The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri (2024)

18 Tuesday, IS, 1962 lb Mo Batfg Nroa American Exchange Stock Ex eie N.Y. Com pi change Lis lii il 7 I 9H t- 2v 11 1 7 I 33 35 1 4 4 1 3 4 1 lnt Paper 10Sb 1H MH S)( ParTkT pf U44 151 151 -M American Leaders. NEW YORK (APV-SiJes, dosing price Fleet Ml Eiectroa ftp Electronic EmeryAir .89 Exjuttyt-p -Xji Erie rorge Espey MJg Eureka Cp Falcon Sod UK By Am I Vi Monday's Volume: 3,450,000 Shares 4 3 4 11 2 MARKET SUMMARY lot Hyl pf lnt Recti 12 12 12 Alter Early Advance: 7-32 2-31 1-32 52 17 29 27 11 a 22 i7H 7 i 29 IKK 10 27 17 11 11 1 and set change of th five most arav 1 locks- traded en the Amencaa Suck Exchange Monday: 1 Gt Baa Pet 7.400 TH Stanrock Ur (8,2 2 ra-iia 7 7V PackMint a SH Pack BeJ 17H lF-i 17H Paa Am Std 1 II 1S4 14 LS' Paa AW Air 22S 22i r'j Vi Pank EPL 1 it S)i4 Param Pict i MH 54 Parke Da la 47 15 J44 144 Park Ruat 1.5 1 17 12 17 "V- Vi Parmelee JM -11 5H 5-A lnt Resist JO lnt Salt 4 1st Shoe JO lnt Silver 1 10k lnt Tel 4 Tel 1 1 3 1 1 1-l-M 14 4 17 1 111 5 94 5 SiH SiH 19 IS 19 1130 115 115 115 1 lot TAT Pf 4 new Mag i Signal OH A 43.100 ft Pern OumVM 3MM 1 Most Active Stocks NEW VORK (API-Sales, dosing Price eoang Um lirtee most active stocks traded a th NY buck Exchaaii 7 7 Faraday .10 Fargo Oils, Feimt Pet Jog Finaa Gea Job Firth Sterl Fly Tiger Friend Frost Gea Devel Firepfg 120g lnt I Ul 1.40 1 42- 42 42 Market Sales Total Stocks S' 12 12- 1 13 reaooojr jeai 32 UH 114 2 10 10 10 Penick 1 in 1 14 14 147 14 17 Z7V4 I7k Pene IXx 1.40 Pena Fit .60 i 39 39 19 Back Off, Irregularly 19t 1V lnt tul 2 1 49 4 49 luteralD Sir JOb 12 46 45 45 Vi Intent Pw 5 14H 24-t loa El IMP it) I 57 57 57t Iowa in fi 47V 47 47' Iooa PtL 1 IV 4.W4 46V lxt Crk Coal 1 li 31 31 V. I Ckt Brk 2w 1H XHAt- Va NEW YORK (AP) Following 1 a list of major Hock end bond transaction th America Stock Exchange Monday: gales Net Pen pf 1.14 ia 47 47 47 4 SI 51H 1.450 JM 4,618,030 1,805,470 4.507,590 3,019.020 rair. JC 1.2D 4J 52 Ge Gas Cp Gen Plywd Ge Si Giannuu Con II 12 12 12H 14 -15 15 15 22 1 1 1H- II 26 24 1 1 33 13 13 NEW YORK XP Appro Final total Previous Dg Week ate Month ag Year go Two year ago Jaa I to date 1961 to date 1900 to dat 4H JKVi (kds) Blfk Lew Last Ck.

CI renaaatt joa Pa Sand 1 4 12i im 31 8 3 1 Acme Prec Aero Flow .10 10 Giant Fd A ".40 Guint Yel .40 GlenDi .70 Brunswick Gabnel Ca Perm RR Ford Motor Oa Dynamic Central Avco Corp and Oil NJ XL Oil Gull Oil I nilever Ltd Hilloa Hotel Celntes, Cora Anw McMFdj 1 rw no 14 4 15 75 72 "7 7 9B-500 41 1 1 M.ioo 17 108 2 36.700 33 3o.70 lt i 12iW 24 4- )Jl 51 28.709 25 27JMI 26.800 27 li 4 34 24Ji hjuo 25 38 10 10 29 227 2T 41,097,4441 Aerojet 1.25t 22 2 2 ls.726.att2 Aeronea Alaska AW JOf 14 3 5 Gokllleld 165 Gornam Cp l.Oog 1 27 27 27 NEW YORK (AP) The stock observer" felt this was Jaeur Mch I JIf La 14 2144 Jer PtVL P4 lie (4H MVk Jewel Tea a 17 73 71 All St Prop 129 15H Ma Vl 73 V4 87H V4 I 7 I Gray Mi It Pa PwliLl 1.32 11 37 36 37 PtVL pH.50 1130 100 100 00 Pi PttL pf 4.40 140 90 97 98 Vi RR 391 18 17 17 People Drug 2b 2 50 SO 50 People Ga 1.50 25 51 51 51 Pepsi Cola 1.49 11 54 54 54 Perkin Elm 53 52 53 Pet Milk 1 1 04 64 (4 Pet MUk pf 5 140 99 99 99 1 Petrol Cp .60 7 17 17 17-i What Stocks Did Alleg Airl market backed away from an stockpiling against a possible steel I 4 Gt Lk Chea (7 John Uaa 1 7 S7S sm 41k 1 Grid Freeh 4 7 5 1 5V4 13 5 5 7 Guerdon A 1 Joaa. Joha 1 1 34 Job Lotas .7 1 46 4 2SV, V. Alleg cp Wt Allied Art Allied Pap 4.l7f Also Ambasa Oil Am Electros 45 4- 3 Joaea 4 IM 51 70 6 4 Gulf Am Ld 31 HftB Am 23 72 2 7 5 7 5 8- 5 11 5 4 14 7-1 3H- 66 40 eariy aavance ana dosed irregularly lower Monday with New York Central and Pennsylvania Railroad down on profit taking. Trading was moderate. 11 0 101 101 lQlH 1 1674 IOA 161 10 II Joae a ti i Jortnuea I Pfaud Per .10 2 38 7 5 5 5 7 4 5 14 M6 3' 68 19 NEW YORK (API-Advances Declines Unchanged Total issue New 1961-62 high New 1961-62 low strike and that later in the year orders would slacken to compensate for it.

