Fort Lauderdale News from Fort Lauderdale, Florida (2024)

1101 Homes for Sale 101 Homes for Sale Fort Laiulpi 'lalf New and ij. Sini-Sriililirl. yilinln: April 13. 1975 1101 Homes for Sale 1 0B4 Stores Offices- 1101 Homes for Sale 054 Stores Offices- Warehouses for Rent Warehouses for Rent tREAL 1ST Ml fOK SALE 1101 Homes for Sale 1101 Homes tor Sale TRANSFERRED TO VENZUELA ABSOLUTELY MUST SELL 4 BEORM 2 BATH VETERANS NO MONEY NEEDED OWNER PAYS ALL C0S1S FHA BUYERS $300 DOWN VETERANS NO MONEY DOWN SELLER PAYS CLOSING COSTS FHA BUYERS ONLY $150 DOWN 10B4 StoresOlfices- Warehouses for Rent 3M ZONING a 3 Dhase electric, VOOO so II. near Fashion Square.

$135 mo TOP NE section, office warehouse snare. sq. II. SiOO Mo. Call SoJ 089 or 7764777 $275 MONTH YEARLY "I C.

COMMERCIAL BLVD S65.00 PER MONTH 2501 B. COMMERCIAL LOW DOWN payment bedrm bath WILTON MANORS MJNGQ ISLE ONLY (39,900 DEEP WATER Charmirta home on extra large lot. Excellent location. BeflutifgHy High asumeoia mortqewe. Owner will seconaary fl-nanefnej.

OwnQr-ttroktr 5B1-5410. central air owner will finance for 3 bedrms, I baths, den, carport Owner anxiou! Only 126,990. Call Big 4 bedrm 2 bath In "SUNFLOWER" f-amily rm, buo fenced yard, irrwn PA1IO. excellent assume Great 3 nedrm noma In good lamlly area. 8 Call CHUCK Private Executive Offices.

731-2140 family v6 a4 no wvr'm Combine bv cell 771-6JI0 tor details ST CLEMFNT'5 PARISH, JENADA VILLAS, POOL RECREATION tjjnr mntivat.d. 2 bedrm b'a mtq see it. movo riobt in, now UUHLXJIM, SSOC- -w 79I-2J83. A great 7Vi WJfl and ask tor AO m. L0CKW00D ft LEHR, REALTORS Prters Road at University Dr.

ANQOT Pgai.TY, Inr BFaHnrs EXQUISITE 1S7.000 CaM Phyllis Gonalei, Assoc. tt OVVNEPt SJ4 00O SB Pomp. 2 bedrm 2 Datn familyrm, central air, circular dnve. large tot 78: 2014 -M 2-64s wites. itt Ai'lft 2 balh.

NEW CENTRAL AIR, NEW KITCHEN CABINET 1 APPLIANCES, NEW LISTING CALL L0CXW000 LEHR RULT0K5 Plrs Road at University Drive bvenings wj-ibui. NE LOCATION Retail store, 1,080 sq ft In beautiful piaa. Imported Spanish tile floor Display tre'k liqhtinq. Immediate LOCKWOQD IEHR, REALTORS IMMACULATB Split htrdrmi, I WILTON MANORS tin In, new car oat. custott of noes, ruoancy.

5flj-3-lS3. Penllng Warehouse 8, Oftlce Snace Uo to 6.700 sq It. Eesl of Fla east .7 10 Commercial HFnM 2 Bath. Owner Must Sail. garage, large screened oatio, central MARY LUU KieutT-ww-rv.

ur JACK ZEAAAN-REALTOR. 564-1197. Call lor our Free on Selling Your Home S2.500 cash 4 taxe over. air neat, reirig, disposal. iruiT trees, Sbedrm, 2', bath.

Jcar garage, largo lamily rm, carpel, central air. sprinklers, all appliances. fsS.pno. $8.000 down, 1001 NW 29lh Ct. 566 5066 1 Vt ACRE FENCED 4 BEORM 2 BATH-FIREPLACE $69,900 NEW OFFICE SPACE Owner Broker 972 storage shed, landscaped, well sprtnmers.

bv owner, us wtf Designed to your specifications at notice:" COUNTRY living at its best- NEWLY VUOOrM-ANDS OP TAAAARAC uur toi, ureai KjCflTtnn, 0000 parK-ins. SS.50 Per utilities included. 3 BEDRM. Bath with pvt. entrance OAKLAND ESTATES, BY OWNER Jbedrm 1' bath.

Fla SO FT Air Cond Office. 2 Bath, front rear naraqe doors. 4059 NE L. 0aklflnd pk tail M6-3669. 32 ONLY $26,800 VETERANS NO MONEY DOWN FHA BUYERS ONLY $300 DOWN 3bodrms, 2baths, circular driveway, nicely landscaped 120' lot, good lamlly neighborhood.

Vacant. make a deal TODAY! Call FAYE LEACH or DAVIA LEACH, Assoc. 792-7000 Eves. J87-9418 or 587929. L0CXW00D LEHR, REALTORS Peters Road at University Drive bedrm.

washer, dryer, fireplace, sprinkling system, oranoe tree I Bedrm 2 bath, golf course, exclusive adult area. 753 31 1. bUILI cusiom none wnn it l-ivium rm stone lireploco. Family rm, dining rm, big kilchen, wall to wall sii I i.l. MlwartlSMl 1m BETTER THAN NEW Immaculate inside out.

Attractive neighborhood. 2 bedrms. 2 oaths, large eatm kitchen, dining rm, huge living rm, central air heat, sprinkler system, many, many extras. Call 792 6700. STOP REALTY extras.

NO AGENTS, SJV.IvO. 484 6984J this newspapar to tubiact to WAREHOUSE for rent 7000 3000 So. ft. Bofh have small offices insido, Hit, 770 Volt. Swnlight Investments W-not).

TOP STORE LOCATION 363 SW 37tb central air, BOO sq. fl. Heavy traffic brand new. reason-ahla, 533 3706. 195 14 AIRPORT $195 WO M3 NEW WAR HOUSE, OWNER.

CALL 733-8097 FIRST LOOK HERE Offices, cent mf air, Individual B. Oakland Pk. Blvd. Ffit months rent ttti -54 776-5986 WAREHOUSE, 2000 sq.ft. down, 1500 sq.ft.

up i 2 high overhead door, 4062 WE 5 Tsrr. Oakland Pk. S.M5 rrfhly 5SJ Bedrm. I Bath Guest House thaf Days mtg. of S25.600.

Sell Realtor carneting. CENTRAL air, all at a S45 S70. Inquiries invitee. 63-6iwj. 10 90 Bay' with overhead door, ex.

FULL $23,000 PRICE $2800 ASSUMES MTG. third ot the orico neignooring oroperties. Broward. Call Jerry Tallin, 566-7802. Assoc.

LOCKWOOD 1 LEHR REALTY INC 2000 Oak cedent Oakland Pk area To see call PLANTATION TOWNHOUSE $28,500 S5000 AND ASSUME MORTGAGE Larqe bay with rest room. Ex. cedent NE location. To sea call 573-6423 or 583-4254 j-04vj or yii uw 3 Bedrms, excellent cond. Completely Cycloned fenced yard.

