tye plough wonld tlirivc,IrlitkBdlf must eitl

driving and ploughing t.re not all. Ifknowledge is power, let no opportunitybe omitt.u for garne'riug in the sugges-tions, the I the expeof thoso who have better opportuthan ourselves. We i be quali-fied for exercising a moral force in con-nection with our ordinary puvsuits,

;ized in the annaU of mod-ern Christian civilization as a high and

iflod mission. A well-informed far-mer is qualified for almost any position,since ho cannot bo otherwise than a gen-tleman, and in the United States, as itmust be eventually recognized every-where, moral ivorth is more precious than

litary titles or wealth without ster-ling integrity. A good farmer is gener-ally a good man, and when his labors onearth ai'o finished, like tho low descend-ing snn, '•seems larger at his goindown."

TheChnrcb ttt gf, Isaac's.Th.' oh rditice in North-

er.". Ei I lie Church ofStPater magnificence ofbronzi •••-brown gr. •; fashioned into a Gothic instead of an J

ii might hi • Ue gran-.';orld. It I by Ale;

I, and completed and dedicated wiltho splendor of the t i monial afterthe accession of tho presc ir. Amillion dollars were expended withing pilo3 for its foundation, and untol"

lavished upon the •drat itself. Built of Finland granite, inthe usual form iits four pidi - iof massive sti ps—-each flight cut fsinglo stone—to the four entrancos, thpillars of H loliths,larger than those of the 1on, and akin to tho columnsGenii for i i Temple of tho

and Corinthiancolunigroups ill'.. iptural bwhich fill I

mtindome, led 1 ' imes at the

I of tho roof, and supporlthirty granite pilaid with gold, and sun; with ;

-s, which in faior tin

t plains. i twilighand lamps

! pic

of moof the tall eolam ' ' lapi

tore the im L'his shriu•1 in o •

lorneiwith gold, while everyw lei amporpl • win te-ver raro and beautit'ul mati'i'i . i furuish, are wrought, in

o. to Uot on in Life.

A young man writes to us (hit he hashad 1 ii y incd, WO suppose' ttsclerk or book-keeper, during vrhi'rh timri

i the siii.'i total of i*7"», which11. He; wishes til settle- iu some

growiBj own and grow up withit He is evidently ginoere, a.nd his let-

bat ho is not deficient in abil-1 simse. Wo there-

• to him plainly that success inlife do way. No manfinds a fortune-by bbanoe, nor can ho"grow" into a sta.i i of prosperity Werelyby planting hiir.seh' in a fresh, virginsoil. Jv*. :viiong iii life worth having is

i ml acquired through soveroIf-deaial. I t is a groat mis-

t:ike to suppose thai tho failures of efspi"in this line COUK; from adverse sur-

roundings. C.'^iinlstanees havo much'io with niatorinl prosperity than

is generally supposed. Favoring condi-tions may u • the acquisition of

.'•', but the same application with;;ial will givuantoo the final result

Utiong. There aro pxcep-tiona of cours • ; but this is tho rule. Aman wit' out a f.unily, who h is be n tdil-

V or'c for ten yens, and haslaid up Int. $78; would not " grow up "nto anything better, even amid thostimulus of th ! -.vou-lerful activity whichmarks the youth of a thriving town. Thoaccretion th upon a man whowaits to grow up by outward helps, is on-1}'tho Overlaying PUS* and canker that

ifl vitals. Tho true growth ishich comes from within, and cm-

. ' v iii (lie earnest effort.Neatly all of our young men make tho

1 which our correspondentj end too largo a propor-

:OTI o; tor ado:-nia-nts a'id• thy indulgence-©f the !>as"r appe-

• clothes, jewelry, cigars, li-nn; hunting, and otWer costly

uside'ra-bJe j.ortien of thoir aunual income. Woheard <i man spoken of the oth»rdny asono who had been remarkably " lucky "'u estjili iliir.g himself in a comfortableh"Wu-\ and that was tho only word used

iiguish between him ftnfl an afso-oiate who had more brilliant talents, but,:'ailed of succoss.|Thore was*no luck in thonatter, for we knew them both. They

both were married, and both were with-out children, and each of thorn enteringipon a salary of $1,000 per annum, wentibout tho same time to look for board inBrooklyn. " The unfortunate man " tookboard for himself an I wife ai $20 a weok,which ho sail was the cheap ist at whichhe could get a comfortable room in afirst-class house. Tha '• lucky" man.ooked for some timo, until ho foundclean, healthy quarters in a third-storyroom,;. ik t'or tho pair, his wifeo do her own sweeping and make horiwn b >d. He lived within his income,,nd laid up money from the start; tho

other ran into debt and bocamo embar-the hour. These is no secret

.n such histories; ho who runs m-iy realthorn. If any one assumes that the no-

:tis to enjoy iife as wo go, and:hat the acquisition of an estate, tho'ounditiou of which i-s laid in (?arly solf-leiiial, and the structure built in patienttoll, with tin; same prevalent spirit ever

. is an ignoble ambition, we shalllot argue the ease. But v. tint

, >_id surely in no other v,\;y. m.l irknowing what it will cost,

will not pay tho price for it, he shouldnot grumble at tho fates, nor murmur at

discriminating Providence.

of hot •VYatorj'v oration

Silk Culture.The Boston A -avs: Fvory-

hiug h u >N use it Is sen ', but it has longbeen wondered fjr what purpose in tha

I plan was created the ailan-thus tree, with its horrible effluvia, shun-n d by man and beast, and ironicallyailed tho " tree of heaven." The ques-

tion lias at last been answered, and it has•ecu discovered that indigenous to North-

ern China is the bombi/.r njn'lti • feedingxclusively on the leaves o? this troe.

The cultivation of tho cynthia has beensuccessfully introduced into this country,tmd fino specimens are on exhibition,grown in tho open air on Staten Island,as well as handsome skeins manufacturedfrom them. The city of Brooklyn, then,with its ailanthus lined streets, will pro-bably soon claim the title of the " city ofsilk." Tho yama-mai from Japan and

rngi from China feed upon theleaves of the oak. The hom'iynx moriis amullborry-feeder, but it has boon foundthat it will feed equally well on the leav-es of the osage-orange, producing a co-coon of a beautiful lemon color. Thoughthe mulberry silk is more valuable, thocultivation of these species appears to bomore desirable, in that it is attended withbut little expense, as they are hardy andrequire comparatively no attention,whereas tho mulberry feeders must botended with constant care and watchful-

The si'ik manufacturing interest in thiscountry is assuming immense propor-

n d bids fair to rival tho cotton in-•'i x;.nt. Tie rear* numerous man-

ufactories in this State ; Now Jersey hassixteen.factories and seventy-five thous-and spindles ; fifteen hundred operativesfind employment in the silk manufactor-ies of Philadelphia, while five miliiondollars are invested in this business inConnecticut. Tho Cheney Brothers, i'iHartford, alone i -. fif-teen hundred yards of dj ess silk and four

ail yards of other dress goods, intothe mauui ivhich silk outers, be-

uge quantities of ribbons and sow-ing-silks. Tho quantity of silk importedto'meet the wants of this constantly in-creasing industry must amount to manymillions yearly, and be success-fullycultivatod in this country iucalcu*lablo sums will be saved-

How Tobacco W . < n ihe Teeth.Looking at the thousands.and tens of

thousands who indulge in the use of to-; i .:10th. !-, t h e

quostion very "•• • sts itself,D8 of thousands

understand fully the offcot of this habit•. ;it dental

ntion the action of chewing tobac-co on tho teeth v. itely dis-

;;n 1 with conclusions very farfrom heir.g satisfactory to the habitual

Four ounces a wi atccnand a half pounds a your, or in twenty-

id wouldhold of '• hard stuff mingled with sand,copperas, impure molasses, olive nil, chipsand filth, the sweat ir. 111 men's hands,the impurities from their bodies, saliva.,

the concentrated diit and nof all kinds," is the quantity consumed bya habitual bhewer.

The effect shown tobe both mechanical and chi tuical. Spoak-

tlical effects, the quest ionwas a Ited what force would bo required

ad reduce to fineness thoti ..• hundred pounds of tha black mixture

1, tobacco, etc., and the reply wasthat it would require ilicn-tion of many thousand pounds for n.outh;.Tho burred mill-stbi labor-ately a.ud finely tempered engraver'swould wear out in t'! "What,tiieu," demanded the speaker, "inist bethe effect of so much grinding upon thefinely arranj aahi-el of th . of our tico-chewing race prepared to answergo, we shall bo pleased to heat from them.—Vliiladdph in No:

OOKS. BOOKS.media.aadl.org/documents/pdf/michigan_argus/...· I to inspire fear and awe rather than hopo and love. God would speak to me more charmingly on tho: iky, with it wind - [PDF Document] (2)

Michigan Tourists Abroad.The party under ohvge of Mrs. Iritono,

of Kalamazoo, which has been making a" grand tour," seoms to attract nuicli at-tention and admiration froiu foreignersand travelers. The party, U will be re-membered, i» composed of 14 young la-dios, five of whom are from Detroit an<lMichigan, the others from New Yorkand Philadelphia. The New York Jkr-i.M, in a letter dated •* Alexnndrin, haatho following concerning Mis6 Columbia'sOdyssey, as it terms the party.

"*A novelty among American travelersabroad will induce tho derision of thereader, because the American is himself anovelty to foreigners,, notwithstandinghe h is beon on exhibition for nearly acentury. But what shall be said of aparty of H young ladies, traveling ovexEurope, Asia and Africa, matronized bya lady instructor, in order that they maylearn from the great book of human, life-'iBeing ill Milan some weeks ago I had' anopportunity to observe an itinerant sem-inary, composed of inoro than a dozen ofthe fairest of our American girls, in chargeof Mrs. Stone. The young ladies variedin age from 14 to 21, and represented ev-ery quarter of tho Union, typifying allshades of innocent beauty. Their namesare as follows: Miss Xnney X. Sanborn,Miss Krina M. Fuller, Miss Emin;t Ethe-ridgo, Miss Caroline C. Bexteoh, Miss Liz-zie Bell Fuller, Miss liancy A. Sanborn,Miss Gertrude Thomas, Miss Flora BellaHuyzan, Miss Kate E. Mitchell, Miss Le-na M. Gould, Miss Clara A. Avery, MissKatie C. Baxter, Miss Mary T. Mc-Naughtou, Miss LucindaH. Stone.

" This party left New York nearly ayear ago, under the supervision of Mrs.tstone ; and for male protection they haveMr. H. G. Gilbert and a courier, who at-tend to all the details of traveling. Theyfirst made a tour through Ireland, wherethey were greeted with the generous hos-pitality which only an Irishman can of-fer, and then passing through Sootlandvisited England, France, Germany,Switzerland and Italy. Of course suchan aggregation of young and attractivegirls, blushing with health and vitality,attracts the curious gaze of the astonish-ed European, who can little understandwhy a young lady should have anythingboyond a shallow property in music anddomestic accomplishments. Still, ittouches a new system for educating theAmerican young lady, and which, fromtho results already achieved, is worthy ofthe highest commendation. It is simplytaking the nndeveloped girl from tlieclose and deleterious airs of the school-room and acclimatizing her to the healthyair of Ireland or the hot, feverish weatherof Africa..

" With, her history and guide-book ather olbow, she visits the very scenes de-scribed in Roman history ; sue climbs theAlps; wanders in solitudes which herfavorite poets have immortalized, and byturns becomes gay at tho carousals otgreat capitals, and serious and thought-ful in tho stately palaces and imposing ]cathedrals. The most famous ruins, the Igrandest living works of art and greatnatural wonders movo before her youngappreciative eye; she beholds and admires.bue is a true traveler, because s'n•• insnot come abroad when her t.isto lias be-come neglected by age, or her apprecia-tion ckillud by domestic ties. iShu movesin the poetry of domestic travel, andwithout that girlish instinct her ideasmust very much resemble those of MurkTwain. I have rarely, I might suy nev-er, seen a collection of such fresh looking

' girls as compose this party. They all en-joy their long excursion, and do not fa-tigue by travel. Now it is Venice for a,week, then Venice and Milan, lundinurksfamous in literature, churches and scen-ery that are in the knowledge ouly ofthose of special culture are visited, andthe good Madame takes care that the la-dies do not leave without ample instruc-tion. Thus it is that they learn what cannever be forgotten, impressions whichwill serve them to become accomplishedwomen in the drawing room. Why cannot the system become popular? It has

~ot a very expensive system of instruc-tion.

" The young ladies have been over-whelmed with pleasant adventures. Up-on arriving in Egypt they met the Em-peror of Brazil, and expressing to hisMajesty their desire to have his auto-graph, the trans-Atlantic sovereign im-aiediately sent for the entire party, andspoke a few words to each, at the sametime presenting his photograph, duly en-dorsed. By the same fatality, whon theyoung ladies visited the pyramids, a pho-tographer was employed in taking a neg-ative of Don Pedro, with tho mammothmausoleums in the background. Theseminary was consequently takuii at thesame time, and the Emperor declaredthat he could wish nothing to remainimmortal except a picture which hadfixed him in the company of such acharming vdc—not even the pyramidsthemselves. Whereupon the acquaintancewas renewed, and each young lady wasdeclared a national princess. A weekago, the party, conducted by a dragomansailed from the port for Bcyrout, whence,they will go overland to visit tho Savior'stomb. While at Cairo they received dis-tinguished courtesies from Consul-Gene-ral Butler. At this time one might thinkit dangerous to move recklessly aroundthe Levant, when cholera is spreadingand quarantines are established in nearlyevery harbor,yet the young ladies go ev-erywhere, and really there is no danger.

If the .sanitary condition of Constanti-nople permits they will visit the capitalof the Turkish empire ; going thence tothe Danube will completo their view ofEurope. It is safe to say that no partythat has been abroad has made a betterimpression than this- fa mily of prettyAmerican nii.-ses."

Motley aii I Sclienck.One of thes J is a typo of character repul-

sive to Gonjr.il Grant, while tho otherenlists his a frictions and sympathies.

One is a- gjntlemau of education andpuro moral tone, against whom neitherenvy nor nuilice has over ventured toooin disho I .ring pecuniary insinuation*;the other is a rough-and-ready Rop&bli-can politician whose Career has not beennice and whoso money record is fur fromunstained.

One had for his friend ill the SenateMr. Stunner, a statesman—though with afaulty pclitioal record in the Dense of theConstitution, but one which harmonizedat every point with the tenets of his par-ty creed—whoso pecuniary chastity inpublic matters was known and admittedby all. The other has for a champion inthe same body Mr. Stewart, whose sharpand intelligent cjv it is equally wellknown never wanders far from his trousers pockets. Argument um ad crumeiuim istho form of logic he best comprehends.He is the chief promoter of the Emmamine, and chief organizer of th I schemeto float tho enterprise on tho Londonmarket with the name and in lorsementof the American minister, and to w_ichscheme Mr. Schenck lent a greed ear.

One had for his Senate supporter astatesman who had bravely en ounteredand throttled executive corruption in theform of the Santo Domingo job, and ex-posed to public gaze a fuddled chief mag-istrate porsistently calling the Committeeof Foreign Affairs the Judiciary Commit-tee, whereby he incurred the unappeas-able wrath of the White Hou 18, whichexpelled him from tho chairmanship ofthe former. The other has for a hench-man in the Senate a member of a fr.-slOyraisod committee which is relied up >n towhitewash executive tilth so as to makeclean the outside of the dish and platterwhich " within is full of extortion audexcess."