Present land tK. i-l Lauo. DIVORCEE ANXIOUS TO UNLOAD BURDEN OF LARGE HOME SELLING AT VA APPRAISAL than I year old and $4,000 under mig. SU.vU. rflyn.mi mo I T.

I. No Closino Costs. Call 792-6200. builder's price is this comfortable PRIME LOCATION ON USI a story professional bldq. Deluxe office suites Tremendous parking Decorated auitea 400 SQ.

PT to 20,000 SQ, FT with parking area. 1 block off Oakland Pk Blvd. 1 block South ot Commercial Blvd. 49M450 564-3600 BRAND NEW HOME bedrm 2 bath, Fla rm corner wrxxled lot. Take advantage of tax rebate assume existing mtg.

No closing costs. $56,500. Owner-Builder 584-3235 HILLS OF INVERRARY WIDOWER SELLS $71,000 1 bedrm 2 bath beauty loaded with evTras. Family rm, garaae, central STOP REALTY townhousewith 2 large bedrms. I tun and 2 halt baths.

Central air and heat, all appliances, screened bal Iha Federal fair nousing jf 1968 which make it illegal dvgrtl "nv preference, or discrimination aaisd on race, color, religion, sex or national origin, or an intention to mako any tuch preference, limitation or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising tor real estate which is in violation of tho law. Our readers are hereby informed all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. 32 SPLIT LEVEL VA FHA OR $6,500 TO ASSUME Charming 3 bedrm 2 bath home with northern type elevation. Sunken family rm, workshop or 4th bedrm, scroened porch, larqe patio, attractively landscaped with fruit trees. Only J.16,900.

Call IRV BELL, Assoc. 792 7000 Eves. 731-9359. L0CKW00D IEHR, REALTORS Peters Road at University Drive Coral Ridge Professional Bids. JArKIt? GLEASON COUNTRY- 3500 SQ.

PT Heaw tmiiKirl! cony patio ovariooKing tion, near Airport. 225 SW 33 St. 3471 N. Fed. Hwy.

Ft. Lauderdale IRV HbLL, ASSOC. isvb. 731-9359. air and heat, oood family area, veterans no oown payment, FHA mini mum down.

Call STAN MACHULAK, Assoc. 92-7O00 Eves. 584-846. LQCKWQOD ft LEHR, REALTORS Peters Road at University Dr. SUPERB LIVING.

Gorgeous home, beautifully located in the finest sec-tionl Tennis, Golf. Country Club liv. Call Pat Haves 565-7588 WILTON MANORS $54,500 3 2 POOL IUST LISTED OPEN HOUSE SUN 15 PM 309 NW 27th STREET TAM O'SANTEP huge family home, screened pool, 3 bedrms, family rm 1 gen. Save S3I14, owner 972 1922 LOCKWOOD LEHR, REALTORS Peters Road at University Drive at Its best, can Ron brotr, 2150 4300 SO. FT.

BAYS NEW WAREHOUSE OLD DIXIE 566-7802, Assoc. Lockwood Lenr OPEN HOUSE BY OWNER Realty inc. bve Excellent tocation. 3 Phase Elec. Call Tom G'avev Commercial Realty.

776-4611 or 781-5549 Eves. Come by and so this beauty; I It hat everything. 3 Bedrms 7 bath. New OWNER CARRY MTG. Sun.

PM till 5PM. 3 bedrm. large 1380 SO. FT. ZONING office paneled-atr cond carpeting 20' high ceiling 200 amo.

3 ohdse In -WAREHOUSE, WOO sq.ft., overhead doors, office. I block off Oakland Pk Blvd. S'60 mthtv. 2544. BLOCK sooth of Commercial Blvd.

AOOOsq. ft. in new shopping complex. Formerly luxury turn showroom. Ideal for large Insurance or office concern.

Ample parkino, central air 1 heat. Less than S3 00 sq ft. Also smaller bays, from 1200 sq ft. Very reasonable. 401-2267, 563-7913.

i mu, tinuin nauranf. Three bedroom, VA FHA LOW DOWN HOWES two h.ih. olua seoarale 2 car dustrial lighting ample parking Rol- 3000 SQ.ff WarihOU rtvnnlitfdlu ate fenced beckyard, above grouna poui. sprinkler system, wall to wall car. pel ing appliances, asking $31.9110.

1812 NW 15tn Ave, Fl Laud. QUALIFIED VETERANS! YOU CAN BUY THIS HOME WITHOUT ANV MONEY SELLER PAYS ALL COSTS! FHA BUYERS ONLY $150 DOWN oar.o. Drive by 1008 N. 18th cond. with office.

919 Dixie Hwy TONY GATTUSO REALTOR 564 6533 central air-neat, unra Kitchon, real brick masonry inside many surprises. Low inleresl rate ist Mtg. Owner would take back Second. Don't miss this. Tom Adler Assoc.

Anaconda Realty Co. Realtors. iup garage ooor i6Jt s. uid uixte Hwy. Pompano Bch.

Les Markus Court. OWNER WANTS AN OFFERI Hooges a sons, prower, ojj 1101 Homes for Sale bOO KOZiCn, 764-047, FOR SALE BY OWNER THE BRIDE IDEA STORAGE SPACE Available. Sepa 3 BEDRM 1' bom, central air, shag 764-1 4ii or QUALIFIED VETERANS! YOU CAN BUY THIS HOME WITHOUT ANY MONEY SELLER PAYS ALL COSTS! FHA BUYERS ONLY $150 DOWN 1 bedrm home In good temlly area For a great deal call WAYNE SECHR6ST, Assoc. 792-7000 Eves. 584-2430.

L0CKW00D I LEHR, REALTORS Peters Rd at University Dr. 1 IwHrm hnma in OAnd family area. FHA tinancing on this 33 bedrm 7 bath bedrm 2 hath, 4761 NW 19 St. 37,. 900.

Call after 6om. 731-3536. rate uniis. HXaOi, per rnonm. Lai 925-0058 or 792-1576 SMALL OFFICE, prestige professional bldq, at Broward 441.

Full service ft utilities. $89 Mo. Mr. Kras- For a great deal call WAYNE STORE, OFFICE OR WAREHOUSE 31 it, Oakland Pk Opposite Sears carpeting, formica Micnen, wmm a. u-rMiwt norrh Duldnor liohf.

SECHREST, Assoc. 792-7000 fevet. home wit. na rm a. Baronw i area off Riverland Rd.

Stove, rpfnej, rrsast. rasntrn.1 raAt. fiir IWiqhDOr- WATERFRONT -TOWN HO USE 33 PRICED IN 30 SELLER BOUGHT ANOTHER HOME MUSI SELL! MUST SELL! IOW 485 0439. Rental only 15 cents sq ft. Ph BIG WAR VETERANS BEST bay rentals In town.

Huge Storaqe bavs. Onlv SSfl a AAn Aiirar. WIMBELDON TOWNHOUSE, bedrm 2' bath, garage-carpet thru-out all apoliances, tennis, pool. or rent, $424 mo. occuaancy June 711 -63JW 73S-0055, after v.3C w-wiv hood, near good school.

Cell Sue 584-2430. 10CKW00D IEHR, REALTORS Peters Rd at University Dr unur of once? YOU ing on larqe fenced lot. This home really shows pride ot ownership. Immaculate. It's a buy.