The friend of ono is a student unprac-tised in the corrupt and corrup'.ing cur-rents of Washington, while the vindica-tor of the other knows every rock andheadland of that dangerous navi Ration.

As a consequence Motley, as tit for hisoffice when removed as when appointed,was ejected therefrom with sucTindecenthaste that the ocean cable was called inaid to secure his confessed humiliation.Why such unscem'y haste no man has yetbeen able to see, who rememb tn thatwh ite\er injury Mr. Motley did hid beenremedied, and its recurrence preventedby taking away all possibilities of againmarring the Alabama negotiation, unlessthe object was to deal Mr. Sumner a foulblow under the belt.

But Schenck, whoso act involves notonly personal but public dishonor, is per-mitted to go uncensured. Nor thata'one. The administration publicly pro-claims no diminution of it.1 esteem andcordial regard for him.

" Look here upon this picture, rind on this !"Sumner denounces corruption; Stew-

art sustains it. The administrationstrikes down the former with Uotiey, andupholds the latter with Suhenck.

Verily, " where the car ass is there willtho eagles be" of tho adm'nistration.—N.Y. Wvrld.

The Confederate Cotton ROIHI* Claims.The London Telegraph says editorially:We feel no surprise at the announce-

ment from Washington that the Britishand American Commission has declinedto admit the liability of the United Statesfor the debts contracted by the Confed-erate States. This decision, of course,shuts out the claims advanced by tho un-fortunate holders of Confederate cottonbonds, who have so long agitated forsomething like a recognition of the loan.Nothing else was to be expected. I t does,not at all matter whether the bondhold-ers' committee were right in the suspi-cions which they expressed to Lord Gran-ville, that the rejection of their demandswas a prearranged conclusion. The sira-plo truth had bettor bo frankiy admittedat once. It was absurd to suppose thaitho Americans would ever admit such aclaim. Wo have only to put ourselvesin their pontion, and to suppose an anal-gous case. If a Fenian insurrection oc-curred in Ireland and managed to main-tain itself largely through p. omriarr aidcontributed by American sympathizers,and if on the suppression of the revoltthose citizens of the United States whohad lent to the ringleaders, asked us toreimburse the amount, we should receivetho application in a way that mero con-tempt would hardly exgreM; We sin midno doubt decline to discuss the matter.

The Ohio Liquor Law.Tho Chicago Journal says :.Tho " Ohio I3.WV* which has passed one

branch of the Illinois Legislature andwill probably beocme the Illinois law,is a very different matter from tho " Mainelaw." The latter was an absurd attemptto abolish drunkenness by tin: impossibleprocess of legislative omnipotence, and ofcourse has everywhere proven a failure.The more sensible "Ohio law" proposessimply to make liquor dispensers respon-sible in pecuniary damages for the wrongami injury of which they may be tho im-T-diatp cause. Instead of a fautttioal andimpractical de^ioe to abolish the evil.it isa very practicable proposition to holdthe evil-doer pecuniarily responsible forti'e evil done. Its-object is not to pre-vent injustice, which is an achievementnot in tho power of human legislation ;but to provido the way of doing justice 1 ypunishing Injustice, which is the mostmat human laws can. over hope to achieve.

Civil Service Reform.The depth and breadth of tiie proposed

civil service reform was illustrated in theprofessions of the President's special mes-sage to Congress. To-day they are ful-filled in the slight extent they cover byorders issued by him to the old commis-sion requesting them to reassemble heronext week as an advisory board to super-vise and regulate all examinations for ap-pointments to the civil servico. In ac-cordance with, tho suggestion of the com-mission the President will also appoint asa legular examining board, throe personsfrom each of the departments of the gov-ernment, who will personally conduct allexaminations of applicants, being gov-erned in their actions by such regulationsas may be from time to time establishedby the advisory board. I t is probablethat the duties of tho latter board will notuc t,u^n as to require a continuous session,but that it will only be necessary for themto meet at stated seasons. Tho proposedreform, it will thus be seen, is entirelyprospective, and does not apply, except infilling vacancies and in promotion, to thepresent condition of the service. For in-stance, it cannot work a single reform inthe Now York or New Orleans Custom-houses.

Secretary Boutwell issued a circular let-ter to-day to collectors of customs, requir-ing them to select a board to examine allapplicants for future appointments in ac-cordance with the rules provided by theCivil Service Commission ; but all suchexaminations in detail or result are to besubmitted for approval to tho Secretary.Other Cabinet officers will probably issuesimilar orders in a day or two. There isno telling, however, where all tho ex-ceptions to tho application of these ruleswill end. The whole detective force ofthe secret servico of the Treasury, it wasdecided to-day, need not come within therules.

One of the rules prepared by the CivilService Commission and adopted by thePresident requires that all postmastershereafter appointed, whose salaries mayamount to $200 per annum or over, shallbe subject to test of competitive examina-tion. A list has now been completed inthe Post Offioo Department showing thatthe total number of such offices is 5,109.When vacancies occur in the larger of-fices the rule of promotion is to be appliedif any subordinate therein is found to befitted after examination. In case of fail-ure to pass examination, or absence ofsubordinates desiring promotion, the |of-fice will be open for public competition.In addition to this class of offices thebooks of the department show that thereare about twenty-five thousand postmas-ters whose salaries do not amount to twohundred dollars per annum. These ap-pointments will continue to bo made up-on simple applications supported by tes-timonials of character satisfactory to thePostmaster-General. A large proportionof the places are being held merely forthe accommodation of the people. Aboutone Jialf of the total number of Ipostmas-ters receive a compensation not exceed-ing fifty dollars a year.— Washington cor-respondence JV. Y. World.

Dualin, the New Explosive.The new explosive, Dualin, is attract-

ing a good deal of attention lately, andseems to have as great, or greater, explo-sive power than nitro glycerine, withouttho dangerous properties of tho latter. I tis described as looking like a mixture ofsaw-dust and grease, and has a sicklyodor. A correspondent of the Philadel-phia Press recently witnessed some exper-iments with it at Alhmtown, Pa. In or-der to show that the du.iliu could not behandled carelessly without danger, theexperimenter threw a package of it withgreat violence upon tho ground at thocorrespondent's feet. The latter did notask a repetition of the test. A handful ofdualin was placed on a stove and set onfire with a match, when it frizzled awaylike damp gunpowder, showing a brightblue flame. Two pounds of it laid on thetop of a piece of limestone rock weigh-ing between ten and twelve hundredpounds, had two shovelfuls of earth pla-ced over it, and the charge was explodedby an electric wire. The report was ter-rific and the rock was pulverized. Therewere a few pieces left, but nono largerthan a man's hand. Thero was quite ahole in the ground, and pieces of stonebout tho size used for macadamizing

were forced deeply into tho soil. One:harge placed twenty-six feet down atthe bottom of a well ono hundred audthirty-seven feet deep, containing aboutthirty feet of water, was exploded withgreat effect.

On Christmas day a bloody affray tookplace at East Arlington, A'ermont, in adrinking saloon. Farwcll ifc Lawrence,keepers of the saloon, shot five persons,bwo of whom have died since and twomoro are mortally wounded. One of thevictim* was Harwell's son, tight years <fage. Far.well & Lawrence arc under ar-rest.


THfi AIUJI S AM) 1879.. With this number the Alters eutorsup-

on both a new y >ar and a new volume.TWKNTY-FIVE YEAK8 has it made itsweekly visits to the homes of its subscri-bers, we trust not unwelcome or withoutinstruction. But we propose no reviewof this long and eventful career, ueitheisha'l we mark out any definite course OTmake any rash promises for tho future•Suffice it to say that, so far as our abilitywill permit and means are co.iiided to us,t will in the year now begun bo muleno less a velcomc visitant than hereto-fore, and, it is not too much to hop.', evenmoro welcome. Politically, it wi'l con-tinue Democratic: that is, it will advocato what we deem tho Democratic prin-ciples which underlie the very foundationsof our government. I t will not followmen blindly or endorse tho utterances oractions of anybody simply because theyclaim to sail under Democratic colors.Conventions may err and Democraticpoliticians >.nd office-holders may goastray, and if so, the name alone will not.command commendation for acts and soi-timents which we disapprove. Twen-ty-four years of labor in the ranks hasgiven us the right to think and sp- ak forourself, aud this privilege the Aliors willalways claim. Intelligently, thoughtfully, and not servilely Democratic, is ourmotto ; and because we believe tho lead-ing principles enuncia.ed by the party,individual rights, local rights, Staterights—and not centralization—are ne-cessary, both to the perpetuation of ourform of government and tho preservationof our liberties. Democracy means onhonest administration of the affairs ofgovernment and opposition to all cllegislation, though individual Democratsmay not always so vote or act. So muchfor our political future.

Locally, wo shall advocate what weconsider will advance the best interests,socially, morally and financially, of ourcity, county and State. This we shnll doas a citizen, and no politician need ask usto square our course by his differing viewsbecause he is also a Democrat; and nothurats of political ostracism will induceus to swear that black is white, vico vir-tue, or wrong right, or to withhold ourapproval of efforts to establish the reignof law and order. Saying this much, thereader will understand that subscribinfor the AHGL'S is not taking stock in its

editor or its editorial control.

As to terms, we can not see our way topublish a paper for less than $2 a year.To attempt it would be a greater drainupon our pocket than we can afford.will not buy in material, in stock,in labor.in household supplies, what $1.50bought beforo war prices and a deprecia-ted currency were masters of the financialsituation. As soon as we can see our wayto a reduction it shall bo made, and untilwe can we ask no man or woman to takeour paper who can not find in it duringthe year the fall equivalent for the $2 ask-ed for it.

With these- few plain words wo go for-ward, hoping for a large increase of oursubscription list, an increase of jo!patronage, and a prompt payment of all ar-rearages.

IN tho Senate, just preceding tho ad-journment for the holidays, Mr. SUMNERthough never reputed " a funny man,'perpetrated a very serious joke ; that isheintroduce&(preceded by several lengthypreambles, with '• a stump speech in thobelly of each") the following articleamendatory to the Constitution:

SEC. 1. No person who has held onctthe office of President of the UnitecStates shall be thereafter eligible to thatoffice.

SEC. 2. This amendment shall not takeefiect till after the -1th of March, 1873.

The second section is designed, o:course, to sugar-coat the first and get theGRANT members to swallow it. But SUM-NER miscalculated. To send such^anamendment to tho people would effectual-ly forestall the action of tho RepublicanNational Convention, and, besides, thoGRAXT men have an eyo on the campaignof LS76. Several Presidents have beenelected to a second term, and is tho " sec-ond Washington " to be put off with themeat of ordinary mortals ? Not a bit oiit—or elso his venerable siro was mista-ken when he wrote " Ulysses never let goa good thing."

THE Internationals and Couimunistaand Socialists and Labor Reformers ant]Property Equalizers, by whatevor nameknown, are commended to the followingsentence from the opening chapter of thonew serial by Dr. O. W. HOLMES, "ThePoet at the Breakfast Table": "Youcan't keep a dead level long if you burneverything down flat to make it. Why,bless your soul, if all tho cities of theworld were reduced to ashes, you'd havea new set of millionaires in a couple ofyears or so, out of the trade in potash."that is the key to the position. Ono manwill get rich whers another man willstarve, and it is utter nonsense to talkabout equalizing the thing by legislation—at least until the Legislature can equal-ize brain and muscle and nerve and en-ergy and common sense and judgment.

IT IS now authoritatively announced thattho reported terrible Ku-Klux outragesin Saline county, Missouri, " had no oth-er foundation than a street fight at Mar-shall, in which one white man was wouni-ed." But tho Radical journals, havingmade it do good service in scaring timidmen and keeping women and childrenawake o' nights, will take no pains tocontradict the original tale. A Ho can bemade to do the same service as a truth,and incampaign tracts for the next elec-tion the Saline outrage will figure instaring capitals.

THE New Hampshire Republican Con-vention, which met at Concord on the 3dinst., gravely resolved " that tho war and" the debt consequent thereon, is due to"the Democratic party." Couldn't ithave gone back just a little further, andreflected upou ADAM for yielding to EVEand eating the apple she gave him. But,then, as the same convention resolved infavor of " honesty, economy, retrench-ment, and reform," and endorsed GRANT'Sadministration and declared for his re-election, it evidently didn't care what itsaid and must have been only funning.Words are cheap, down in Now Hamp-shire as-elsewhere.

AIX SORTS OF PARAGRAPHS.— The new Attorney-General, Williams,

is branded M tho agent of the railroadrings besieging Congress for subsidies, re-miitingof interest, grants of islands, eta,rr as the World correspondent periinently,perbnps Williams may think imperti-nently, puts it: "One of tlio brood oflawyers who have been spawned in thecorporation and land-moBOpoljr'riddenSt.lie- of the Pttoiflo slope."

— A Washington correspondent liaspointedly suggested that Congress ad-journ permanently, first carding thedoors: "The business of this establish-ment will bo done hereafter at the officeof the Pennsylvania Kiilroad." And yetthe Cincinnati Enquirer seriously proposejto make Tom Ek ott, ali u P. &., V. 0 Dem-iciatic candidate for President.

A girl ten years old was outragednear Rochester, N. Y., on Saturday, by anegro named Howard, who was arrested•Hid has been already indicted. The 1 xc'.tc-Bitememt was such that military was calleduut to protect the jail, and firing uponthe mob, killed several porRons.

— Ex-Controller Connolly, having I'mally procured the |500,000 bail .requiredin tho civil suit, was brought before JudgeBarnard 011 Tuesday, by a writ of habeatOrpUS , and admitted to bail 011 the fif-

teen indictments, in the sum of $1,000 oneach.

— Senators Edmunds aud Howe, whotried to block the wheels of investiga-tion, aro both candidates for seats on thebench of the Supreme Court, ami have alaudable (.-) desire to keep in the goodgraces of the President.

— The second annual exhibition of theNational Inventors' Association openedin the Rink at Cleveland, Ohio, on the27th ult., to continue five weeks. T!w.great attraction advertised is the TaberTalking Machine.

— The Senatorial white-washing com-mittee has commenced its work on theCustom House in New York. As its ses-sions aro. secret tho public will readilyconclude the whole thing a farce.

— At Columbia, S. C, on the 30thinst., a youth named Armstrong pleadedguilty to a charge of robbing the mail,and was sentenced to five years' confine-ment in the Detroit House of Correction.

— The Legislature of Ohio met onMonday ; those of New York, Louisiana,and Minnesota, 011 Tuejcay ; and thoo ofMaine, Massachusetts, Maryland, andPennsylvania, on Wednesday.

•—The census of 1870 puts the produc-tion of sorghum molasses for the prece-ding year at 16,041,000 gallons, and otmolasses from sugar cane at only 6,600,-000 gallons. Is the census reliable ?

— The Prohibitionists have called aNational Convention, to moot at Colum-bus, Ohio, on the 22d of February next.The Labor Reformers aro posted for thosame day and placo.

Tho President hasorac relative who isnot an office-holder, an only uncle. Heis a Democrat, and didn't vote for hisnephew. That's why ho is out in thocold in his old ago.

— Alexis is to go on a buffalo huntwith Gen. Sheridan, if he don't find thesnow too doep, which is not presumablehe being a Russftln : a fact which somereader may bo ignorunt of.

— In tho Ohio Senate, on Monday, aresolution was adopted by yeas, 17 : nays15, in favor of Suinner's ono term amend-mont to tho Constitution. Two Rcpublicans, Sage and Casement, voted yes.

Mrs. Mary Clemuicr Ames has beendesignated as the biographer of tho lateAlice and Phobe Cary, and will bo fur-nished with tho letters and papers of thodeceased sisters.

— United States District AttorneyBates, of Utah, has written Senator Trum-bull that ho has no money to pay the ex-penses of tho courts, jurors, witnessesprisoners, etc.

— "A profound sense of satisfactionthroughout Russia," is tho reported re-sult of tho cordial reception accorded toAlexis throughout these United States.

— it is now out that thoso Senatorswho joined in a request to Secretary Fishnot to resign, did so not becauso theyloved Fish moro but Pierropont less.

— Win M. Tweed has been a very lib-eral father, his son having testified to recoiving from him, in tho shape of gift?property valued at $1,400,000,

— Having found the Pike of last year'scampaign too weak a support, tho NewHampshire Ropublicans this year havechosen to lean on a Straw.

— Alexis has four brothers and ono sis-ter, two of tho brothers being older thanhimself. The sister is 17, and spoken for

— The total debt of Boston, as statedin the Mayor's recent inaugural address,is 129,383,390.32, with means in hand toreduce it $11,770,102.3").

— Alpeua now glories in telegraphiccommunication with " down below," andall the world besides.

— Tho weathor at Salt Lake, on the30th, was summed up as " a mixture ofrain, hail and snow."

— A San Francisco dispatch of the 2d,says: " After sixteen days the storm isapparently over."

— The President's New Year's recep-tion is telegraphed as " the most brilliantfor many years."

— Gen. Sherman and mite, includingLieut. Grant, arrived at Marseilles onthe 31st ult.

— Augustus Schell has been electedGrand Sachem of Tammany, vice Tweed.

— Another ministerial crisis is repor-ted at Madrid. But what of it r

— Mayor Hall didn't keep open houseon New Year's day, as is usual.

— George Hudson, one of England'sex-railway kings, is dead.

— Seven eastern mails were overdue atOgden on the 30th ult.

— Congress is to resumo business onMonday.

— Heavy floods aro reported in Cali-fornia.

THE wholesale drug store of Mr. F.STEAKXS, on Woodward uvuiiuc, Detroit,was burned on Saturday afternoon last.The fire was Gauged by tho uxfBosion ofrhigolono, which was being carried intotho cellar by an employe. The gases ofthe material communicated immediatelyla the f umaco, and the flames spread sorapidly that four employes ongaged in;he basement lost their lives by Buffooa-;ion, inhalation or burning, it is hardlydetermined which. Others, employed inupper stories, eseapod by the windows orroof, while those on the main floor had toLasten into tho street, followed by a sheet

of fire, lthigoleno is a volatile fluid used>y dentists :iud unknown to tho genera]>ul>lir. The scenes described wero ter-

rific and lieurt-reudtng.

Tm; Washington correspondent of the1

Chicago Tribune has been photographingthe "genuine JAOOB TOWX.HKN I> .Senators,"that is tho thi :k and1 thin, right or wrongsupporters of the administration, jibe menwho stand by it aud swear by it, do whatit will, and reap the reward in t 1 • spoilsof official patronage. Michigan's twoSenators, the substamco and the shadow,are thud sketched :

HThe two Michigan Senators arc un-qualified Grant men. Chandler i-< an olddry goods merchant, rough, not. undercontrol, boisterous—u sort, of Hen Wide,brought up to a trade. He is a tall,loosoly-lnade, stoop-shouldered man, andworth more than a million of dollars ;and he lias only one or two propositionsin political life—the first being to whipEngland, and the second to acquire ev-erything 011 this oontinent. Chandler isa in mendons office-gutter, and is coveredall over with obligations t<> tho PresidentHe has chaps in his intei'estin all thedepartments, mostly young men amiphy.-ical fellows, and he will at any timeride from Detroit to Washington to keepa favorite clerk from being turned out.Chandler never abandoned a man whomhe has befriended as long as tho man isloyal to him, and is a good listener andtalker. He has not, however, tho remo-test suspicion of any clerical obligationto the government as a saored institution,rad would probably back up a derelictor defalcating friend in office with asmuch or mire energy than a Useful one.His colleague, Perry, submits to be underhis thumb, and Has no separate i lentltyin tlie Senate. Chandler is opposed toall investigations within his own party,and nots, m >t of the time, as if some-thing had possession of him."

And this by a Republican and brother.Don't the portra t mako Michigandersfeel proud as well as " loil ? "

Tin: Jackson Citizen, coinos out flat-foot-ed for the one-term Constitutional amend-ment proposed by Senator SuMXEli. I t isalso very much dissatisfied with the rejec-tion of the THUMHULL resolution for aninvestigating and retrenchment committeeand the preference given to the substituteproposed by Mr. CONKLINO. I t says:11 The pro and con of these two commit-tees meant just to do, or not to do!" Thesignificance of the Citizen's position is inits being the homo organ of Gov. BLAIR.

When it came to tho pinch the onlySenator who voted against the appoint-ment of a Retrenchment Committee wasthe blaring Senator Blair, of Missouri.—Allegan Journal-

Not exactly, Bro. Don: Senator BLAIRdid not vote against the appointment of"<( Retrenchment Committee," but againstthe appointment of the whitewash'ngcommittee, for that was what tha caaousoffered and succeeded in carrying.

W E join a number of tho leading Rpublican journals o: the State in tho h >pothey express th it the Senate will nopass the House apportionment bill. ThHouse is now an unwieldly debatingschool, and tho intcrosts of the ooontr;will not bo subserved by incroasi lg thnumber of its members.

Hcssagc of Gov. II0 I'uinn.The Now York Legislature canvenei

on Monday. Tho telegraph thus ooadenaes the message of Gov. HOFFMAN :

Governor Hoffman's^jiessage is a verlengthy document. Tho Stata debt is reduced to $29,000,000. The insurance companics of the State paid $20,000,000 lossoby tho Chicago fire. Tho tolls upon tincanals were half a million more than thyear previous. IIo recommends an inquiry into the alleged quarantine abuseeand the referee system in tho courts. Theeight hour law should bo enforced. Ht,reviews the Jury riots and contends thatif additional laws aro necessary, the;should secure equal privileges to all menof whatever politics, religion, race, coloor creed. He thinks the Federal Constitution should be amended so that UnitecSlates Senators be elected by tho peopleTho exposure of tho wrongs in tho gov-ernment of New York City has arouseattention to tho necessity of reform i;public affairs, and ho recommends a newcharter, on which the responsibility fotho good administration of all city affairshall be fixed upon the Mayor, givinghim the power of appointment and removal of heads of departments, providinjfor an imme liato election of local officersand that officials be removable by thiGovernor, aud o'.her suggestions somewhat similar to thoso in the charter proposed by the committee of seventy. Hirecommends a law against the bribing oo'ricials, and that the Legislature tuoro;ighly investigate the reports that logisla'ion ha* beon influenced by money. Th<Governor r .'commends tho revision of thState Constitution an I suggests that thGovernor should appoint all administrative officers. He thinks tho term of thGovernor should ba throe instead of tweyears, and ho recommend-i t in t the Senato bo elected by larger coastituenciefor longer terms. Ho also recommendthat the restriction of the session to omhundred days bo removed, and the Governor have power to prorogue tho LogisLature. He refrains from the diSGUBSiOlof Foderal niattor.=£is the T egislaturc amthe Governor differ politically, but hopeto work harmoniously in dealing witlhome affairs.

Tlie Profits of Martial Law.Wo have a curious document, a very

curious document, considering that forsix long years and over the war drum haceased to throb in this part of the greaworld's federation, said document beingan account current of tho expenses of alate scoundrel pioce of martial law inToxas. To explain, it must be remember-ed that in tho fate of one of the four Re-publican candidates for Congress fromthat State in the election held there Oc-tober 3—6 last, the high-tariff and Protec-tion interests of Pennsylvania and Mas-sachusetts wore much concerned. Thoindividual in question is a little carpet-bag creature from Hartford, Conn., amost unflinching friend of tho WhiteHouse and a sura vote for any tariff swin-dle The district in which this being ranwas tho Third Texas, and the vote there-in stood some four thousand majority forthe Democratic candidate. This majcri-ty hinging 011 two counties tho Republi-can Executive, Governor Davis, prompt-ly declared martial law therein on tho9th of October, three days after the elec-tion, ordered his standing army to takepossession thereof .and ordered a lovy oi$50,000 thereon to pay the expenses oithe foray. November tith-tho Legisla-ture adopted resolutions disapprovingthese pi>iiorm;uioC!S, "as being unnecessaryto the ends of public justice and uncallodfor," and soon thereafter tho Governor is-sued his proclamation revoking his dec-lation of martial law aud instructing hisblood-honnds to mako report of their col-lections of tax so far as proceededin. The report made in accordance herowith is the account current of scoundrel-ism to which in the beginning of this ar-ticle we refer. It appears that theExecutive henchmen before stopping intheir nefarious proceedings, collected thesum of $33,746.16, whereof some |22,000were distributed among certain major andbrigadier generals, colonels, and majorsin the State standing army kopt on fojtby tho Republican Governor of Texas, i;i' ime of profound p ace, in contempt of

the Pi deral" Constitution. The mannerof the collection of the tax we learn oth-erwise than frov.i the official report, in.me case, for instance, a pair of fine mules,Tor which the owner had just paid $300n go'.d, w<!S taken off, and tho name evc-ling, alter dark, put up at unction andcnooked down to some friend of the Stateidministration at $109 in greenbacks. Inother cases like personal property, fino

saddle horses, ]dough mules, Carriages,A;'•., w ire taken off and ]>ut up at vendnowith only just enough notice to let the

"ioial harpies in. As one of thoneigli-borhood papers says: "Seoijtg tjy.i:property thus liable to sacrifice, ilmlthere being (great heavens!) no app A,

) citizen, with rare exerptions, com-plied with tho demand, whatever itillicit be, to escape with life and houtebit."—.V. >*. World.

From the Bast Bajrimiw Courier, Dec. 29th.The Situation <flT tlioSatt Racket.

There is (juite a brisk movetuont in n:iltjust now, an unusual eironmetanoe forthis s;a,on of the year. The stock of salton the river, us now appears, is not aslarge as represented, ami this i» l»;iu^ iit-creasel by liberal purebaoea, there beingno lao'c of purchasers, aside from thu as-sociation, which, under cilCfltaStanoes, of-Fors a liberal advance. Several largeahipmoata by rail of salt have been iniirlcwithin the past ten days, and we hoar ofsovoral contracts of salt to ship duringtho waiter.

As has been stated, and is well known,S. L. Hurd & Co. are large buyers, andexpect to ship during the winter 30,1100barrels and upward of salt. Haskin,Martin &, Wheeler have made, we understau 1, a railroad contract for 6,000 or9,000 barrels of salt, and outside partiesare watohing the market closely. Underfree purchases salt is firm at $1 Co perbarrol at cars, aad will doubtless touch ahigher figure

We learn from n trustworthy sourcethat the Onondaga Company have notifi"'l the combination of their intention towithdraw from the arrangement enteredinto with Saginaw and Kanawha, abouta year ago, a circumstance probably in-duced by tho recent action of tho stock-holders'ineeting at Bay City. Ononda-ga is by no means satisfied with the ac-tion of tho Saginaw association, and ismaking arrangements to intrench Itself.It has already rooognized tiie importanceof Saginaw as a rival, and is beginning torealize that Saginaw i.-, the master. Bythe dissolution of our association Syra-cuse will be a great loser, and is nowmaking arrangements for fighting th iterritory in which that company has heldundisputed sway during tho past year.—Agents of that company thro iten to rushs.lt into Cl v land and Toledo at 91 50.a decline of 50 cents from oid prices. Tlieprospects of the coming year do not iookvery flattering now. Prices will remaingood until manufacturing commencesand navigation opens, when a doc.ino,under ordinary circumstance, may be expected, and from the following causes.The past year the water in the Ohio Riv-er has been low, thus checking the ship-ment of Ohio River salt, which the pre-vious year proved so unfortunate to boththe Saginaw and Onondnga companiesaud nearj . disastrous to the former. Itis hardly , sisonable to suppose that tiltsame eon.,, will Operate next year in fa-vor of the Sagiaaw markets. Now thaithe association has practically dissolvedOnondaga will commence cutting ra{£!in all the markets where it comes in con-tact with Saginaw, an i thus reduce theprice; and last, but not th; leist irnportant, it is possible, and even probablethat Congress, during its present sessionwill reduce the tariff on salt, to allow thiimportation of a vast quantity of (Janadian and Othef foreign salt. These arcamong the causes that will transpire toeffect the Saginaw salt market, and unless it ia properly manipulated, will runthe price of salt down lower than it hasever been before.

Saginaw has learned much from exper-ience, and although the union of forces isbroken, it will enter tho fit-Id as th<strongest competitor, conscious of itsstrength. If tho market is favorahlSaginaw will turn out nearly a millioibarrels of salt, a quarter of which will bemanufactured by six or seven firms, theboast of whom has been that they canmanufacture salt ready for shipm.mt at70 cents a barrel. If this is the case, thejcan deliver at Toledo and Cleveland a£1, Lake Ontario ports at $1 2 J , and a'New York City ut $1 75. From this iwill be seen that Saginaw is no mean foeto contend with. If, as tho OnondagjCompany assert in their sworn statementto Congress, each barrel of salt made aSyracuse costs $1 ,'M and upward, Sagt-naw's chances in a square fight, if itcomesto a h'ght, are fair, to say the least.