In the low 40's. The Ber Agency. Realtors. 971.1100. five office-warehouse suite available at low rent.

Confidence Really Inc. may be able to again buy VA. Tie Thl. ha.Mtlfnllv rfnrnrated ft land $450 SQ FT UP Klmberly shopping center, North i jutriffrdafe. New Spanish design.

scaped home overlooks wide canal. 3 Oer tin. Assoc, M.I. ROBBINS, BROKER The Live Wire" 21 W. Sunrise.

764 0022 Day Nile WAREHOUSE PORT EVERGLADES LEASE key to vour new durnw rAov (n, no down payment, no COM, For free prt-qualiftcation calk 42 POOL-FAMILY RM i CAR GARAGE-TRY HIGH 40't IN TIME WAREHOUSE FOR RENT 3 BE DRW. I BATH, Oft N. Andrews Avenue, parliaily turn'd. house and yard in good cond. $3 000 down, owner holds mtg.

Ph. 564-7441. OS DOWN i AnHasrhiii 1 tortf-m 9 hath, famitv FAIRMONT REALTY CO BRUntR 305 s. Andrews Ave. Near Downtown Boca Raton, Nearly bedrms, i Dams, nuqe lonmy rm, new shag carpet, interior stonework.

No maintenance or recreation tee. fee Call CATHY LARSON, or DIANE GALLUZZO, Assoc. 792-7000 Eves. 581-1053 or 517-6459. room garaoe.

central air shag 7 tiwrvhouse. stores offices. Located on Kimberty Blvd SW 8) Ave. Sur--rounded by all types of new resloen-ttal construction. Come look.

Incl air cond. Realistical rent. Owner Beautiful immaculate 4 bedrms, I bants, Screened pool. Oood family area. Walk lo shopping malls.

Call 3 BEDRM IMl bath 24.000 so. ft. 2,000 sa. ft. air cond.

cuw oq. ri. carpeiea a air cona, Offices. 6 Bav doors iQArtina rmo. FOR SUMMER 3 BEDRM POOL HOME 949-t05t Miami 581-0400 anytlmo large brick acreened patio, pool.

carpet tnrougnour. umy mmjw. jjiu NW 7 Ave. For info or Call Less Tnan msu. mo rent, fn after 6pm yard, total e'ectric kitchen wM- CHRISTINE WILLIAMS, ASSOC.

office. 18 It. ceilings, dock high, 3 overhead dnors. S4.000.00 month. Call John S.

Pettit, Vice President, at OWNER MUST SELL Pelm-aire Village, mos. new hom*o 971 792-7000 EvS. 733-5483. ances, sjs.ju'j. is-tvo.

10CKW000 LEHR, REALTORS Peters Road at University Dr. S2S-J1SI. WAREHOUSE, New 4,500 so. ft Will L0CKW00D LEHR, REALTORS Peters Rd at University Dr. WAREHOUSES Sub-Divide.

Low rent. 600 NW 20 5 BEDRMS, 2 BATHS S24.900 SI 050 CASH TONY'S AND lERRY'S SPECIALS FHAVA EXPERTS 7sfl Down FHA 'VA '0' down, 2230 S.E, 17TH STREET. so ft Oakland Park -overhead ri. uauo, WJJ-UJ4 or $39,500 New carpeting, panelled family rm, ice maker, refrig, many more extras. Call VERN PETERSON, Assoc.

584-8100 Evas 7334925. (ROLL REALTY CO. REALTORS 1176 US 441. Lauderhill ain iMniiv iMni, an corner lot. Com.

QUO' aUIU lOUil 2,000 so ft Oakland Park -50x4a of fir, overhead door S2S0 Mo WMfltT CO. OWNER HAS 2 HOMES' SELL AT LOSS Ifnl cttina an I. ACRE T700 NW 7tlt TERR Anxious owners bought condo! Ask-ma $.17,500 tor this beautiful corner lot. 3 bedrm 2 batn home. $200 mo income Irom efficiency withseoerate driveway.

Lynn Berry, Oak-land Real Eslate 565 -4H77. $24,990 TOTAL 3 BEDRM, 0 DOWN Plus closing costs. Kitchen equipped, fenced yard, newly painted throughout. Call Nate Udell. Assoc.

Evas. 583-1541. DRYSDALE REALTY, INC. REALTOR, 721-1720 pletely fenced. Living room with fireplace, seperale dining area, 3 Bedrms on one wing.

2 bedrms on Mii. Veterans no money SALTOHB PRIME US LOCATION 8 Finished Stores, 1 approx so It. S650 mo. 1. 3000 sq.

ft. $1000 mo. Ph. 421-12 421-2121 or 392-7555. herirm 1 hlh.

rantrai air, heat. Wall ,4,000 sq.ff Oakland Par k-1 00x40 overhead door. Office 500Mo Call George Weaver, Realtor-Owner, OUNBID IN 103 to wall carpel ungraded, garage. It bedrms, 2 baths. Plus cabana balh for HEATED POOL with HEALTH SPA 15x19 game rm or 4th bedrm.

Good down. Call Le'hr 566-7802. Lockwood Lenr Realty Inc. 771-4400 Rauchi Weaver, Mill spas HOUSE IN FORECLOSURE $4,000 I ASSUME MORTGAGE $295 pays all. 3 bedrms, 2 baths, central air neat, all appliances, dranes carpets.

Good area. AAust sll NOWI Call WAYNE SELHREMST Assoc. 792-7000 Eves. 584-2430. LOCKWOOD I LEHR, REALTORS Peters Road at University Dr.

wnIakes Clean 3 bedrm, 1 bath with air conditioning, lamilv rm, dining rm. tvew elec range, dishwasher a disposal. $34,900 Contact Jess Snyder 566 8414 eves i wknds 772 6703. MATTHEWS I AYDELOTTE INC. mtns new.

flsn rvuun PHAUA '0 down BEFORE YOU DRIVE Co. terms vmn owner neipniH iu Call EVELYN DAVIS, Assoc. IAS OLAS STORE ROOM 30 FT. i 80 FT. ALL OVER N.

Broward looking for bedrm 2 bath, central air heat. Wall MARWAYNE OFFICE PLAZA S32.500 RENT OR SELL 5 Room home, fireplace, laroe R-J lol More info; Call 564-5158. -PA I Commercial Suites available 792-7000 Eves. 583-42i. LOCKWOQD I LEHR.

REALTORS Peters Road at University Drive office space, call Nick Horvath or Lou Eisenberg, we rode yesterday we know where the best Attractively equipped for prestige lo wall carpel, gerago. 4 years new. rinum PHA AA 0' down i for immediate occupancy 'J Call 77U767 lady's dress and boutroue shop. Parking In rear $1,200 oer month. value is.

m-AMi. bedrm 2 balh, central air Wall to wall carpel, custom drapes. Call George Mayer, Dutcper-Higgin. BY BUILDER 7 NEW HOMES S77.900-S159.900 Ft. Laud, Pompano, Coral SprMgt VISIT FURNISHED MODEL 3000 NE 40 COURT AT BAYVIEW, FT.

LAUD. Ooen daily Sun. 1-5 Closed Saturday 772 2250 1 PRIME OFFICE SPACE for lease fn ih new Gu It stream Building at 8751 ooinam-vte ver Bass, inca eai- garage. $1000 CASH BACK Plus vour own pool, tropical Indoor qarden, 3 bedrms 2 full baths, Formal dininq rm, Hvinq rm. Family iied kitchen with dishwasher.