The Ring of Thieves.The cartage and storage business of the

New York Custom House is under thomanagement of one Leet, who was anaid-de-camp to Grant during the war.—The management of the business is suchthat tho company of which Lect is thohead makes about 1100,000 per annumout of it. One of Leet's partners in thisimmense swindle is General Horace Por-ter, private military secretary to GeneralGrant. Whether tho President himselfhas any direct or contingent interest inthe swindle, is not known ; but from thenranher in which his friends opposed in-vestigation, it is not improbable thatPorter is only the ostensible partner,while Grant is the real party at interest.These facts have recently come to lightin such a shape as to warrant a most thor-ough investigation. According to theHerald and the Bun, one cf the partiesconnected with this cartage contract hasbeen living with a, woman for the lastthreo years who was supposed to bo hiswife, but who turns out to be no wife atall, but only a tangible development ofRadical moral ideas. Tho man made uphis mind to marry another woman, towhich the imaginary wife objected, buttho objection was overruled, and she wasabandoned. As

" Earth hnth noeurse like love to Imtrinl tumul,Or hell a fury like a wonvin loomed,"

She immediately resolved to tako hervengeance upon tho faithless contractorby placing a bundle of papers containingall the ovidenco of tho rascalities andprofits of the storage and cartage busi-ness, as well as tho names of tho partners,in hands where they wo\ild be used forexposing the wholo scheme. Tho wholfacts are said to bo within easy reach.-—Free Press.

firmness of Rio coflVe ; prime Is yet Jobbed>y some houses at 24c, but recent bttyen

I mmh'.c lo "dear themselves at thatire .Mini »sk 25. Sweets arc more steady.l;>r* have no particular strength, but

•yrnps and molasses, having gone 111 rough.<c son of speculation, "corners," &c,

ire now on a steady basis. Rice andspices have upward tendencies, but fishouk Mown. A little marKlog np lin.i tnkentlare on cotton <;"<»i* suitable for springrear. Iron goodft,It Is said, muit .r,> upiiir-ulsi nfV-s have cons'ilrnbly Improved

re n week airo. Flour 's no higher bnt'I wiiii more confidence.. Choice to

•nicy winter, $6.7S@720; medium, §0a">(); low irraile, f5a5.75; Wisconsin

«pring, |650a7.00; Minnesota do $6.75a7 25. Wheat took n jump this morning,the market closing buoyant and with freebuyers at rales 2(a:!c better than lust

ednenday. Extra wanted at f l 68. No.1 white sold nt $1.47J£ and wn« veryStrong. Trcailwell sold nt §1 40 For NoL amber $1.411£ was bid. Corn in firm atr)Hc for mixed and 54a86 Tor yellow. Oatsabout lc lower ; seller 42c, buyer 41c. No.1 lviriey dull at $1.60 per 'cental. Ryesteady nt T8u80c per bu. Apples tlnn at¥2 90 per bbl Benns tlnn at |S.98aS80per bu. Bntter extremely dull: fresh roll,On22c. Clover seed lias touched $0 23nrlng the went; ; to-day (5 was tlie bent

Offer. Pressed bo:s : sales of about 100 at.<c, (5a6 ao. I)ru-.| apples ready at 8i»8}£c.SgffS27a80c, Potatoes linn at $5 by c.iroad. Tallow 7j;iC,

Estate of Thomas S. Iiigml,,,, "STATE OF JtlCHIGAN, County of W i^ A t ;> W T i s i i i M H i t l l L - 1 ' H . l . i K . < " , „ , . , . " ' O H * u

holilennl thePiflhS^oJJL'.StSj-I Aim ,Vj'l«i^-, wk'JChoisdiiy tlie fourt • i " '*i'it

l'raent, Qirom J r Beakot, Jadge of t^ > . ***In the nutter ol U*< estate oi rhnm—"

eoeased. lu8h»WAi bur Case, Exe«ut4i M u 4 4 c«Uti

nurt unrt represents that Yn>, i»n#* i,r,, CUI*» *;„


The past week has been mainly occupie<in settling up affairs for 1871, consequentljtrade lias received but partial attentionTo-day the resumption was general antactive. Almost aii classes of dealers set outwith satisfaction \ <v the past and hope foitlie future, In Qnanclal circles there isgreat activity on account of the disbursement of tho half-yearly dividends and In.tercst. Even Chicago comes to timeMoney opened easy but closed firm at 9 percent. Gold is weak at 109)|. Sterlingexchange 100^. Cotton has advanced to20's and wool continuing scarce and firm,all kinds of dry goods hare an advancingtendency. Breadstuff^ have an improvedtone: in Soar there Is more dotug and afnir inquiry which Indicates that tlie lowestprices are supposed to have been reached.Wheat active and blgher: white western,i>lu:J@ 1.73,'J; red, $1.67(81.08; amber,tl-60(£l.64. Corn higher and active : newwestern TTMTD'.j. Oats active tit a slightLrivance; western. In store, 55@55)j ;afloat, !>8@">(>%•. Provisions steady; ine"*s>ork, $18.3B<ijl8.8lW; neiv, $14 50 spot,ind $10 April. Lara firm; stuam, 'J(d)D}{ ;cettle, 9}^»9%. Dressed hogs Closedleavy at (S%<jt5jf. Western butter 15@J ; Eiijs, :!2(^,!4. Cheese dull at 11@14Uio coffee 21 Jo, gold.

DETROIT, Jan. :;.

11 Is not hazarding much to say thatlearly all classes of staple goods touchedlottom betore the arrival of the holidays,ml that 80 days hence buyers of dry goods,ardware, groceries, ami perhaps other aricles, will have to pay more for their pur-hases than now. Such, at least, appearso be the opluiou of everybody and that re-Able person is generally correct. Inr.occrles the most, noticeable feature U tli.g

AHM ABBOB, THUBAPAT, Jim. J.4*XTifT **" per bu., with little rloinp.BUTTER—TnuV i« «(MK1, 20 « Sim being paid for roll.BI'I'ICWKBAT-Command*$1 per bo.; with a tend-

ency apwntd mthcr th:m otln rwisr.1U;ANS—,*l.fi > por bu. i* paid tor gtwl quality.Conn —Brings 00a per ba«

R0—Dreuvd [emailprotected]—In f?«KKl demand nt -('cIt w fl.'J•/( ](' ]>f-r ion, jirnorilinjr to qnalify.H o r n - In cap, Lftt SOo.LAUD --The market .stands ;ii 7(n «c.

I1. • i \ i 'i •• Bring readily 11.00,PO&R Tn DraiBod bogi the market is not as \v

us last wtxi but the prices ;ire 5c butter, $4.75 beinj,

Tl'HHKW- 9- lOfl.WHKAT -Thfi murket i» not vfry active. Whito

quote at $l.3'>a 1.10, and rc l ?l.:iO.«;1.3.>.

The subscribers nrc at most all times in a 8'lui

tif'Ti tu furnish partien with money in sum* of V'\

Iluudred to Five Thousand Dollars rn uuiucam

bered forms.COLMAN, UOOT A KtNNK.

Ann Arhor..T:in. lst.l5V-2. |A5Stf

as3 S a L,


& •

II AniiSM»\'S Low-down and Kniscr i t J - . ; . r i i t r s » u d G H N - I . « ^ S , l l t i s n rp - i s s

<<<! ill IScuuty of Design and Finifch.Ilnrrifton's indirect ribbrd sn;/ i »

HAOIAlOlt for High nnd Low 1'r.ssure. 1*. A. Bll.U.VtS, Detroit,

ISftSmS Sole Agents fur Midiiin

S. T — 18C0—X,This wonderful .vegetable rostoni

tive is the slieen-anchor of the fetbltand debilitated. As a tonic aiKcordial for the agud and languid ihas no equal among stomachicsAs a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especiallyi-U'tjected, it is eupersed'ng c c nother stimulant. In all climatestropical, temperate or frigid, it actsas a speciiicin every speoics of disorder which undermines the bodilstrength and breaks down the ani-mal spirits.

Beautiful Woman!I I A < ; A . \ ' S TI . \ < ; \ O M \ H.VI.M g i v e s to

tin* C o m p l e x i o n t l ie F r e s h n e s s o£

Y o u t h .

H.UIAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM overcomes the flushec

tpp Mmuce caused by heat, fatigue an.l excitement

It makes the lady of forty appear but twenty, an

so ufttiiral ami perfect that no person can detect it

application. By its use tho roughen skin is mad

to rival tho pr.ro radiant texture of yonthfnl beunty

It removes redacss, blotches, and pimples. It cot

tarns QOthlng that will injure the skin in the least

HngDolltt Balm U used by all fashionable ladies in

New York, London and Paris- It costs only T

cenU por Bottle, and is sold by all Druggists am

Per rumors. J355-e3wy.

Real Estate for Sale.UTATB OT MICHIGAN*, county of Washtenaw, s«K5 In the mutter of the estate ot Samuel B. ThornKmcline B. Thorn, Lewis J. Thorn, Ebenezer KThorn, Mary Thorn, Kuphemia Thorn, Alice Thorn.mil Fnuik 0. Thorn,, minors; Xotioe ia hereby giventhat in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned, (iimnUau of the ratalc of said minors by thelion Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenawon the eleventh day of l>eceinbi.T, A.I) . 1871, thenwill be sold at public vendue, to the highest biddeT, athe dwelling house on the premises hereinafter de-scribed, in the county of Washtenaw, in mud State, onTuesdity, the twentieth day of 1'ebruary, A. D. 1872at ten oVlwk in the forenoon of that day, {subject t<nil encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing athe time of sale, and also subject to tho right of dowerof tho undersigned as widow of Charles Thorn, de-ceased), the following described real estate, to wit :The undivided eight-ninths (8-0] of e;ich of the follow-ing described parcels of land, viz.: Tart of lot A orweat subdivision of the southwest fractional quarterof section seven, beginning at the northeast corner otsaid lot A, running south one degree ;<ml thirty inin-utcaeast thirteen chains and t%O links to a stake itthe tMst line of suul lot A, thence south uighty-nint

- :ind thirty minutt-s west twenty chains antthirty-eight links to a stake on the west line of Milsection seven, thence along Slid line north one (legTOiwast, thirteen chains and two links to a quarter sett in;corner, thcuce along tho Quarter line north eighty-ninedegrees and thirty minutes east twenty chains am:thirty-one links to the placo of beginning, containing1 vronl>--'x and 50-100 acres. Also lot A, or west sab-divisioo of the northwest fractional quarter of cMiitisection seren. containing eighty-one and 6M00 acre*And also of the south part oi' the west part of thesouthwest fractional quarter <»r' section BIZ, containingBarty iion-s ; all in township four south of range thteieast, in said State.

Datod, December 11th, A . I ) . 1871.1354 SARAH 0. THORN", Guardian.

Estate of George button. 2d.QTATEOF MICHIGAN, County of Washtanw At a session of the Probate Court for the CountyOf WashtenaWi hotden at the Probate Office, fa thCits oi Ann Arbor, on Thursday, tho fourteenth dayof I)ocomlH-r, In the year one thousand eight hundredand seventy-one.

Present, Hiram J. Bcakes, Judge of Probate.In the matter of the estate of (ieorge button, 2d

incompetent,Sedgwick Dean, Guardian of said estate, comes into

court and represent* that he is now prepared to ron-der his second account a.s such <iiiardi;m.

Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twenty-ninth day of January noxt, at ten o'clock in theforenoon, lj*; assigned for ox ami n ing and :Ulow-ing such aooounti and thai the next of kin of->:iiil incoiiipi:t» nt, and all other persons Inti

said estate, ate required to appear at a sea-don of said (.'unit, thea to beholden at the Pro-bte Qffloe, in tlie City of Ann Arbor, in snidbounty, and show cause, if any there be, why thesaid aocouni should not IT allowed : And it is furtherordered that snid Guardian give notice to thepcrsonaintonated in .--;ii'l estate, <>t" the pendency oi said no*lounti and the bearing thcreofj hy causing :i coj j>f this order to he pul Lished in the Stichfoan Arfftt$ti newspaper printed and circulating in sold County,

three •uoeassfoa we ks prei iouatn saiudayof hearing.(A (rue copy.) U1UAM J. BEAKBS,

18ft] Judge of Probnte.



H. w. ULLlB & co.,vnuaaisi8.

ei liis tliml iiecount IM miob

kid estate, are requhed to » H ™ . , ' " N U i"d Court, Him to u. ],,,i,:,.,, „,,,„.",' ;;.i the i ity of Aim Arbot, uml show t * 0 * *horebe, why the *.M wcrant should ' " i JnrMi A i . l i ! ia rurtherordered, thnt aTk v «•orgiv* notiee t o the persona n i t ins i , ,1 • ">M..:• , of the pendency ol siiid accounl •„„] •!* V* *vhereof, by ottn»ins ucopyof this order to U B 2 S S NI im M.rhiffin AII/IIK, • newspaper mint liM

<nid day of bearing.(A true oopy.l


Real Estate for Sale•T.VTK UK MICHIGAN, Count,-I In the m.it >•, ,,f thewtnte of He

1 Notice i . hen b> given, tlmtgmated fcth JU

eiu.«l. Kotra is hen b) given, thiit m nLr*>.n i.f 1 i gruated to the imdirsurned •uiinl/-?*»

He of ww dCWMcd b 5 5 % J «,io e for the Count] at Waahtcnmr, ont'h,^1*

blic VendiM tn tin- hi"lu*.t V^.I.I... _ . . . ' .." ' ^! '1<>"1*.T, A 1>. !M1 t h . . r . . \ , i l l W J u " *l i c \ e n d u e t u t h e h i g h e M b i d d e r „( i L , ^ «

c c o f n i d d e e e w e d la \\,, t l , w , , , i , „ , , • ; , ' * ' •ooantjrof \Vashtennw, in »«k) s J I ( . ,', ?:.*• 0the twcnlyilrst dny of F b ; *'*

hi-cuuntruf Wnshtenuw, in siik) s ate . , u*-lnytlic twcnly-llnt dny of February A , , . ' * I

iniv ol tin- death ot MO .:1ft1 right of dower of tln the following described !:• .n txnith •>»: ijourter of tlirseuthveal qon'rtnalithirty-two, in townahrn two. ».,uth of ran *nwt, oontuining forty not n titm \a

I1..I1 il, J u u u . u y to, A. l l . 18J1.Bl'BSELL \V...KVXHA.OAOE,

ll. *?'•U-Stoij


' :"i!!inissiont'rs' Notice.CTATEOF MirllluAX, County of V t d b

~ The underaignud, Imving bwn uiinoiturij*1^•I ;il,' Court tur saiil i»iwl y. i' i.'i-.kviJlV"1

.. ..vi', i!X;iiiiiiu.-imrf adjust :ill diiims mul in !"^allpctaou»agningttheestitt< ol iv>.ilciick" •of ."uifl county, deeenaed, h«reb;months from date are nllowi .1, bj

it. foi erediton to pmeni t k i .against the estate of said d< eeased, »nd i lu t iw "meel a] the residence of Uenry Si ier, i i f 1 | 3JStownvliip, in sniti county, on Saturday thtUiiHh!?day of April, iiml Tnesday, the u m a l i , , ? 1

n e x t , at ten o'clock A . M . of cm-ii of mil H ™ , 'eceive, e x a m i n e , und adjust .~;tM .:..iu,» '"tw

D a t e d , J a n u a r y id, A . 1) i s : '









1319-ly. N o . 3 0 H I KOKf STREET,




Christmas Present(). H. MILLEN'S


C. KRAPF,11 us a large aud well stocked Lnmber Tirild

Jefferson Street, in the smith part of the Citr, »1will keep constantly on bund an exceI!ent»«iMl!»(

LUMBER, SHSNGLES,LATHACwhich willbe.-told as low as car be afforded iBjtbilmarket.

Quality nnd pricessnch that


Ann Arbor,JannarySOth, 1ST1C. KBAPF.








All the above articles are warraatMl to &*11"superior in market- For ealc at

Partridge's FlouringN. B.—Gristing done at short notice.

k. orit'E.

The Annaiil meeting; of Forest Hell »'""-Company, of Ann Arbor, will be held at tin1 * ' l " .Geo. Grenville, ou Tucsduy Janaary -&. *°*h )kfo'clock P.M., for tiie selection of offlccrB »»» "triinsitctioD of such other business »8 maj cyBC

iru it.Dated, >nn A r b o r , I V c . l S t h . l s t l . %


Tho annual meeting of tho Stockholder! <"F I R S T N A T I O N A L B A > K , "( Ai'"p.Aor, fta the election of nine Directors "! j ,'n

will bo held ut their Dunking Ilouse, on TuaWilintli day of January. 18;:?. jfl

I'oll (br election will l>e orcn between 10 «••O'clock A. M.

Uy order of the ]!<mnl,.1. W. KN-llillT,

Dntcd, Ann Arbor, Deo. (th, 1871., CM


Physicians PrescriptionAt all honrs, at No. 1 Gre-ory " <>*•

C. A.LR1TKKAnn Arbor, Dec. 2M, 1871.


Five or sis thousand dollars, or more. •

gage ol unincnm! ered real e»tato worth I '

im;s the amount. Enq,nln of

i:62w3 E. W. MOB0A*.

GotoR.W.ELLlS& CO'sfor choice Winesfor Medical Purposes

OOKS. BOOKS.media.aadl.org/documents/pdf/michigan_argus/...· I to inspire fear and awe rather than hopo and love. God would speak to me more charmingly on tho: iky, with it wind - [PDF Document] (3)

, train* "«>«"


••. I 'AIII .I: .

the severnl BtattOnSflU

. ! . • ' • ' •









.ISM .


gA .






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tnQO20i t

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mi< to

n! The

*?.?»(if ami V.-ii-iH- Kvy•••";1"sii,.«,.iitheAirIJne.

.Taoksin Sntunlay eve-time, mid W k Mondny

"Night Exptew" does

yiv-s ruiw between

and Other Brevities.lic sshoois of this city open

"gjbbiithevening on " O u r Local Poll

Ext-rclPt-s In the L* w a m l H«t t» l DP-~iicnts were rcsiinH(l Wednesday, uiul in• Literary Department ycstcnluy.* The subject of Rev. C II HKKSHVM'S

course on Smi'iay evening next will belie Beligion ofj thi* Ancient Phceulci

0,, There

was no sleighing on NewTar's day, bu t t h e streets and roads werei asphalt pavement, and tlie .Tht-el

We publish below a list of new bookfnst received at the Ladies' Library. \Vare glad that the ladies have taken tillway of Informing the public of the add:tlons which they make from month tmonth to-.heir library. The members otlie Association are not always aware othe new attractions which are continual!.offered, and many who are not connect©With it will no doubt be drawn thither bjt!ie excellent bill of fare which they present.Ten Times One is Ten, bv B E. Hale.Life for a Life, by Mw* Muloctt..Mary Queen of Scots and her Latest His

torlan, by James F. Mellue.History of the E istcrn Church, by Deal

Stanley.K>says on the Poets, by D • Q lincy.Biographical Essays, by the same.Cues from all Quarters, by Francis Jacox.My Summer In a Garden, by Cbas. War-

nei'.Children's Douls :

Aunt Jo's Scrap bag, by Miss Alcott.Plcbore Poems (or Young Folks, by Mar-

ian Douglas.Miss Lily s Voyage Round the World, trans-

lated from the French by Miss LuysterJack Hazard and His Fortunes, by J. T.

Trowbrldge.How To Do It, by E. E. Hale.

Entry Saturday comes to us tot JunuaryOth in both a new ami old form—the formol its first volume!', 28 double column pa-ges, minus Illustrations. The publishersaim to make it " a journal of choice read-ing," drawing upon the best writers andHie best periodicals of the oM world forthe'r material. In the current numberMatthew Arnold, Charles Ciugsley, Corn-full Magazine, All the Year Round, Pleasure,London Society, Chamber's Journal, etc., arerepresented. $5 a year, or $4 to subscriber:!/or either of JAMES K. OSOOUD & Co'.t otherpublications.

,]tls so rare a thing for a mi Triage to•jiUpljce up »t Jackson that onn is «

godsend to " Ye Local," and a•less of a weak dilution of

t^iofthe result.-Tlie argu "cut In the divorce rase of

jftTER t». HUNTKK was concluded at aan Fri'lay n!«ht last. Jin!;,"

.-.'••v'ook tiie papers, and will probablymMticchis ilec'slon at tlie February term._ 1 printer w'.io lia* sot rich at Jour

mt pro|(yes to st:;rt :i paner at Plymif S I'.inc, probably wljh Chicago " in-

. ' Whichever place will " c •mevm" the most liberally is to l>e favored.-'Jlr. KKOWLTOS, hvlna on North State

>rts a bnrgtarloas attempt upon:> residence ou Saturday nicht, last. Hisaijhbor, Prof. JONKS, saw t i m e men upon\ rur roof, gave the alarm, anil they

Middled.-Tlie workmen on the University Hall

R lite " the lm«y i>ec," ami " Improveutli shinina; hour." The dome growsfinally into sliape. and promises fairtd imposing pKuwrtlonn, an<l a portion

! windows are alsa In.-At Kiiliiiniizoo, Judge BROWR, of the.'.Tiiil Court, hai decided that "violators

i vlllajrc ordinance requiring saloonsiftecluscion Sunday may be both fined

Imprisoned. A. timely warning to*«« kit-pers in other towis .—The weather New Year's d iv, Mon-ty, VM mild and buantiftil; Tues.lay a

I ilamji fojr prevailed, chilling one torny bones; Wednestl^ opened rainy

itkthewlnd south of east; and Thnrs-kj ma foggy again and halting twlxtniD ami snow.

-All injuuctloil has been served on the*jintliori:ics restraining them from pay-

and also from paying anyRHKJS to attorneys to prosecute suitssought under the State liquor law. It ist r,ueer city charter we have, a regularkne duck, If policemen can not be em-;iif«l and paid. The bill, however, wh.ch•thivc not secu, may set up Irregular ap

An "Old Folks' Concert' Is to be givenin our city soon, for tlie benefit of the newchurch fund of the Congregational society.Old style music will be sung, the singerswill be dressed In old-style costume, andevery effort will be made to please themusic-loving public. I : will be a line op-portunity to encourage home talent andaid a deserving enterprise.

We take pleasure In calling the attention

Brlgham Young in Court.SALT LAKE, January 2cL—Brigham

Young, in oharge of United States Mar-shal, accompanied by George A. Smith,DaniolH. Wells, H. B. Clawson, and otherhigh eUuri-h dignitaries, appeared beforeChief-Justice McKean this afternoon, un-der an indictment for murder. The OOsrtroom was orowded. The crowd was suf-focating-, and much anxiety was e^iiHiwlon the part of the Monnona, but therewas not the least show of disorder ( r dis-respeot t>> the court. Hon. C. H. Homp-str.-i'l and Thomas Filch ajipearrd for theprisoner and United* States AttornejBates for the prosecution.

Mr. Sempstead moved that \\w prison-er be admitted to bail on th • groun 1 thahe was an old man, eeventy-one j^ara atage, in feeble hoatUi, and had come fortjmiles to inert this and nil other ohargeand his phvsii'iau oerfcfl d 11. t iinprison-ment would imperil his lite.

MY. Bittes offered no opposition t ) bailbut. recjiu stc I that if bail was taken it toaxed at 1300,000.

Judge MeICean said tho (rovoriimerHt the United States had not a jail in this

e-ity holding prisoners arrested on a pro-leas issued from the United States Courts.J'ho Marshal was required to exercise.:he discretion which the law vests in h:mSometimes such prisoners weio kept ntCamp Douglass, The commander of thatjost WHS not oblige;! to rcccivo" them.the prisoner is reported to be tho own-er of several houses in the city. If hechooses to be put under the control of theMarshal in gome suitable building or por-IOD of a building in which to bo detain-

ed, it will bo for tho Marshal to decidevhether to adopt it. It is tho option ofhe prisoner to make such offer. In anyvent the Marshal will look to it that ov-ry comfort of the prisoner bo providedor, remembering that ho is an old man.decline to admit the defendant to bail.On leaving the cou> t Brigham tendered

be Marshal hi-; residence in South Tem-le street, which was accepted, and Brig-a"m now is a prisoner in his own house.Jrighum sooinud perfectly cool and un-oncented,

New Year's Day was a general holiday.iisincssof all kinds—except In the " wetWery"line—was suspended, and old andmag mauiiestcd a determination to enjoyisfetivities to their full capacity. Theptimta—forgetting the Leap Kear privkpsofthe ladies—were out calling in no-*i»l numbers, on fool, In buggy, carriage,ulliack; single, in pairs, by triplets,iirtosaiul half dozens. The ladies lookedWrbost, und welcomed their guests with

eg to hospitable koine* aod welltables. Tiie beverages tendered

'trenotof the kind that intoxicate, unless••*stoic denied—or hesitating to claim-privileges occasionally conceded to a•wsnly brother, latherly friend, or other•*" tod dear relation, was tempted to ex-im with the poet,

**0, weak and fool-Iiurdy reformer.To substitute woman for wiao,

Tl» glow of whose presence it* warmerThan the aunni«.'4t juicu of the vine."

Btisuch should remember that a * faint•"t never wou fair lady" or even a bouWof two lips, and cease murmuring at

*< better fortune of others.~Well, may ALL answer to roll call on""ierXewr Year's D.iy, and again make


Hard TiniPS and >rlint Causes Them.Wo aro fast becoming a nation of

chemers to live without genuine work,•ur boys are not learning tiades; our

aro crowding into cities,ooking for clerkships and post-offices ;ardly one American girl in each hun-red will do housework for wages how-vur urgent lier need; so we are sending

to Europe for workmen, and buying ofher artisans millions' worth of productsthat wo ought to make for ourselves.Though our crop of rascals is heavy, wodo not grow our hemp; though we aro

of all who want, a New York daily pftjer, J overrun with ladies who deserve fiagel-and don't want that paper to be Democr.lt- i lation, wo import our willows. Our \vo-

I men (unless deceived) shino in Europeanfabrics ; our men dress in foreign clothes ;tho toys which amuse our younger child-ren have generally reached us over thesea. Wo are. liko the farmer w! o hireshis neighbors' sons to cut wcod, feed hisstock, and run errands, while 1 is own

Ic, to the Xew York Heening Pent. Politi-cally identified with the Republican party,and not always free from partisan L>ias,,'tis an able and a conservative journal,agreeing in many tilings with the old-timeprinciples of the Democracy. It is nol anadvocate of the centralizing idea now sopopular at Washington ; it recognizes theStates as yet having; •omc right to regulatetheir own internal affairs ; it opposes class-legislation and monopolies, and therefore,strikes earnest blows kgalnit protectingthe" rich manufacturer at the expense of thoconsumer; it favors general amnesty forpolitical offences, a return to specie payment,a reform of the civil service, reduction oftaxation, good faith in meeting our nation-al obligations, and a wise, firm, moderate,and mAgnanlmoug foreign policy. It hasnot hesitated to condemn the Ki'-KUixlegislation, the unconstitutional attenpt,

boys lounge at the grog sh p, ) layingbilliards, and then wonders vbj, n spite-of his best efforts, ho sinks a nua'lydeeper into debt, till the sheriff cloa-ishim out, and ho starts West to begingain.

Wo must turn over a now lea*. Ourboys and girls must bc taught to love la-bor by qualifying themselves to do it effi-ciently. We must turn out fewer pro-fessionals and more skilled artisans, nswell as food-growers. Wo must growand fabricate two hundred millions'worth per annum that we now import,and so reduco the foreign debt that wohave so successfully augmented year byyear. Wo must qualify our clever boysto erect and run factories, furnaces, roll-

to acquire SHI Domingo, or the successful j ing mills, tanneries, machine shops, Arc.packing of a Supreme Court As a literary I to open and work mines, improve and

fashion implements, and double the pro-ducts of tho father'.; farm. So shall wostem the tide of debt that sets steadilyagainst our shores, and cease to bo ac-

paper it ranks foremost of the dailies, andits news columns are up with the times,while it ignores the sensational, demoral-izing and brutalizing, the police and di-vorce courts, etc. It is essentially a familypaper and need not be kept out of thehands of wife or daughter. Now is a go.xltime to subscribe. Daily $1'.; a year;Semi-Weekly s-j ; five copies, *l:i; Week-ly, ftJ50 a year; five copies §7 ; ten cop-ies, $12 ; twenty copies, $20. Specimencopies frte. Address W. M iiuvAKT&Co.New York.

n was a large gathering at the depotJ S«nrJi,y last, at 10:30 x. M., to see the"*nd Duke ALEXIS, announced to arrive"tahour by special train. Promptly'time the pilot engine came ratlliiiK

, giviug warning of the approach of•*Dacal party, which came along live

tes later, tlie engine being decorated5'he Russian and American Hags Tre-

•Wous cheers greeted the Duke and suite,Singled wi th cries of "speech," "come out,'

ch is he," " show him u p," etc. Aslestarting signal was given the Grand

stepped upon the platform of the rear«'. ralseil his hat slightly, bowed to the

ht left, and continued to bow, smll-"3M though he appreciated the ludicrous""sof being gazed at thusly, until thetr>iu moved off aud left the cheering crowt• disperse: to tell that they had seeiAlF-xw, gon of the Czar of all the Hussias""* Wlu might some day be hlmseli a C/.a"1 he uot been born a few years too lato

rW Monday evening express train going"•had the arm of a man in the cow

richer when it arrived at the depot in th;%• The fact was telegraphed to Ypsllui> and search instituted up tlie track

Al l«e first bridge west of the city about*"<•. the body was foul d upon t!ie ice, tli

: limbs badly mangled and the bodbruised. It was identified as th

BULMB, a resident of th


ta« of hiWill ,

"id of this c ty , and about 85 ye usThe old man has not been sane lorcars, and that morning started off on

The January number of the Lnties' Ib-potUory is beautil'iil in typography, elegautin illustrations, and has a table of contentsvaried aud rich, entertaining and instruc-tive, combining essay, biography, story,poetry, etc The steel plates, and in theseno miga/.ine excels the Repottt&ry, are" The Sitter Bridge, near St. Gallen, Switz-erland," and a portrait of John P . Durbin,D. D. The longer articles are: Margaret,Queen of Navarre, by Rev. Chas. Adams,1). 1).; Only a Little Flower, a CiiristmasStory, by Rev. St. James Fry, D. D ; West-minster Abbey, by Emily L. Wyman;John Banyan, illus., first paper; TheTreasure Digger, from the German otFrank Weidman ; Visit to the Danubian'rincipaiities, I., illus., by Nelson Boyd ;hile the shorter ones will be found equal-

attractive. The " Children's Reposi->ry" is full of good things, and the edl-orial department of thoughtful para,raphs. $3.50 a year. HITCHCOCK &VALDEN, Cincinnati, Ohio.

From the same tlrm we have tlie Janu-ry Golden Hours with such a bill of fare as

vill do the boys and girls good ta partakef. The stories and sketches arc vigorousnd healthy, and will not aid in stimulat-ng the love of the sensational which toonany magazines for the young seem to aimt. It can safely be put into the hands ofhe young. $2 a year.

— Our young folks are clamoring for the)ecember number, which was not received.

Hearth and Home for January 6th Is aapitai number and full of promise for theourlh volume and year of this justly pop-ilar weekly. Among its noticeable ajidattractive features is a full-page portraitof Jean Ingelow, with the opening chap-ers of her ii2w serial story, " Off the

Skellings." There Is also a New Year'sstory, " When the Wood was Out," by Ma•ia R. Oakcy ; with two or three storiesfor the boys and girls. The illustrationsare numerous and fine, and every memberof the household, from the oldest to theyoungest, will liiid something attractive inits pages. It is emphatically a firesidejournal, fitted for the farm, village or citywith readable articles on flowers, fruitsetc. Subscribe for it for 1873, and its week-ly appearance will come to be looked anilonged for eagerly. $3 a year ; with theAmerican Agriculturist, monthly, $4. Address OHANOE J U O D <fc Co., 2-13 Broadway

N- Y.