Shaq carnets custom draoes stay. Only $48,5001 Call Owner 97-6Q77. BIG DISCOUNT ON CORPORATION OWNED AIR CONDITIONED HOME CARPETED I FAMILY ROOM TWO BEDROOMS I TWO BATHS SEE IT AT 7910 NW 72ND AVE TAMARAC FAMILY AREA FHA OR VA FINANCING Drive by and see It Broward Blvd in Plantation, hub of W. Broward. Call Bob Radka at BEST BUSINESS LOCATION CO REALTORS 477-4200 tor inrormanon $6900 Assumes bedrm bath, central air heat.

Wall to wall carpet. 7 mtbs new, corner lot. intercom TAMARACWOODLAND $59,500 Yes, you can buv a 3 bedrm, bath, 4 yr old home in this prestige area, at this low price) 2 car carport, 30 ft. screened porch. Community pool tennis.

Vacant! Submit all offers. Call John Pap, 5S7-7700, eves. 972-5718. BUY OR RENT WITH OPTION Over 1400 sq ft for retail store or offices, S60Q mo, close to banK, 1-95, nPPirr JL WAREHOUSE SPACE YOUNG EXECUTIVE COMMERCIAL BLVD 441 AREA bedrm 2 bath, screened petlo pool, easy cars landscaping, ideal lamlly home In desirable Palm Aire Village. $52,500.

George Koch. Realtor Assoc 523-6760 or 391-9503 1ZEYES CO REALTORS throughout and mora. iiyvi tn 400a so Lauderdale 5399 Hospital, In successful, 10 year old shopping Center, See at 420 36 st Ave, for lease or sale by PAL CALL JERRY SP0SE6P OR TONY "ompano, call Mr Hurge, 1-3J4- 0067 owner, special price tinancing. call 772- 1560 or 53- 5305 after office hra PAL" BUONO, Associates, anytime. 735-S692 or J33-987S.

OPEN HOUSE SAT I SUN. 1-5 6341 NW 25 COURT, SUNRISE 3 BEDRMS 2 baths. 2 car garage on BEAUTIFUL OFFICE MARGATE Either way, it means Immediate occupancy. Owner will finance for purchaser or lease with option to DELUXE OFFICE SPACE 10,400 SQ FT WAREHOUSE Over 20,000 so ft Fenced Area Air Cond Offices V43 3560 canal, carpets, drapes, central air' Draped, Carpeted, 2 pvt offices. General storage, available now.

Store front Beautiful btdo. S850mo, Call Mr Hall, 974-4P0Q. E. BEAUTY $27,500 aoorox. 1900 sa.

tt. including your purchase. ASKing tor mis bedrm with central air heat in Tamarac Lakes. New carpeting. Enclosed porch.

Call 5877700 anytime. GREAT FAMILY LIVING YOU CAN AFFORD NOW Huge 3 Bedrm. 2'1 Bath Townhouso. Complete with dishwasher, disposal, washer, dryer, self cleaning oven. Fenced yard, swimming pool, tennis more.

High assumable mtg. Call Mel Ziorh) Assoc. 722-1330 or 791-2506 Eves. E. SUNRISE BLVD.

10.600 SQ. FT. privsie offices, reception area, conference room large work area. Ideal for professional tenant, Short MOVING-MUST SELL 2Vi ACRES 33 POOL Owner will assist with financing. 3 tdm home with Fla rm Large eat-in kitchen.

Newly decorated I out. Ideal tor cooo'e or retired. Owner must sell! Call M7-7700 any heal appliances, ruur rwsi, Bailey, Assoc. Eves. 721-2419.

ItEYES '10 HEALTOBi MnriM-a 1.1H toft, air-cond. store. For tease, warehouse office located 73 Opposite Sears Town. Only S36S par THEN CALL RAY PUGH 563-6454 AND MAKE AN OFFER You'll Save Big Money ON THIS ONE REALTORS LAUDERDALE LAKES in McNab Industrial Pk- Occupancy Apr. 1st or efter, inquire Mrs.

Smith term or ions term lease available. Commercial Blvd. area on US 441 Ample parking. Call Mr, Bateman. -mo.

uwner-ryuami, time. I arae 9 hpdrm 9 bath, family rm 972-8800 OT 972-6060, 6900 NW 12 Ave. 4 Dams, family eai-m i tchen, fenced pool patio area. Caretakers quarters. Bttrn fruit trees.

Call Ken temley. Assoc. pill I panelled A furnished office. 587-7700 anytime. Ft.

Laud. 100 sq.ft. High traffic area. Parking. P.A.

Lethbridge Realtors Fla rm, garage. AIJ appliances, auto, sprinklers, central air heat. Large corner lot, nice landscaping. Priced for auick sale at 839,900. Call 587-7700 anytime.

782-4422 DOCTORS. ATTORNEYS, DENTISTS ilea imiir A. twnetit* to ourchase Ksj-Sl" GOLF COURSE HOMES -FROM MEAD NEED AN INTERIOR OFFICE? Let SUNRISE Experts Build It) Pre fab or conventional, 522-2731 CADILUCS FREE 1 This 2 yr old execuiive, custom OAKLAND HIUS NORMANDY Gorgeous 2 bedrm, 2 bath home with many extras. Modern kitchen. Porch.

Clubhouse I oool only $60. a year Asking mid SJO's. Call B. Sherwood, Assoc 733-8943 M1SHKIIM P.A. Lethbridge Realtors FREE RENT MAGNIFICENT OFFICES ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED if tMMlMv2l.on0sa.ft.

InAprtl, 197S. YE -MALTV MVC A cftrnnd Cadillac commission to 4 bedroom 3 baths, diving pool. 2 car $60 PER M0. garages, family room, etc. Large as- home wiTn oown paymofu.

uwnm 2 bath with sunken living rm den. Professionally decorated landscaped. 2 car garage with electric door. This is a home lor the discriminating buyer. Located on quiet, traf- participetino Brokers.

Open 94 daily. 1001 Executive Office Park. 1001 N.W, 62 Ave- Ft. Laud- 772-5320 1545 E. Oakland Pk.

Ft. Lauderdale Prestigious 2 story Deerfieid Plaza, on US-1, with elevator. 350 to 3,500 Sparkling office. 900 N. p*rno.

942-1320. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-5 --1830 S.W. 30th ST. RIDE BY CALL HE WHO HESITATES IS LOST sumaoie mortgages 4 bedroom on l' acre with private tennis court for S129.50Q, many trees Call BOB REID. REALTOR.

564-8100, eves m- 2356 NEW PLAA. Stores, offices, S775. wp 19 Av. lust north of Com. NEAT AND WELL KEPT! $35,900 sq.

tt. Furn'd or unturrro. fcxcenenr terms available. Prices start at a low per mo; unfurn. This is in "ultra deluxe" building.

Call Graphic Development Corp. 4421-S824, eves. ic-tree cui-oe-sac. vtw.h (ton rach tn rrifiua in. Askina On 441 between Stirling I.

Griffin. mercial Blvd. Two 2400 sq. ft. ware- $27,500 VA 8 Bedrm 1 Bath hom*o.

Large duplex lot. Well landscaped i Bedroom, 214 bath, 3 car garage. W. SA Ave. -West of Turnpike 7VI-51O0.

hmicAfa a. oHices. presently connect on Inverrary Blvd. Huge Deep Pool. 900.

For info, call Joan Lucas. 587-7700, eves- Ml ed. Can be divided. Available imme- Charming home. Veterans or assume S23.793.

Listed et S37.50O. Eula Hoili-day. 735-2730. KROLL REALTY CO. REALTORS 1 1 76 N.

US 441. LAUDERHILL 4 oeorm oem. uversizea noma. 721 -7018. walking oisanca to shopping -Location.

Calf Maire Motherwell Assoc 764-1411 (Eves, $63-0601. 1-95 BLVD. dtateiy. Pti (Vi-mi. Ahnve average i bedrm, bath, warehouse I office.

5000- 20,000 sq ft. IB' ceilings- overhead doors- rail Sid' waik-inclnsets. family room, garage. 534.000 VA or FHA N.W. Bedrm 2 bath.

6299 W. SunriM Blvd. central air. In 1st class neighbor- garage, on Water. Many Extras.

Ins. 426-0814. S0 OR 800 SQ. FT. STORE, Prime Tamarac Location.

Good traffic area. Call Drysdaie, Drysdale Re- FEi 792-4800 This 3 bedrm. 2 oath like-new home has it all' Garage, screened tweh, nooa. can bijo kciu, 5S4-8100. eves 472-2356.

SERIOUS SELLER $29,900 Mto N.W. 33 Ave. -4 Bedrm 2 Bath iff VORDERMEIER any, Neaiior ui-mv. well, pump ft sprirmitjr-. on large corner lot on water.

House shrubbery. Vets can buy wnn no KROLL REALTY CO. REALTORS 1176 N. US 441. LAUDERHILL REALTORS WAREHOUSE A OFFICE SPACE almost 2,000 sq.

ft. Easy financing. money aown. Large assu-u'B "m-8. possible 2nd mtg.

by owner, For Call Fred Keller, Assoc. 7JJ-w or Prom 200' to Name your price, Larqe living rm and family rm In this 3 bedrm, 2 bath home. New vanities. Home 733-1020. terms.


$19,900 balance. interest rate CaH BOB FOLINO. Assoc 792-7920 tvet 484-1346. The above Houses are the bargains OPEN SUNDAY 15 1410 NW 54th AVE. of me weett! 3 ton central atr near, serious seller Call William J.

Wiese, Jr. Bill Wiee Realty Inc. REALTOR 776-I4B1 Eves 491-0406. PRIME LOCATION ml rnmnrwriral Blvd. Office WHAT ARE YOUR NEEDS? 300 SO.


524-8717 or 782-2564 mro. can S4.000 BELOW VA APPRAISAL! A. appraised at $38,000 owner reduced price to $34,000 for fast sale. 3 Bedrms, i baths. Hugo living rm SANDALFOOT COVE SANDPIPERS'.

GREENBRIARS CATALINAS: P1NECRESTS warehouse 1260 Sq. Ft. overhead rear door, as-iu ime tz Ave, suffix Excellent Family area. 4 Bedrm, Bath, Family Rm, patio, central heat'Blr, Stop bv or call FLO Custom features, many extras, ex WAREHOUSE SPACE 11x35', 550 ta per mo. 12x12', $40 tax par mo.

SAUNDcRSe Assoc se-, eves. 561-4854. 3 BEDRM 2 BATH OCEAN ACCESS with DriCk WOOO-ouming iiiwiol. Lovely resiaential neighborhood west of State Rd. 7.

Vacants -immediate occupancy. Call -7-7700 any cellent financing, assumaoie VAor FHA. For information on these lovely homes in this new community. CALL IACK GERCHGAU. ASSOC.

CLOSE-IN S.W. 2 BEDROOM 1 BATH $25,900 VA Cute, nicely maintained CBS home near schools, shopping beaches an ideal "starter" for a young family. Reverse Cycle air conditioned. Living room, kitchen with trost-tree re-trig, elec. range, utility room with tew Kenmore clothes washer, screened porch.

Complete furnishings negotiable. To see, if still available, call L. K. Judd, Associate, at Dur South Office 525-3151. 2230 E.

17TH STREET PLANTATION OFFICE fijjif! call time. Maqnif icent location-no fixed bridges Miller, Cowherd to intracoastai. Ail appliances, huge JOHN BONIELLO BUILDING 2501 N. ANDREWS AVENUE ILLNESS FORCES SALE Rervef, inc. SIMONt Associate 771-3000; Eves.

426-2749 565-7400 WAREHOUSES, OAKLAND PARK 288 SQ FT TO 29O0 SQ FT 1 Call John 563 5641, eves 739-74H POMPANO-LAUDERDALB 1700 so ft warehouse air cond office, excellent location, all industries. 942 476, 043-63M I WILL EAT THIS AD lamny rm, tuiiv caroeTea. uiv and well worm it. Call GEORGE FERRESE, Assoc 792-7920 tves rts-s-nrsinn tjp rwdrm home in spar REALTORS Office space anorox 1200 so tt. S210 kling condition thru-oot.

Dininq area mo yrly. Carpeted, panelled. 9 to 565-4631, eves Sat Sun 491-7778. A VERY DIFFICULT AD TO WRITE 771-2600 2948 E. COMMERCIAL BLVD.

OvenOOKS pano 'Urmai o- win This must be seen to be appreciated. If. after inspecting this home, you $3500 WILL ASSUME don't think inat the selling price makes it the best buy in all of Ta PR IME Stores 8. Offices In Tamarac, Original owner, wsmng sw.vvj, wi a fast sale. Call 587-7700 anytime.

Margate ft Coral Springs. Stores P.A. Letnoridge Realtors from SI65. Offices from V55. Cipes marac.

3 bedrms 2 Datns, JV tamiiy rm, wide waterway. Adult communi 1000 FT. $350 ON this 3 bedrm home. $29,800 as- Real Estate. Realtors.

75? 5000. 3 ty wnn ciuonouse a. pooi- ma tni op Large overhead door, office near 195 OPEN 1 TO 4 SUNDAY 3511 NW 35 WAY 11X25' FAMILY ROOM tional. Lau MAKVfcY aretiun, WAREHOUSE I. Air cond.

Office space tor rent. Approx 4,500 so tt. 18 high ceilings. S975 mo. 782 7400.

BRAND NEW OFFICES Paneled, carpeted, central air, divided into 3 offices. Ideal location. 255 SW 27th Ave. 800 Sq. lor only S250 per month.

522-3706. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE jnf ranee, r-encea pa nuns, uuuu labor area. Call 763-5555. fOUNDIO INIf3B 2000 so ft, $240 per mo. 3 phase power Assoc.

792-7000 Eves 5B3-3663 LOCKWOOD I LEHR, REALTORS Peters Road at University Drive iume rmq ai pay mu -1 1 $. All appliances and plush carpeting. Wove fast on this one! 2 BEDRM-POOL $29,900 4830 NE 10 Ave. near intersection VA-0-DOWN POOL 32 S33.5Q0 5,000 SQUARE FT. $700 Commercial a.