ILLUSTRATION'S 01' ScUIl'TURK— YoStorday I saw a camel go, in Cairo, throughthe eyo of a noedle, that is, tho low-arootd door of an inclosure. Ho must kneeand bow his head to creep through, ancthus the rich man must humble hinuoltSco how a false translation spoils a gjometaphor, and turns a familiar smile inta fen c!< usly communist sentiment

Old Jacob's speech to Pharaoh realljmade me laugh—don't b j shocked—bccause it is so exactly like what a Fella-fays to a Pasha : " Few and evil habeen my days," etc. (Jacob b;;ing a mospompous m a n ) ; but. i t is manners to faall t i n t . I feel quito kindly now tow; rJ a c o \ whom I used to think uugratjfu


's pedestrian excursions, going, he1 England. Tlie evening was so

'hat the engineer did not discover

J . W41.KKK, Propr ie tor . K . II . M r D n v A i . r , A C o . , n g p AUen. A ^ i i u , t u n F n u i c U r t , Cftl . , ami 34 C o m m e r c e i travt N V

M I I I I J I O N S l l enr TcHlimony toWonderfu l CnWitirc Effects*

Tlioy me imtnvilo Fimcy Dr ink , Mndeof PoorR u m . W'IIIMUCV, Proof S p i r i t s niul l tcf i tsoI.iqmtrH doctorod, Pplced nml sweetened to please thotattte.eullcrt "Tonics," "Appotiion,n "nentorers,"&c,thnt leiiil the tippler on to drunkenness nnu ruin,but arcntnie Medicine, mnde from the Native Itoots and llcrbaof Culifornin. free from nil A lcoho l i c S i imi i -lnnl» . Theynrctlie<;itKAT HI.(KID I ' l l t l -PIERand A I.II'E lilVIXO PUIKCIPLK,n perfect Henovntor mul Invigor.itor of the System,oarrfliiffoffatl POIKOHOHH matter niutrostorinKthebloodto a healthy condition. No person can take these Uit-ters according to directions and rtmaln long unwell,pravulod their hones arc not destroyed by mineralpoison or other means, and the vital organs wastedbejond the point of repair.

Tlioy nro a Gentle Purcrntivc n» v o l l nuaTonic, pomwwlnjti HIPO, tlie )>eculiar merit of actingus a povrorfnl npent in relicvinp Cunpestion or Inflam-mution of the Liver, and all the Visceral Orcans.

FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, inyoimcorol.l, mwrlod or sinfrlc, at the dawn of womanhood or atUio turn of life, these Tonic Bitters have no equal.

For I nflniiiHintory niul Chronic Rheilinn-IINIII anil <*out, DyHpcp^ia or Iiiiliffcsliou.Hilimis. Kvmittciit niul Intertiiittcnt F c -T e n , l l iNciscs of thr Hlootl, I.Ivor, l\l«l-nc>«i niul liliidcler, these I l i i icrs have been mosteucecssfiil. Such DlfloaaesM»cansedhy VitiatedJllnod, which is generally prothiccd by derangementof the DitfCBtive Ortrnnn.

DYSPEPSIA OR INOIGESTION, nead-nche, Pain in tho Shoulders, Cousrbs, Tightness of tboChest. Dizziness, Sour £ructation* of the Stomach.Had Tnstc In tho Mouth. Jlilions AttllckB, Calpitatinn oftho Heart, Inflammation of the l.unff*. Pain in tlie re-eioDS of tho Ridnern, and a hundred other painful symp-toms, are tbo oflsprinps of Dyspepsia.

They inrifforato thft Stomach and stimulate tho torpidLiver and Ilowcls, which render them of unequalledefficacy in clcausine the blood of all impurities, and im-parting new life and vigor to tho whole system.

F O R S K I N D I S E A S E S , Eruptions,Tetter. SaltRheum, lllotches, Spots, Pimples. Pustules, Bolls, Car-hunclcs. Ring-Worms. Scald Head, Soro Eyes, Errjlpe-!»s. Itch.S.-urfs, Discoloratlons of tho Skin, numorsandUUMMI or tho Skin, of whaW«r name or nature, aroliterally dug up and carried out ofthe system in a shorttime by the use ol th«se liitters. One bottle In suchcases irulronviuco the most Incredulous of their cura-tive effects.

Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever Ton find its im.purities bursting throuehtho skin in Pimples, Erup-tions or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructedand sluggish In the veins; cleanso it when It is fonl,»nd your feelings will tell you when. Keep the Woodpure, and ttic health of the «vstem will follow.

P i n , T n p c , nnd o i l i er W o r m s , lurking in thosystem of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyedand removed. Says a distinsuisherl physiologist,there is scarcely an individual upon the face of thoenrth whoso body is exempt from the presence ofworms It is not upon the healthy elements of thobody that worms exist, but upon the diseased humorsana slimy depositsTbAt hrr-eri those livinir monsters ofdisease. I»o System of Medicine, no vermifuges, noaiithflimntics will freo the system from worms likothese Bitters.

J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. n. MCDONALD & CO,Druggists nnd Gen. Aeents, San Francisco. California.

and 32 and 34 Commerce Strcot, New York-• » - S O BY ALL DRUUGISTS AUD DBALERS.




noyed by bard times.—Exchange.

Olivo Logan, in a letter to tho Tribune,says the subjeot of woman's enfranchise-ment has become so loaded with obnox-ious features that what once seemed a failprotest against the tyranny of taxationwithout representation is now becominga nuisiinco to audiences. It is also be-coming a nuisance to mo, and I am re-solved to confine myself in the future to alino of remark which has done more to-ward winning me such fame and fortuneas I possess than anything I have said

bout suffrage. Unclean hands have boonaid upon i t ; let it go.

Tho South Bond Register says: " 'Wo-lan'a rights were fairly exemplified onii'l;iy last. A woman, whoprobably ne-ar heard of Victoria Woodhull or Lucytone, killed three hogs, hung them upnd dressed them, without any help what-ver from any lord of creation."

Special Xotlce.It becomes abiolutcly necessary for the Publisher of

30 ARGUS to make immediate collection of all sumsic him, whether for subscription, advertising or job-ng, and as no response is made to editorial invita-ons, notice is hevejy given, that if immediate seWe~rnt ami jiaymrnl of all bills more titan one year oldnot made,'the assistance of an oijiciat agent will be

i l ld In. H A word to the wiso."P. S.—Payment will not be.refuaed on any bill less

itm n year old.Dated, Doc. 6th, 1871.

tf E. B. POXD.— - M-C-< « -^^r^k- * «•—'


Forty years ago, Illinois was as far West as mostaopto wished to KO, and journeys were nude inhe legendary " Prairie Schooner," bat in theseays of Progress nnd Improvement, the word Westas come to mean Iowa, Nebraska, California, andae Territories, and the traveler reaches almost anyoint thereto by a splendid Line of Railroad.This Line of Kailroad ia the Bnrlin^ton Route

•hich starts from Chlcajo by tho Chicago, Bnr-'gton &Qu>ncy Railroad, and, miming throughurliugton, reaches Omaha, Lincoln, Nebrr«kaity, St. Joseph, Atchlson, Leavenworth and Kan-

as City, connecting with the Union Pacific, Kansas>acific, and other railroads running from thoseIties.People going to Iowa, Nebraska, Kansts Cali-

)rnia, or any potnt in the Territories, will etudyheir own interests by ccung " By way of Burlingon," for the rates of that line aro always as low asny other, and it is tho best route in the West,lieiffore you are more stue of your safety and comOft

The Bur'.ington Route has admirably answeredhe queatlon - How to go West? " by the publica-on of an excellent Pamphlet, containing a large,

ruthfn] map of too Great West, and much Intertt-ing Information which can bo obtained, free ofbarga, by addrcssinj: .General Paesonger Agent

B. & Jl. R. B.i Burlington, Iowa.

$5 SILK HATS!That's wliut E. J. JOHNSON offers

tike bat wearing public. Firsi <iuuiityaiid Fui»Uionuble. Silk Huts fur %b>o. T Sun lit 'I:iin street, cust side.

Bounty to Soldiers.Those who euli6tedin 1S61 on the first call of Pres-

dent Lincoln, and who were honorably dischargebefore the expiration of the term of their enlistmtiit, are entitled to $100 each, as bounty-

Andsoldiers enlisting underact of July 4th, 186areto boallowedthe uupuid instalmcuts ofbountIf t h e ; were Ilaebarged by •xplratlon ofservicThe above classtu.should m:ike ajiplicatiuu to tlianderetgnad.

March Mtn ,1870,1261IM .TOnN N. GOTT,

Bounty aud Oltlm Agent.

Soldiers of 1S1_>, who served sixty riav, are etitled to Peu-^ion, and should apply immediately IJohn N. Oott, Bounty and Pension Agent, anArbor, Mich.


and discontented.l-'ateevch, with pledty of butter, is wha

the three men who came to Abraham atoand the way in which, Abraham's ohiefmcmiook, acting us u-H.,'1, manag93 Isaac'sniani-igo with Iihubocca, is preciselywl at a man in his position would donovr.—IstJy Gordon's Lettmfrm Egypt.

On Wextoaaday, ili.j :M inst., at tho residencethe bride's fatbar, by the Eev. William !»•••3 E 0 E O E II. P O N D . o * this<aty,and Uiaa N E L L ]J. r .VKMAN, of Flint.












&o., &o., &c,


Cheaper than the Cheapest forCash.









Second large Stock now bsing received


Having been selected with care, and BOUGHT FORCASH, enables us to oiler


shall make it our aim to keep our Stock so largo and attrac-tive, and tho price of each article so low, that it will

be the interest of all purchasers of Dry Goodsin this vicinity to do business with us.




Grain Farm for Sale.The above farm Is eitnated in the T o w m h i p s i

Dexter and Putnam, Llvln Bton and WnshteunCounties. Ten miloH from Dcxi tr , n:n.> milos froiChelsea, ftiul flvu nii:<-.-Irum iu':kn''y. It eontali

Five Hundred and Twenty Acre?It is well watered and plenty ofttmher. About onhalfuiuliT ft food enltfVatloa. Tornuof snie eusas little money will bo required on first pajmont,P. 8.—If not « 'Id soon, I will leanc Said Turin n Icau find the right man.

0.W.COOKK,Po»tofftccaddress, Pinckney, Mich. 18t8m8<



contains all the finer class of goods adapted to thefirst-class trade, and we offer all the leading

and most meritorious productionsin this our rapidly in-






t-Largest] and .Cheapest Stocks





Ann Arbor, Dec. 1, 1871. 1350m2








&C, &0, &0.


fiEADYa FOR 'THE FALL TRADEHiving Received a Large Stock of


at a small advance on Importers' prices.






With, the Largest and



sell exclusively for cash,




Are now receiving their Fall stock of











MANUFACTUREon terms to suit: Also a full line of



Gents' FURNISHING Goods.


At Mobile, Alabama, Doc. 23d, 1871,ol Pulmonaii onsnmptijn, Mra. CAROLINE D. Pa££U,agod ":>ftaa. Rfflnnlni brought here foi inUrment.

Finest Assortment of ToiletGoods in the City, by

1 ) d U p & C 0 £

To any penon producing Any Mrtlicine able toshow one-third *« many living, permanent cures asDr.PlTUK'8 VEQKTAIU.K RHIUXATIO H K M M ; and afurther revard uf $mo for any case of ohronic orInflammatory lthenmatism, Neuralgia, RheumaticAcnei Sciatica, and Hheiimatism of the Kidneys itHill tut cure This Khcnmatic Syrup is used (meanthi only, pleasant to the taste, and sruaranteed freefrom injurious Drags. H i s not a Quack Medicinehut the scientific prescription of Jos- 1*. Fitter, M.D., Professor of Toxicology and Chcmiatry, grado-nle of the celebrated University ol Pennsylvania, A.13.1803, whose entire professional life has been de-voted specially to this di<c:ise. This preparationunder solemn onth is conscientiously believed to betho only I'positivc, reliable, infallible specific ever(Tscovcrrd. Tho proof that no other specific ex-1«U la found in evory community In persons afflictedfoi many years past and still safltoring* Ifpktfiieiamcould curt U, if a fjif'ilir did e..ri>t, lllix would not br.to, a fact that must be universally admitted. Theoil deceivedgnfferermnj wisely ask, what security

lence bus be that br. Fitlor's Rheumatic Syr-up will enre b'aeMe. The protection offered to pa-tlenti against imposition u In a legally signed con.tract which will be forwarded without charge to any•afferorsending bj lettera description of affliction;this guarantee will state the exact numb'r ofbot-ties warranted to cure, and in case of.failure the

paid will be returned to the patient. Noother remedy hasever been ofl'eredon such liberaland honorable terms. Medical advice, with certifi-cates from prominent Ph'.Bicians, Clergymen,etc.. who baye been cured after nil other treatmentshave railed, sent by letter, gratia. Afflicted cordially invited to write foi advice to the pilncipal office,48 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Fit*I ir' i.lruinnlicSyrup is sold by DraggtsU.

It. W. Bllla & Co,, Sole Agents, Ann Arbor, Mich.




No. 21 South Main Street,—East Side:


Ann Arbor, Sept., 1871.


TOBACCONIST !Deals in both



Snuff, Pipes, &c,AT X0. 7 EAST HUU0> STREET,

Next to the Express Office,

AWN AKBOK, M i d i .

OurgStock is already immense and still more coming. We have thofinest and most elaborate


Ever brought to this city, which we are offering at lower prices tlinn ever.Having purchased in large quantities, we receive greater

discounts than smaller dealers, and we propose"giving purchasers the benefit of it.



Goto R.W.ELLIS & CO'sfor strictly Pure Drugs and•ledicinee ,Pi» ints ,Oils, &c.




Masonic and Odd Fellows' Emblems.


Call in and look at those Goods oven if yon have no intention of buying'

OOKS. BOOKS.media.aadl.org/documents/pdf/michigan_argus/...· I to inspire fear and awe rather than hopo and love. God would speak to me more charmingly on tho: iky, with it wind - [PDF Document] (4)


Nor nsks What Btiu1 i' greets;yin'lrn]! hies


A fouulain fioWS,whose thirst it slafca :

A floweret blows,Thoughtless what joy it makes.

You (brash apart,

Nor • • "i shalt b less !

GuUure of Raspberries.Tn ttfc volumo of Reports of the De-

part mint of Agrioulturc, William Stiun-dera the very ftble Superintendent of thegardens and grounds of tlmt department,refers in his report to soveru.1 subjects,and among other* to the culture of Rasp-berries. He writes :

" Many of the Apparent discrepanciesin the results of raspberrry oulture 1the conflicting opinions upon the meritsof varrieties, arises from a want of thor-ough (liseriiuiiuttion of the species Erom•which thi'v have been obtained, and thospeciiil treatment that they respectivelyrequire.

" Taking the Philadelphia ae a type ofour native speci's, we luvv :i plant thatbus proved healthy and produptive, al-most without exception, wherever it hasbeen plant bereforeit lias becomeBomewhat popular, although, when rom-pared with varieties of the foreign spoeios,tho fruit is inferior in size, quality, andappearance, aifordin^ another instancewhere vigor of growth and productive-ness give ;i superlative value, even whenthe quality of fruit is decidedly inferior,as exemplified by the Albany seedlingamong strawberries and the Concordamong native grapes,

"Taking the Bed Antwerp as an exam-ple of the foreign varieties of the rasp-berry, «v tin.I •: vasi dsflferoriCO in theopinion of cultivators with regard to itssuccess. In some localities it is highlyextolled, while in many others it is asdecidedly condemned. Thai there ar«good reasons foi ppbsite opinionsthere can be no doubt, and observationsprove that failures are caused by thegroat heat and drvnaas of our onraateduring summer, which arrests the growthof tho plants and prevents their propermaturity.

"The measure of success attending theculture of foreign varieties of tho rasp-berry depending so much upon the pro-per degree of moisture, it is evident thatin light sandy and gravelly soils failureswill bo the rule; when planted in moreretentive and clayey soils, growth will bemore continuous and a healthier vegeta-tion be secured.

" Keeping these facts in view, the spe-cial treatment required to meet +he vari-ous influences soils and localities' willreadily be suggested.

" With regard to localities, it wouldappear that in the Southorn States,whore tho woather is dry and warm dur-ing tho latter poxtion of summer, thesevarieties will be unfitted to tho climate,and only productive under the constantattention to such culture as tends tomodify these antagonistic conditions tosuccess; and experience fully bears outthis conclusion. Again, in regard tosoils, where it is unavoidable to plant ondry soils, the whole of tho surface sur-soimding tho plants should reccivo aheavy mulching during summer. Wherethis is persistently practiced, remunera-tive crops may be produced even insouthern localities.