Dixie. 776-08 immaculate 3 bedrm home, large family room, above around pool, selling below appraised value. Call Pat Lawrence, Assoc. eve 484-5535 Drwdale Realty, Inc Realtor Large offices, air cond'd, 14' oven- OPEN 1 TO 5 2029 NW 10 AVE OWNER ANXIOUS! iPflrt intn warehouse area. Fenced RENT OR BUY -1101 SW J9TH AVENUE Lovely redecorated bedroom horn.

Central air, all new Rent $275 00 mth Buy $35,000. High assumable Mtq Call RENEE HORNUNG or BR IAN MANN, Associate. 771000f Eve. 1,485 SQ.FT. S185 arc rnrrw warehouse with nvAWPP WPFHS FAST -SALE I oarklng, burglar alarm.

Good labor Loaded with axtras. Sparkling clean. narKei. Near v.ou HANDYMAN SPECIAL FOR BARGAIN HUNTER arriK. fir JL i nunrhtwi ort.

SI85 per 2660 NW 31 AVENUE P'tuew Warehouse 1170 sq. It- I UP. with air cond. office. Rear overhead door.

I mo. tree rent with lease. Holland. 771-27111. 763-5555.

Moving intocondo and will give quick "So much for so little" ($49,500) is what it all about. A very unique floor plan (extremely functional) that Includes 3 bedrms (raised with master suite leading to pool) 2 baths a sensational lamilv rm. The oool-oatio entertainment area, covered screened, lows down a sweeoinq waterway Itned with towering palms! It's truly "one ot a kind," the type of a home that will excite everyone. Located in a "best address" neigh, oorhood close to shopping, schools, etc See this home quickly. JUST LISTED $38,900 2 bedrms baths, huge screened patio, garage with auto dr opener more plus Pvt entrance to I bedrm bath which can be used as a hotel rm.

Excellent location dose to mall. Call Joe Paris, Asgc. (eves 484-2229J. mo. Good Oakland Pk.

To Gracious Florida Irving at this price! possession of mis exceptional bedrm, 2 bath With family room 3 bedrm bath and AIR! Fully see can, Hj-t-7i or 2,000 SQUARE FEET $250 3 BEDRNl. Ureat personaniy, runy carwug. SHARP-SHARP 3 BEDRM 2 BATHS screened kionev snaoeo pooi on large lot loaves plenty of room for the kid LAS OLAS building Kitcnen wnn seir-ciBon-ingoven Corning Cook Top Range. Air. beautiful carpeting.

Larqe overhead door, office near 195 sntrance. Fenced parking. Good V3.UUU HO MONEY OOWN OFFICE -WAREHOUSE Brim. IM NE 12th Ave 8. dies lo nlav' This won't last! Call now! Michelle Hoitras.

Assoc. of Appraised value For sale AT $21,000 as is. S8800 to mortgage. Seller will hold oart of down payment in 2nd mtg. Call STATE REALTY INC.

REALTORS 2509 N. Andrews Prirftd in mid sao's. Briortt and labor area. CaN Ft. Lauderdale's prestige location at Las Olas 4 Andrews.

Individual draoes many deluxe extras not rnmmnn In home of this price palm Aire rreanv kchlivn cheery! family area. Near 564 7538. Commercial. 1600 sq. ot which 1200 sq.

ft. i office. Central air, car-" pets, 400' storage with rear overhead range. Stop in or call now to learn suites tro-n S130 mo. up- snag carpeting, all services incl.

night securi- Ave. LAUHAUfcL M-WVtfcU ASSOC. Khoois, shopping. Fully carpeted, only 2 yrs old. Seder must leave area.

Call VINCE FOLINO, Broker lor vets or 1750 00 down FHA. The monthly pciyments, principal interest on a 30 yr mtg. 6 will be less more, make nu nnisiAKc Eves. 564-jyva. ty, etc.

Owner, 581-0400, ic. THF TtAAP Tfl BUY. AL WEAV' 'floor, nnnano. ti-ti 792-7920. ERr REALTOR 772,1970 Eves TENNIS BASKET BALL COURTS thansiyg.oo.

inesener win pay closing cost. Call EO KRAVITZ, ASSOC. TAMARAC NEW STORES E. 32 $32,900 2 MONTHS FREE OAKLAND PARK AND BAYVIEW iinivritv 8. McNeb Rd.

area. lint i fetwi Nice ooen Plan. 3 bedrm Miller, Cowherd nttartno met deals to get new busin ii acre lot can contain your own pri anytime, ixm-oiwi or eves. KR01L REALTY CO, REALTORS 1176 US 441, LAUDERHILL esses started. Reasonable flexible.

HOME BEAUTIFUL 0581 N. LAKE DASHA OR JACARANCA This 4 bedrm, 2 bath beauty sits on a acre golf course lot in WEST BROWARD'S EXCLUSIVE GOLF Kerver, inc. 2 bath with porch, 22' carpeted living rm. Excellent school area. Call Nancv Masters, Assoc.

772-4552 or or in-fAt, gimmicks or long leases, pay I mbnth and move In, next 2 months ire free. All utilities, services paid, (urn or unfurn. Call Mr. I.lndow "791-6759, 522 2024 REALTORS vate courts and Olympic swimming pool with beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bath home-less than i60.00o-ecei-lent terms. Call L.

LANOMADE, Assoc. at 563-9M8M1-40-3 for more Westdalt Realty, 776-6220. $39.95 12X25 MINI-BAY ONLY $28,800 735-2300 3900 W. COMMERCIAL BLVD. Sparkling 2 bedrm, 1 bath home on Limited no.

available Immediately, dr ft concrete, safe area. 1019 nfo. KROLL REALTY CO. REALTORS FT. LAUDERDALE POMPANO WILTON MANORS WlaB canal.

USiarn arepwries heat air. Garaoe, etc. Call COUNTRY CLUB COMMUNITY. Features solit bedrm plan, spacious country kitchen, screened patio, tremendous Chattahoochee Pool patio area, Apptok 00 sq ft of dehghti Good Mtg. PRICED RIGHT! Call DANA W.

KiEPURA, Associate, 1041 W. Comm'l Bivo. SW 13 Ct. Pomp (between Andrews ft Oixiel 946-6710. 523-S45B eves.

941 3906, 525-2247 Doug or Dons Batten, Realtor, toraPPt- to tee. 735-41 10 eves. $2,000 TAX CREDIT Beautiful town homes, brand new, pick out own colors, carpet, etc. No maintenance, rec or land lease. 1 year free membership to Country Club.

GolL tennis, pool club house privtlegs. Immediate occupancy. Call MARY COSLER, Associate 735-4110, evet 721-0469 SPLISH SPLASH ORIOLE ESTATES OWNER WILL PAY CLOSING COSTS 583-OJ10. JUST LISTED: GORGEOUS HOME with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Florida Room plus Family Room, Condition Eat-in kitchen, with self-clean oven, dishwasher, ice-maker refrigerator, washer, dryer. Manicured Lawn, and ONLY H-U-RRV.

call Martha E. OAKLAND Pk Blvd office space. SHOPPING PLAZA THE VERY BEST LOCATION 600 S. Federal Hwy. Oeerfield Beach ONLY TWO Stores Left! In this very attractive Spanish designed, lustily landscaped Building.

Need ladies or Men's Boutiques, high quality Beauty Salon, 7i-jiwji tves. jv-4Ubo. GORGEOUS 4 BEDROOM HOME with 27' Family Room, Built-in excellent parking. S400 BEFORE YOU LEASE lattLOOK at our New Warehouse In prime location. Any type of business.

Railside loading docks i truck loading docks, 3 phase electric. ALSO 18 Mini Bays. For aunt 785-OJ40, S65-8405 or 465-0871 50 PER MONTH Federal Hwv. Oakland Pk. Blvd.

rarppted otfices. 566 3000 Mo.53 swKoayt. a STORY COLONIAL Huqe 4 bedrm 4 bath home ft brand new has over 4,000 sq ft, screened Roman pool, intercom central vacuum system. A home for the discriminating buyer. After 5pm call 421-3688.

(Less cash down to buy i home BHICIC BBU CKIL.L, Luaivw w-TUGA STONE WALL, large eal-m kitchen, new carpeting, and draoes. ts an important factor to consider. mssmSBn ihiiiMiiii i Sowers 564-1644 or aea-ea avirexa Or, if you prefer, owner will install "Home in rvunr conomon ana aw-im nniv H-U-R-R-Y call REALTY 4250 SQ FT WAREHOUSE. 16' ceilings, 2 overhead doors, alarm system.

130 SW 5 Ct, Pompano Bch, Contact Mr. Letka 781-3142 Martha Sowers 564-14 or SM-442S SOWERS RfcALI SKINNY DIPPIN POOL ritntMf omi 8. oatlo area fs the VA VA new carpeting, your cnoice ot coior. Perfect home for singles or retirees. 2 bedrms, I bath; Home is fn excellent condition.

VA appraisal of For more information, call JUNE WEHMEIER. Associate, eves 791-0537. $27,000 $50 MONTH UP BRAND NEW WAREHOUSES IIHIF PROSPECT AREA 911 8088 highlight of this gorgeous 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Beautiful hi lo shag carpeting and decorator draperies. POMPANO E.

ATLANTIC BLVD Beautiful refurbished building, newly panelled ft decorated offices. Between US 1 ft intracoestal, sinqle otfices ft 3 office suites. Excellent narking. Phono 563-3353 days. Nice lima bedroom I bath home on Hn lrrf Thi.

hnrrx. has a orivato 42 PLUS POOL 2 YRS NEW ONLY $37,900 i 0 DOWN FHA HANDY MAN SPECIAL If you are willing to make the repairs fh ller is willing to give you YOUR dining room with cross ventilation. origni, inmy wmi appliances. A pleasure to show. Call MARY COSLER, Realtor Associate for appf.

735-4110, eves 721-0469 NEW WAREHOUSES S45. 1971 W. McNab 974-7650 or 395-6233. BRAND NEW ADULT HOMES FROM $23,350 with assumabl mtg. no mtg.

closing cost. Owner leaving siaie. -an us ouuui this one. ELAINE GOTTHILF. or VITO GASUBO, Associates, 771-30001 Eves S65-9242, or 527-5168.

Central air DOWN PAYMENT. YOUR CLOSING COSTS AND ANY OTHER MONEY YOU NEED to close on this family home with screened patio, circular drive and fenced yard. Call nMim. umt. excellent for docfor or ins.

business Reasonable shag carpeting. rent for right people. 564- Commercial Blvd. 564-9522 Ample parking. VETERANS-0 DOWN Must be seen, completely furnished 3 bedroom 2 baths.

Big central air cond. big workroom could be 4th bedroom, big pool, big 400x100 corner lot, fenced rear yard. Jusl $36,000. Owner will pay closing costs. $276.81 T.

Call at once and ask for Danny Srilfin, Realtor-Assoc, 972-4950 CHANDOR INTERNATIONA: REALTY INC. --l STATE KfcALIT, KeaiTors, 3509 N. Andrews LAURADEL KIMMEL. Associate. $-S67l, eves.

564-599S. Sharp 4 bedroom bath home- Ideal for family with children. Central air, nice carpet, self-cleaning oven, refrig. Fenced back yard with sparkling IS' diameter pool and sun deck for hours of tun. A place where the kids can play without worry.

2 bedroom home available next door for Mom or best friend. VA-FHA-con-ventional financing available. Call BUDOY COLEMAN, ASSOC. 781-1170 or 771-7200 ANYTIME. KROLL REALTY CO, REALTORS 5447 H.

FED. HWY. FT, LAUD. EAST COMMERCIAL BLVO. MAKE OFFER! 2 BEDRM 2BATH POOL HOME PINE CREST SCHOOL AREA ParrHlBnt (oration on auiet-dead-end HILLSBORO DEVELOPMENT 782-8500 721-8229 1000 off ice suites, carpeted, paneled, water coolers, mini tnole A Construction, lurn'd or un- turn'd.

For more into, call Commercial Leasing Division 781-7550. Paul street. Priced: $54,000. Make me an MM He-til Unwilti k. Uastrui Fort laudirtiai.

Realty Itmarae. Kjnajtmint, FUntlt 33313 Incerpoistal (305) 721 1I2J offer', can Beveny tiowe, awssot. 63-otS4, Eves-WkendS 772-239 1. VICTORIA PARX i Mm, (ram ckanoar fholats. chua a mrttnisi.

WOODLANDS AVAILABLE WAREHOUSE MFG 195 Stirling Rd. 23,000 sq. ft. Port Everglades; 47,000 sq. ft.

North FL Lauderdale 22,000 sq. ft. 36,800 sq. ft. IftatMtiutf ecctapency wHt Ands Les Byron Inc.

Call Dean or Jim 776-1600 cue Real fcsrareJ HOUSE ON R-3B LOT Units can be added. 2 Bedroom house in guiet rental area. This lot fronts on three streets. Call us about this one ELAINE GOTTHILF or VITO GARUBO, Associates, 771-30001 565-9242 or 527-5168. 1065 Commercial Rentals USI DEERFIELD nM.rM, SoO carpet Mii ixrtr.ilM tl I INSIDE OUT 3 BEDROOMS GARAGE $37,900 ad, draped ft paneled.

2nd floor, car- ne unfurn d. 1 15-5 E. Oakland Pk Ft. Laud- LARGE Fenced In storage compound located in Plantation. 501 S.

St. Rd. 7 (ami I00'x300' or less we will build to suit as required, call J84-yc00, Mr. Roberts BRAND NEW $2000 TAX What a deal. We have 20 brand new homes 4 finished and la more due torcompletionwithinOdavs) All are being ottered at the lowest Price EVER! 1 (Only SS2.900).

High assumable Each home features 3 bedrms.2 baths, huge family room, ultra modern kitchen with all appliances including self dean oven, refrigerator freezer, disposal, dishwasher, shag carpet, central air, 2 car garage, laundry room. Huge, HiMv landscaped lot (6ome on canal). Great location near schools, shopoinq, POOL and playground. First come First served)! Call today! I. tnanotfices available from 350sq.

tc4 3000 Custom Designed, tail Nowj Commercial Leasing Divisioil CHAMPAGNE TASTE? BEER POCKET? 1 1 THIS IS FOR YOU! 781 -7550. Paul Elie Real Estate. ESTATE SALE STATE RD. 441 Son tells PRIME corner on 441 In Plantation approx. tor lease.