" On clay soils, provided they are pro-perly drained, surface stirring, so as tokeep a loose comminuted surfaco ; mulch-ing may be dispensed with, but even onthese soils it may prove of great advant-age in tho dryest season to spread a thincoating of leaves or strawy manure overthe roots of the plants. The special ob-ject to keep in view is that of constantlymaintaining the soil in a condition thatwill encourage growth during summer,and secure the unchecked maturity of thecanes for fruiting the following year.Covering the canes during winter, al-though a wise precaution, and profitablealways, will not in itself secure a crop offruit from unripened wood; hence thosewho depend altogether upon the cover-ing process, are frequently subjected todisappointments."

Mormon Wives and Children.You are struck by the great number of

children everywhere here. Some housesare absolutely overflowing with them;some tables are actually embowered in" olive branches." The different sets gotalong very well together generally, butthat is little wonder, after tho mirtfcle ofagreement between the mothers. • Poly-gamy does not seem to spare women thecares of maternity. I know a Mormonhousehold in which two middle-agedwives count about two dozen children be-tween them. I took t wo little fair-hairedgirls for twins, and they were a sort ofpolygamic twins, born almost at the sometime in the same house, of different moth-ers. I t seems to me that the childrenhere do not look as happy and bright asin our towns; I fancy that the little girlsat least have something of the subduedlook of thoir mothers. But somo of themare pretty, and nearly all neatly andcomfortably dressed. I hear that theyhave very good schools, and are under gooddiscipline at home, answering tho roll-call at night, and duly honoring theirfather and mothers.

Many Mormon wives are sisters, and itis said they get along quite harmonious-ly. Tho ve-y nature of the women seemsto be changed here, and turned upsidedown and inside out. An intelligent firstwife told a Gentile neighbor that the on-ly wicked feeling she had about her hus-band taking another wife was that he didnot take her Bister, who wanted him, or,rather, a share in him. Sho would- haveliked to have the property kept in thefamily. I saw, tho other day, a pair ofyoung wives, sisters, walking hand inhand, dressed alike in evory particular,of tho same height and complexion, andof the same apparent age—indeed, look-ing so exactly alike, that it was almost amitigated case of bigamy. I t must seemqueer even to them, to say "our husband,"as they used to say " our piano " or ourpony.

The most unnatural marriages here,ary those of men to their wives' moth-ers. These are not unfrequent. It strikesme this is a seditious plot against im-memorial domestic authority, the mostancient court of feminine appeal—that isan attempt to do away with mothers-in-law. When young wives are taken, thothreo, or four, or iive, do not always be-como one flesh ; there is sometimes rebel-lion and even hostility on the part of theold wife. Occasionally, a husband ob-jects to having even a second wifo im-posed on him. I heard of one the otherday, who, though he finally submitted tothe command of tho imperial Brighamthat ho should take and provide for acertain poor woman—" a lorn, lorn cro-tur "—declared he couldn't bear her, andat once put her away on a ranch, fortymiles from tho town, pensioned and pas-turod her out.— Grace Greenwood.

One of tho most important means ofpreserving health, especially at this season,is to keep the fct.-t dry mid warm. Farm-ers and others who are exposed to wetand cold, would find the following com-position very valuable, as a protection.and a preservative for their boots. It isalso excellent as a dressing for harness.Neat's-foot oil, 1 1-2 pint; bees-wax, 4oz.; spirits of turpentine, 1 oz.; pino tar,1 oz. Melt and mix together, and stiruntil cold. Spread and rub this compo-sition over tho leather while it is damp ;leather will absorb oil or greaae betterwhen damp than when dry. For thesoles take-pine tar and rub it in beforo afire until tho soles will absorb no more.Three or four applications will be needed.The durability of tho soles will bo muchincreased.—JIutHh and Home.

t o

a *




% r




< —

= 1> Br* •T.

4 S

2.2 9

<~°" :-



- i - : - i :: >f i - --/a s o »to » r-9

.(3 «* »O '« I - T —•a ii)md>3O<f•iw

CO 00 3D C r i ® JC. J, C C

A ,

His Compaulcs Arc Sound.


C A P I T A L ANT) AS.-ETS, J o l t 1 ,18T1. . . .$1 ,731 ,000CHICAGO LOSSES 760,000

XI1K PIUEJflX is tliebest conductedFir.- liisiiruiico Company in the Cnin-ilstntis. Alwnyit prudrnt and sound,and ul\vu}'s prompt in payment of los-



The first Company to pass the ordeal of the NewYork Insurance CommUsioners since the ChicagoFire, coming out from the severe teat

TRIUMPHANT!Associated Press Dispatch, Novcmbor 2,1SI1,


The Superintendent of the New York State In-surance Department, who is m»ktng x careful offi-cial examination of the New York City Companiesto-day, certifies that the International Comp:iny'<assets of $1,501,000 are securely invested, and itscapital of K*0,CfCO, after providing for all liabilities,Incladhigthe CMca<«o fire, le wholly nuimpaired.

This Company ll paying all ils Chicago losses andis sound and reliable.

Policies issued at fair rates at my office. No. 11East Huron street. Ann Arbor,

J . q. A. SESSIONS, Agent.1347lf.


Xorth British and Mercan-tile Insurance Co.



Capital $10,000,000 in Gold!

The American Managers of the above Companyhave received the following telegram from the Lon-don Board:

"Subscribe rive Thousand Dollarsf or Chicago sufferers—settle al l lossespromptly—Draw at tltrec sitrlit—Amer-ican assets wi l l not be touched.*'

Spring field Fire Ins. Co.,


Capital S500.OOO.

The losses of this Company, by the Chicago fire,will bi: promptly settled by cash payments made byHie.stockholders, leaving the Company with theircapital unimpaired, large assets, and an uninter-rupted business.

TheseCompanies arc sound and reliable beyondanv doubt.

l.'^ks taken in the above Companies at adequate

H. D. IJEXNETT, Agent.134Gtf


FIRILEY ft LEWIShave received a large and

Stock ofwell-selected

New. Fall Gocds !BOUGHT FOR CASH,

All of which mast be sold inside of sixtydays to muke room for our SsooHS Fallstock.

We can show our customers the

J3est Iv i p Bootsever brought to tliis market, both for mcuand boys.


We have the exclusive sale of J. AI\ Finrt'sflue hand-made work—conceded to be thebest work to wear In the market.

Our stock of



We have the exclusive sale of thetine goods of K. O. Hurt, of New York, andReynolds Bros., ol Utica. We guaranteeentire satisfaction on this work. 1884





Also a largo stock of




Ladies' and Gents' Furs!





Also a full line of Gents' punishing Goods

7 South Main St . , Ann Arboi.









Go to R.W.ELLIS & CO'sfor choice Wines and Liquor ffor Medical Purposes.


Finest Assortment

o r


N i i W , AND








JAMES BOYD,1318tf 24 main Stree
















15 South Main St. , Ann Aibor.lS'jiu




FRECKLES, MOTHS AND TANDo not sliow in any of his Pictures.

No Extra Charges.


<;. s. VVOIJMEU & SON,• l l t r i e d * < i f

Woo;! suci [ion Woiking Machinery.99, 101 ft lOS>jKtfPER£ON





Ch'ldjen'o Cariiagcs, Baalrefs &No. 8Oam! H2 Wooiwikti I



rantechlghi mmcdlnt« enica, andproi


WHEAT !We • ihtppera

"! ' v . l i ' . i i <:• i • of a n y o t b e l l u m s . ' .Liberal advances, pruxupt attentioo1 and ^uick re

JACOB B E E S O N & CO.,C"> Woo lbrlrtge Street, Went, Detroit



v.*o tr!VM-Mi'i'c prompt wrt«a and fmniorllate ro-tnnis • i.i Iil-ir-i! cur lota "Ifnn«jr Whltn or B«4 Wheat i<> adranteae If sh ippedIU torough lirt!- cart.

I ! refer to all B a n k s and Coinmorctal A g e n d c e .


SCXTC3-IC J O H N S O N ,">UN:I v rritrtt A.vp DKALER IN

Carriages, Bugf/ies and Sleighs,Var. lyCtmod Sc C»>*« s tree t s .

A i-n-.r,. a^ortmstlt of EASTKHX nnd Homo-Oarria|t«e and Sleighs ou hand, or

finishi d tn oniiT.An Examination of Stock and Prices Solicited.

T O H X P A T T O N * S O X .•1 $f{LU'.ifuCturi r- and I) . '

Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, &cThe toast assortment in Michigan. Established


Bi p sltory, 220 J< Sereon Avenue,Detroit.

P, HUFlVA(iiEL & CO,,Sos. 213, 1 & 217 Woodward Avenue Detroit

We haTe»a"compTete ftflsortmont of the finpstl- ni n'tnre, :md other rad js. A cnl] from buyers iseolicltffd. We arefnlly able to flnlt all as tbqiialityand pr iocs. We mami'fartnre most of our (Urn I tore,ami CM guarantee satisfaction.


HOUSEHOLDrwenty-flye pur cent Ira than any other honec in

Detroit. Do mi : my rnimture *Ware:JOSH. \V. SMITH,

•250, 252 and 254 Bast Side Woodward Avenue.


China Dinner and Tea Seta,Boms very fin- In colors; Also flu

Smith & Co"s line Fluted Gnodsi Ivorvand Rubber Handled Cutlery, Larse stock of -taixi.Brackel and riangini .. & • . for

s by I>. iflcCOItjniGK,lo Michigan Ave..opposite New City Hall, I







ft U H







© fo

m<j BCD

V E W E S A \n S E W I N G T t A H T E S1> The. N e w W

Howe.and i l l other1 i i l 'h prii • Uick • •:!-• their eqi:al in an« and sTrperior1 In ni:>.nv r c t y f e

1 :i: the tjtate Fair • •altotnera. Bold$20less than any other flrmachloes. Warrantedfivi I rbrcircnlars.

E. CIIRXEY ft SON (;, n'i Ag'la1T-2 Woodward Av.. iv.trr.it

T O I I . \ 11.

Mannfacturera of

PICTURE & MIIUIOII FRAMESChromos, i:ns;r;ivfnars. and Photos.

At Wh.S-.--.lc.


pHBODORK SlOtI Uanafactarei of


G.It, Rosewood, ffalnnl sad Ornanieniai MosUiiigs,Imiiorters of Looking Glass Plates, Chromos, an

.-- lo s*34 Aftvalcr street, Detroit .






IL <t ADAMS,Mamifuctnrersof ;u.d wholejale dealers in


VIJSTEGAES14 ilua'.cr street, AVcst,

1343 Detroit, MichiganC L O I i D S M I T H ' S BRYANT 4 8VJINK; rr, DETROIT—BusfiueB practical]taught after the Counting Honse s)gtem, the o'ul

d practical -y-Mn for Illustrating real bos!ness, ri-L|i.irin-_- Banks, .'lores. Buslneea BOinees. Board Jf Trade, etc. No Institution evetook a i»i(roium for Book-keeping and BostneePractice over this iu-tituii".1!, and any assertion t

itrarrts false. PK-ase aitUrcsB as abo?e fo[lapera aod documents).

( " i H A L L K K G K . - 1 Will place !f5«() in th* hnmis of any responsible party whenever anBilliard Table manufacturer Is willing to te t. thmi rits of his Billiard Tables, as 0

. he venturing a like amonnt on the decision•''ui.l I hirthet p t the winner shall dtspoaol the m -my v; a by glviot it. for some charitablpurpose.

C. SCHUI.KXBT.71tO,Blllltrd Table Manufacturer, Detroit, Midi.

n i GOOD!), W H O L E S A L E .





0EY GOODS and MILLINERYi n A U8 Woodward Avenue, corner Congress St.Detroit, Mich,



Something Useful for Christ-mas, at

C. H- Millen's-



50 Main Street!








Parties Supplied








Goto R.W.ELLIS & CO'sfor strictly Pure Drugs and

Modicinee .Paints ,Oils,&c.


A DESIRABLEAIK! CTITAR Al<si> oni- Finf Front J « m over

n Store, So. is Main St.,frum Auguel lut,1 ! " - m ^ l i e O 1 G.W. HAYS. Sup,.



hi Estate Tor Sule.Q T A T K OFMH'IiHrAN", C o n n t y M Wo Iu the matter ol I

Iof mi oi rator of• li .\:\\\- ->\ - .nl decea ->\, by the Him. Judge oS l 'ro-

••• : 1 K ' ( ' o o i k t y • '••••. o n t h <tbml day of October, A. W ©Id atPublic veadtte, to :' itore of

• be • ' . i m t y of•

• :.i. r, A . p . 1871, fttone o'dock inthe aftevntHno of th..:by mortg ige or oithe i of thedeath o f said deceased, widdower ol Lor&nn KTUZD as widowof X.vihan .•; - . . , to-Trit:Thft northwest qotuter ofBectiou-twwil'y-one, in town-ship two south of rtkng6 tbroo east, oontaiointf onehundred «nd ixt>\\o ;i parce] ol Land MHO ofsiiid oorthwefit quarter on the Becker road* and run-

•• m (tenter twentyehAins thence '••'•' chains and fcwenly-flvelinks to a Btake and Btoqes • twenty

nee north eighinnd twenty-ftve linlta t o the plnce of htaining ^ x:4.'•<. ^ uinl BO-I00 ncrea raoialso a parcel of land commencing at the norl

tathweet int;ivttT or the northen.-1

length and eigl I i width] con-tninin^ Bevcnteen acres, —being land kc ipeat of 4 '1 by Joseph Perry,nnd Uu • rioho*

i l l ' h, A . 1 >.ilvin K. lSecker, recorded on pa]

ui lil- •. uiiice of the Register ofDeeds of said * 'ounty.

[t October 2»4, A. D. 1«71.WESLEY KITHOHAKD,

13-I7td i ; \ ' cutor.'i ii.• :,\ nvc s;ilo is postponed to Monday, the eighth

day of January, 1872, at the some place amltimeof

WESLEY •nrnCHAUD, Executor.Doted, December 27th, 1871.

Real Estate for Sale.STATE OF MICHIGAN, Count; of W

in the matter i I

ot' iin oiVlei1 tgned, .'ullnin-. l>y the l i o n .

• .! ProbateYoi ot Wasntenaw, oo..1 November, A. J). 1871, there will lie

sold at public vendue, tot! bidder, ut thelilinf-' house on t hi cril d,

ii the County of W i htei »w kisaid8tate,on Wlay, the seventeenth dayof January, A. I). 1*72,atone

o'clock in the afternoon ol thai day [sQbject to nil en-I i tiu r at the

:imo (if the death of said di cea&ed, andalM sul' of dower ofhis widow therein), the Eol

estate, to-wit: The west half of tbetoothvesi quarteroi biptwosouth of runsre lout east, oontajuing eighty aorea mureir less, in snirt State.

Dated, Novemler Gth, A • D. 18T1.JONAS FfiEER,JAMES C. FHEEB,

350 Administrators.

ChanceryrpiIEOirtr .untyo.

« i ••• » . i n C l i o: .ant, )

[. 1


unknov not be

u i ' l i i M -

: I •

. -1 it Is far-. ml, within •

E. BBAHAN,•it Court CommiuM ;. ,w


(>>i'' oftl • Solicitors for Complainant.