We will build to suit as required, call 584-9600 Mr. Roberts located 501 S. St. Rd. 7 Storefronts 2nd floor carpeted ft pe 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath beauty on lushly landscaped lot.

Sol it bedroom plan, 20 24 recreation room and many i auiiitsiiiaa Mm. FRENCH QUARTER CONDO fmm coaako. 1 iednxl, i sMal taM) ra. I peek. $nt me nt) CORAL SPRINGS 4 Mno, I Mil, ss.m m.

lake tist assx. Wee $74,511 $66 per as. LAUDEROALE ISLES I Wrm. Isila. astar.

S47.SM. Tt taa km etan call Isiefn NcHilk tasiK. SJMail tr KMiM. Em. 711 2201.

FLORIDA REALTY SALES REALTOR titioned Offices ror W'v'-- Furn'd or unlurn'd-460 sq. uP.Call Commercial Division 781-7550. Paul E'ie Real Estate. OFFICE ON COMMERCIAL BLVO NEAR t-95 HOLIDAY INN. $165 MONTHLY UP OWNER 771-8368.

INSIDE the 3 bedrooms are newly carpeted and. -OUT the -lawn is soroulmg a fresh carpet ot sod. INSIDE the home is newly painted. OUTSIDE snorts a new coat of oaint trimmed in yellow. Garage, new sprinkler system, washer ftke-new dryer all included- VA-FHA-conventionai financing available.

To get INSIOE ttiis home, rail CHARLES OR PAULINE BRO-DIEN, ASSOC. 772-8247 or 771-7200 ANYTIME. KROLL REALTY CO. REALTORS 5447 N. FED.

HWY. FT. LAUD. other extras mar aoa to rrutv gracious living. And priced at only Cail Beverly Howe.

Assoc. 563-6-54. Eves. WkendS 772-2391. water.

1 badi-oom. 1 bath, I bedrm can be rented with pvt. entrance, vary clean. Asking $65,000. Mako otter.

Call Mr. Spinner, Assoc. TONY LEMOS REALTY INC. Realtors 776-5510, eves 943 3108 SHARP CHOICE OFFERING FROM GEORGE THOMAS REALTOR ASSOCIATE 2 ACRES Of open storaoe space, enclosed by 8' concrete wall, will divide. A'so office space.

Call Marvin, 564 8550. EAST ATLANTIC BLVD. storefronts availableourthouM vicinity. block to Pompano Board of Realtors. Call Cwttmercial Leas-inq Division 7l-755a Paul Elit Real Estate.

tassost R4t Itasataii bati at Reason) 1 I 'nil nil 15-S E- Oakland Pk. Ft. Laud. PROFESSIONAL AND EXECUTIVE LIEBMAN ASSOCIATES INC. CORNER STORE FOR LEASE on Ccirnmerciat Blvd.

near 1-95 A Holiday Inn. Owner 77V6J68 0411 N. University Dry 1-95 FRONTAGE Stlrllno Rd. 2400 so. h.

if J1" height or street level. Zoned' manUt n.u Free rem 1 066 Wanted to rent Homes Tamarac Ph. 722-1010 or 752-0992. The WINDINGS-CORAL SPRINES 923-146. or Dade 949-1905.

WANTED TO RENT with option 9 bedrm i Bath on deeo water. Any ConoiHon. 791-9784. BoautiflJl i bod room 1 MINI'S $115 MO. FREE RENT 1ST MONTH 2S so.

ft. ft up X2 OTl-14t nr Dade 949-1905 bath, Spanish stylo lamily noma on a canal. Puma sprinklers. 1 WANTED TO RENT Professional tailv want 3-4 bedrm. pool home-Landings area- short per wk Write J.

Walsh, 25013 Lake Bay Village, Ohio 4414Q. car oarage. Serpen OFFICES 175mo. No lease requirements. Choice panelinj.

Shaj carpeting. Central air. Free electric. Prime location. COO S.

Federal Oeerfield Beach, Hillsboro Development Com. 782-8500 or 721 2 000 SQ FT $400 MO IK 1 OAKLAND 565-4696 porch. Pass thru window. Extra large living bedroom. Builder's model with many extras.

i3 NFW WAREHOUSE OLD DIXIE leal RELIABLE COUPLE, extra nice bedrm 2 bath or extra roomy 2 bedrm 2 bath house or duplex- apt. with kitchen equipment carpeting, dranes mm us 2740 SQ FT. ZONING Mi. Nir rend, carpel For only THE WINDOWS-CORAL lawn care. tt as prgreriao.

ing, 20' high ceiling 400 amp, 3 pha industrial lighting ampe parkinc Roll up saratw doors. 1631 S. piu Din Hwv Pompano ocn. ir Markus Bob Kwlctt 764-047 SPRINGS Extra large duplex with a bedroom, 1 barn on each side with wall to wall carpeting. 1064-Stores-Otfices-Warehouses for Rent 8229.

ler, mm Mi ri CorFlctRENIAL I U.N Sduara Foot BJ a got sa. H. Will DividO Also 4-500 SO. Ft. WARSHOUSE PAC CATEWAY McNAB INDUSTRIAL PARK fl ,700 N.W.

Terrace reverse cycle cool boat. Family room. Near schools a tnoppma all activities. $69,900. PINE CLEM CORAL SPRINGS PRIME OFFICE SPACE IN We've got a home with 1 5' vaulted ceilings.

A sunken living room. And an absolutely stunning lanai garden. Buy it. And watch your friends turn green with envy. 3 4 bdr.

homes from $46,500. 10430 Sunset Strip, City of Sunrise, Ft. Lauderdale. 484-2360. Immediate occupancy.

Excellent financing. I One of tt HOLLYWOOD FEDERAL SAVINGS LOAM ASSOCIATION 1 Ft. Lauderdale's most respected builder, H. Milier Sons, now offers respectable savings on their already completed, lake view homes. As much as S6.400 off 3 4 bdr homes trom S51 ,028.

87 Ave. Gnffin Rd. (1 mi.pastUniv Dr). Ft Lauderdale 587-9332 Immediate occupancy Excellent tinancing. DAVIE 6100 Griffin oai WEST HOLLYWOOD 5951 Washinjlon Street HALLANDALE 2101 E.

Hailaniall teach Blvd. SUNRISE 7880 Oakland Park 114 POMPANO SHARP lareest 3 bedroom, 2 bath duplexes wrlti family room. Large room, scroened porch ami all appliance. Ex. coliont family Noma with ad dad income from one stdc.

Vary low irrtarast rates. 72.0 CONDO WINDERMERE LAUDERHILL This a new bedioom family condo with extra larae bedroom with family room. 2 twins. Daycare Cantor. Pool.

Tennis court available. Central cool heat. $31,900 Timberlake miEaM-i BMJEESIUISf RENT INCLUDES Air Conditionirhi 24 hours 7 days a week All Utilities Included Full Maintenance and Cleanina Services Reasonable Partitioning Carpeting Allowance Ample Free Parkins CALL 925-8111 CORNER STORES 20QCO FROM oCUU mo. Includes centra air cond. stiaa carpeting, ete.

HILLS80R0 miWXl 782 8500. 721-8228 To qualified buyers- Savings up to $3,900 now available. excellent income II invptfmwrt isrwwtv..

Fort Lauderdale News from Fort Lauderdale, Florida (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.