I of l i enil <i.nrt for the county of \\

Lonnty ore dcfi ndai

nction, in the .


more or le.s»;

nil in township Mo, o

•:l Slnto of Miolii]said lands as inriy lw snfilwiih in

Dot . .l!i. f87f.B. Bl


A. " t'ouuty, Miehixnn.tinant. ' 135i


_i tuate tuil I . ;„,! j [

, ninth (In

. ,' (oi tiie hi'.inund fiiat the heii •


One of the Ci

Ifetate of Alice T>. IO T A T B O f v . l i i i ' . , w - A

i ' t, . . . i * * . *

. ""*• mui6HI tll|IHlr(]j


linn of


Bstato of Oh; -VjTATi'.iil' MKH1

"••'•• . • ivt i , !? 1 ' .*' list: I'volt^iv (Iff;,! - oni«»«

Of A i m , 1 | ! , , | , n:, i -i Hit ' " I "i thcy i iu • ime t i . ous i . i i i l c i i , ; , i V

Tiult'c of |1" the muttei ol the entate

( J n i i<*iii-r n n , i (tiinj^ t!io jK-fi*M?r (fAnn.-, ! i

lj u.","""i'««l(I I . I I , 1 . 1 . . .

m -.', :,l ttii o'ct'oA tTSK't-,'T!*I«V


cterral, Ill.. ill ll-r ,., ;

• •

ircnliitaiir iri

;A"n,.,.,,.,.. an:.i

Estate of Stephen "U". Giiffij ""CTATE OF MlcniGAN, County of J lO At a. session of th ,1 Court

in Oio }«itnly-uue.

lur tii<! County of Wasljluiiuw, Michigan.

t 1354 d

Mortgage (Sale.D ' ' ' • in thocondltii

ami • . . . .

»rlng date the : h•

286, ini which rgag« there if claimed tn be dne

'••11:116 iind t h i r t y - f i i K r c i T l s , ar.ri Hi • v! m. i r t -

;-':i'-'|'- ••- ••; Inw havl i i

iir any pirt thvroof; '• I the power ol sole coh'

nd of i ! i : si i irto In suchcm»ema ridod, the said mortjraee will be

: All tba< pin .,f Korthfleid. In the I

of iVugbieuiw, and frtate of Michigan k n o w n ,. to wi' : th-

•itet.nt qna r t i

east accoTd! riginal snrveiof land, more oi

nt the toath door of the H'nshtenaw ICl y of Ann Arbor, iu

!H)lrtiE» the iin the aforesaid Con . . ..

A. 1>. one thj -two, v.t teu o clock hi Uie Ibre-

noin of (Mat day.Noveiii


Mortgage &i]c.O ondition of a

i tenaw and f>,::!. A. D..i i county mi

• il by

.Siiliy Ann PraI. Pray, on the 17th ilny

i i i n i i i yA. I>. 1871

!o beflae m

no w"''

Tiowc-r.i sell at pob-

'.M.ii-i-li iu'.\t. n1 9 i..\ . ; . at the ( ouit

being tit I ourt i'or thetract or par

•{Halter. m number three in township

South in range utoabat six cast, lyins- in Northlield,in the eounty of Washtenav, in the State ol'ilicLi-gaa.

Iteecmber 7th, 1S71.WATHAN n. PRAT,

JOHV V. niT, Mortgagee.Attorney for A..si;.'iice ol Mortgagee.

ilortgaf?o Sale.

DEFAULT having been made in the conditi< T- of a

A n i i J . " • i-eiLsei.i], bear-i;u- .:;it,r I Ue twenty-third day of November, oni

.! reeorded in•

count v.1, in liber 39 il», on

which i i ' i I to be duo thefive linn ' :i!so an

I "led inat lu-.v or i!i

. ngbeen instituted t.j reeores the debtor any inct thereof;

Xni;- -. that by virrneofthe \HJ\- • and <-tthe Btal ute in such case made and provided, 1 shall sellat public auction, to the highest bidder, at thedooroi ' Court House, in thepity of Ann Arbor, in said county (that being theplace G: Circuit Court for said eounty)ronBatoTday, y of Uaieh, A. D. 1872, ateleven o'clock A. M. of said dny, tb

A .^uip of laiul onnnd extending across the

northeast nuaxtorof seotioo twenty-one, in townshiptutfi of range

side of which is parallelide of said quarter section,

and the 'ins and flft]links wi-st ot ilio east half qi.aitirline,containingfour and 03-100 acres, more or less; also a piece on sec-

,i(y-f«-<>, same town and limjje, to wit: Thesouth sixteen chains and seventy-one links wide, andthe east sevi ntei n chains and ninety-nine links along

rr p;r>«m» intgnented in sni«l

show cause, if any there be, ••petitioner should not beordered, that saui petition .

linn, and the heiirmif (h"reof, by em• i to be published i

newspaper printed anlorn- saooQseiY* vpeck..,

. M J.Jnd»

Estate of Priscilla -

ST A T E OF •! ;< ' IU. ,A. \ \ ...-<.„•:

., holden al'tl.e year one tliousam", e ieUkSl i

• D O , ' • • •

r*ofProb«hIn ine matter ui the eMulu ol I

I, ! ; . i i Jlomlav 0 » a iJaiinary next , at ten o'clock in i

wired nnoi said coii al the Probate Office, in \tv , i "

1'urth.i • •;•'!• •: ,1 th.it said petitioner (Sin nofajkl

i : p^JJ


ropy.) Hini'M J.

Estate of Sarah C. Johnson.

• he year onetlluL....i.ii:islitliMtofal

• I, Hirnm -T. Denies, .hnlgcof TnUbei oi the estate ol fathc/ktm

ion tfilrtriiW tt•

••',ai!.-iy, ttelifkftII till tut-

(hete be,



paper printed and circuliiliiw' ;-n soii «

i.\ true ccpv.i


Estate of Ezra Cummins.

STATE OF Mil 'ounty of Woshtan,*

i.onrt fur tke CM«Iof Waslitpnaw, holden ut the Probate OiHc*, alii

\nn Arbor, on SRtBrdaT, tie nitti l«•ILL, III the yeur ono thou*iuW

. .r™l»e of I'mtatr.matter ut the c s u u uf Eir»

n<i flTins *li« r Ktibn, My TfriW,ilnur that Wmijfc

iu Bell the real estate, ol saiil i !11 j i titton.

:. Hint 3loml»r, tliesituuarynext, at ten o'clock in the tmtcm, 1«

ui,'of s.-'jii petition,indtkstuinext of kin of said incompetent, and all o1hcrs«x»interested in mid estate, are required to apptittuvuonofsaid Court, then to thePnWeOBice, in the City of Ann '. '•.•.»«*«

be, why the prayer of the petitioner iWjnot be granted : And it is fui-thcr ordeml, tb»t wpetitioner give notice to tin- rted n*"

•,: the h»-ing tin-

.ulating in saito ssjaday of hennnpr.

{A true copy.) lUKAJt J. IiJudge of !'!*'«•

Estate of Eliza Jane Osgcod.

i >te y g

ami seventeen chains and ninety-sixth id f Ih i i th t h l f

Iienl Estate for Sale.O T A T E •!•' MICHIGAN, county ot Woghtenaw, ss.

J In tlie ia;tltt>r of the cstuto oi1 cainlinu Kettaer.-'astsl: Notice i.> hweby ^lvon, that in purso

in onlLT fftanti >1 to the undersi| ucd, AdnunistxatoT ofiteot s;iM doceused, by tin: Hon. Judge of Pro-

atdfox the eouaty of Wiwhtonaw. on the twenty-ixt li day of December, A. D. 1871* then will bo sold

phest biader, at th-ooroj tlie Coori lUm-r, In the dty of Ann Arbor, In

a m , in s;tid .state, on Tveeday,he thirteenth, day of February, A . I ) , is?'-', :it ten

n the forenoon of that day (subject toumbranoes by mortgage or otherwise existing Jit the

I he deatli ui • ina de-I'lil-.-d real ; i A pareel oi land in thuity of Ann Arbor, county und State aforesaid, de-

: aa commencing seventy teat east tr.• it one in block two south of IIu-

east, theneo east on the northjie of saidlo ooe BOUth ;>jx(>->ix

i feet, thence north slxty-beginnins.

iwmbtT 2«th,I L'LIKIJ E. HAU8BE,

13M Adminisfr

Sheriff's Sale.I B CF^TTCJiriiAX, County of A-.

^ By \' • cecution, issued out of andndertl 11 Court for tho county of

o( Miehigan, i th dayf May, A. 1). LB71taod tomeditoeted anddelivezeo.

Is, lands ami tent s. Ltchison ind Orson Atchisoi there-i namad, I did, on the fifth day oi J«Jy, k..D

• >:i all the interest Orson Atchuon has in the>iu.\si'. og tberatheusl qoiirter of the northwest

i in township 011' souml the south part of the oasi half of Itarter of section seveBteen, »nd the south haHf of the

seven-p one :onth of i

- •!;]-'• of Michigan :

ublio anotion . to t! • it tin1 southoor of i • ' in Arbor, onle 25thd iv of December, A . U . lSIl.ut, lOo'clook A.

Duted, N.,v. Cth, A . D . 1871.W E B B , : ) :

I347t<l By -TOKI IN F O B B S S , \'wU r-6herm.

The a' • 1 to the sooond day ofanutiry, ! oe and time ot' day.Dated, Dec2Sth , :

MYJtOX W E B B , Sheriff.1364 :.J.N t'ouisi:^, I l h i

north side of the piece, in the west halfof the southwest quarter ol • y-tuo, con-

actdSi and heing «D rned byth< snid Seluen Marvin and Ann J. Marvin in sailcounty oi'Washtenaw at the time said mortgage was

ad ezecuti d.Iiutcd, Ann Arbor T)tc. 11th, 1871


D. C&AMBtt, tratrix of said ?ir<)rtgagce.Attorney forsaid'ldnlinistratrix. 1352

QTATE OF :•' - 1 1 , »s.O By virtu-.' of a writ ofunder t1.-

naw, State oi

liTered, affainst the -: and taao-• ..: nt . of William M. Brown, defendant Inamed, I did. on the twenty-ninth day of }J.1). 1S71, for the want of pooils and chattels, b vy uppnall the right, title and tnl rr.t riiat William M. Brownhas in tho following ' .to-wit: Allof 1. t • No. four, live, six, seven nnd eight, in block onein Granger & Morgan's Addition to t!

>ter; also the southwest ouarter of• i tarter of m

i eleven, and noutiquarter of section t e ^ all in town four south olthree east, all of the above described propertj

i in the township and Tillage of Slimcounty of Waahtenaw, and .State ofUichig -n. whichnremises I shall expose for sale, at public auction, t»the hi) I t, at the south door of the

City of Ann Arbor, on theSOth day ofJnnuavv, A. D. 1»72, at 10 o'olook A. M. of said day.

Dated, Ami Arlor, lice. 7th, Is: 1.•. L I T .

By JOBTIN FOUBES, Under-Sheriff.

T A T E O F l t K EIOAN.Cs_,' At a session of the Vrouiite Court fur tbe twf

of Washtenaw, holden at the i'v.batc OtK«,»*City of Ann Arbor, on Saturduy, ti.<day of NovemlJor, in the year oue thousaud tigl^1*died and

Present Hiram J. l!eakes, Jiuijrc ef rrobatf.In the matter of the Estate of Eliza JaM<*"*

deceased. .On reudine and film? the petition, t[v'

Caasius M. i • ; in£ t«'i.iny IK. liiensctl to sell certiiin real estate wkasW

Thwmponit is oidenxl, Tlin' JForday of Jauualy n.xt, at ten ^"/loek in u

I s.iidthatthehciis at lu^ of MIU diocettsed, —pei-sous • Latej ale v- iiiredtoajf**

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win Arf/us, IIid county, P)ursti'.

us to saul diiy i _„,(A true copy.) U1KAM J. BEAKB^

iasi Jud

[FAMILIESIghlng tobesnppited v v l t b l V I L K regular!} will

[ease toave their otders for the some at my office,or. Huron and Fifth stivcts.

K. 13. I

Sheriff's Snlc*.ST A T E O F M I G H I G A N , o o o n t j of W«sl tenaw,BB

B y virtue of one ider the Beal of tho Circuit Court for the COT

i;;iw and s ta te oi1 Mi. lands ;in«l tonemei \k, nnd to me!, and for the want ut w I

bave, th i s t-wonty-thixd da] • i). laffl,it, title •and in ten» t whi

Julia Bill rt y, towit: ' : k OJIU StUBkp fm:rand tluity-earon links west of the eenU*r olnumber tw< Dty, thence B est iiloug center line of said

., north i linrty• tin a n a. o rhains

! propertj bthe i !ty "i .\ an A •: »w, und

. til tx-•

. in the city ofif Janu-

;ny. A. D. 18V2, . iy.Dated, thia Ith, daj - I A. D. 1871.

1351 MYIH



Commissioners' Notiee.QTATE OF MICHIGAN, oounty of "

• ' inn«1« ••'i:ul adjusi oil olain

I Lyman «•'"late of - bj give n 0 U ^ aMX months fluiu uato Mti allbwcd, li>Probate Court, for • • •' tl^ij" ru

the estate of said deceased, ami that IWNimU- & Crano, iu t

liiuti, m KIHI enmity, on Satwdny, thiiid on 'fu. Alt/, "'

. M. of e«a> "Idavs, to iv<vr..

l )ated, Dec. litth, A. J). i s ; I.

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allowance, on or before tl

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ook in the foionixm ot"""r l in Arbor,

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OOKS. BOOKS.media.aadl.org/documents/pdf/michigan_argus/... · I to inspire fear and awe rather than hopo and love. God would speak to me more charmingly on tho: iky, with it wind - [PDF Document] (2025)


How many libraries are in Ann Arbor? ›

The library system consists of a main library in downtown Ann Arbor, and four branch libraries strategically located around Ann Arbor, easily accessible by bus.

What is the zip code for the Ann Arbor District library? ›

Mailing address: 343 South Fifth Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Use this form or email ask@aadl.org to contact AADL staff for help, to suggest a title, or with your feedback!

What is the largest public library in Michigan? ›

The Detroit Public Library is the second largest library system in the U.S. state of Michigan by volumes held (after the University of Michigan Library) and the 12th-largest public library system in the United States.

How many libraries are in the US? ›

How many libraries are in the US? As of 2020, there are 17,454 public libraries in the United States, including central and branch libraries, as well as mobile libraries (bookmobiles).

Where is 48103? ›

How many libraries does University of Michigan Ann Arbor have? ›

The University of Michigan Library is a system of 20 libraries that includes a graduate, an undergraduate, science, health science, and many other specialized libraries.

What county is Ann Arbor in? ›

Ann Arbor is a city in and the county seat of Washtenaw County, Michigan, United States. The 2020 census recorded its population to be 123,851, making it the fifth-most populous city in Michigan.

How many libraries are on the BU campus? ›

Boston University Libraries is composed of the African Studies, Astronomy, Mugar Memorial, Music, Science & Engineering, Stone Science, Pickering Educational Resources, and Frederick S. Pardee Management libraries. Libraries staff are available in each of our libraries to provide services and assistance.

How many libraries are on UMD campus? ›

We have six libraries on the College Park campus and one at Shady Grove in Rockville, where you can study, meet with a librarian, browse our collections, or take advantage of the variety of technology, equipment, and other services we offer.

How many libraries are in Michigan? ›

According to the Library of Michigan, as of 2021, there are 386 central libraries, 255 branch libraries, and 11 bookmobiles across the state.

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.