Ford was weak on further profit taking and motors in general were down. The aerospace issues re- Ms. Frt. 414 696 598 157 229 224 1292 1277 18 13 .10 11 23 22 22 Am MARC tk Jo7 2 Barn Cora Harnisch 1 Hazel Bisa Hecia 3 3 3 NEW YORK AP)Fol lorn-tag i the complete tabulation of Monday (tack transact oa th New York Stock Exchange: Am Petrof A 94 3 111 49 48 49 17 62 (0 41 21 32 32 32 14 Am Seat JOd 13 13 34 33 Pfeiifer Br Pfizer .60 Phelps 1 PhileEl l. Pk El pf4.40 Pk El pf 4.30 Phil Rd lb Hell Coil .60 Central, down and the Kaiser Al JO 44 RH IS Helmer 4 14 14 (70 99 98 9tt 1 1 Anacea Ld AngLea A Jo Anken Ch 13 33 14 2 1 1 A- Pennsv off A fpll vWim tn frai.

1 Kaa CPU, 149 1 75 "75 30 Highway Tr 13 75 1 59 47 Trend in Staple Prices 7t 9' 76 75 Tt 1 7 7 GE 1.74 1 59 59 22 2 2 3 3 3 12 2 1 44 20 (8 44 40 11 2 ArkLaGa 1 Hoe ft La Holly Corp Salrt Net ing proms on weir rise tn anna-; to news of defense contracts and i Kaa pl l.ti 4 46 Philip Mor 3.60 11 106 2 2 105 105 84 85 1 NEW YORK (AP) Tbev Associated t.Alt Asamera Kayser Roth .40 34- 25 25 V4 13 II 13 11 natinn nf fho mortror nlon. n- mil ator pf 4 1170 85 75 1 1-19 15-16 1 1-16 Home Oil A .25 HornH l.Sog Ahlwtt 1 Kelloea la 14 71 7 69 68 49 40 40 40 Press weighted wholesale price index 71W1 lvn I 1 J.uti Bir WQ5 UUIU1K1 UtCgUlBI C13 a 2 Phill Pet 1.70 S7 59 56 58 2 7 7 7 Assd Oil ft Gas 164 3 1 3 25 PhU XJSf I 21 21 21 nounced late Friday. At the same group. No particular leadership 6 5 5 5 49 11 21 17 6 84 Mi 41 18 II 18 19 13 12 12:4 Pillsbury 1.50 7 61 ABC Vend ACF lnd 1.5S Acne SU Adam Ex lSftr 33 commodities declined to 1M.49. Previous Day 166.2.

Week Ago 166.28. Month Ago 14.11. Year Age 16f 72. 19(142 16 1951 1951 Hycon Mlg Hydrometal HygradeF 1 Imp Chem Jig 62 62 99 10O 2 Atco Chem AU Research AUa Mm Atlas Cp wt 25 I 26 23 180 100 time, investors figured it would be was displayed. -a haul and some hazards; The Dow Jones Industrial aver- 11 30) SOt 38 38 38 45 43 45 14 14 83 84y 44 82 82 82 1 6 41 40 41 Vi 1 38 38 38 74 74V4 74 8 I I 5 41 41 41 Adam MiUis .71 5 22 48 48 48H 46 55 54 ruisoy pt 4 Piper Aire la Pitney Bow Pit co*kefcC I Pit co*ke pf4.80 10 28 29 1 24 8 8 8 26 1 1 I 12 17 17 17 13 3 2 2 20 21 20 20 1 12M 12 12 54 Imp on 1.20a Kelaey Ray .40 KendaU 1.20 Kennecott it Kern Ld 240 KerrMcGee .80 Keystone 1 Kimb Clk 1.80b Kine Seel 1 KLM Airl Koooera 2 niga 100.04 i VJ.O IfJ.UQ -n Iw l17i 158 7 16SM 188.01 96 96 1 Ins Am MO 15 98 22 22 22 12 7H lSH liHk 13 12 12 192( averag equal 100) lnt Prod II II II 1 20 Audio Dev 1 5 5 5 5 5 1 4 would have to be overcome be- age, which at noon was up .64, j3H fore the money-saving marriage closed with a loss of 2.23 at 709.50.

m-! of the nation's biggest roads is The Associated Press average 1474) 14 14 i-n org Pit Metalla .70 14 Hal 01 Jetronie lnd Jupiter Oil Kaiser lnd 9 1 13-11 1 11-14 8 38 33 9 9 9- AMreasoc Job Admiral Aeroquip Air Control .07 Air Prod JOb Air Reduc 158 AJ Induat 2j4 Ala Gaa 1.70 Alco Prod .40 Pit PlateG 2.20b 16 64 63 (4 8 19 76 7J 58 7H 654) Avien A Bailey Set Bald Mont Bald Sec I Banff Oil Stock Averages" Cam pi led by Tk Aaelted Press 1 15 IS 8 8 54 5 66 3 12 11 11 3 48 V. 3 48 11 Kopfx-ra pf 4 Korvette Kreage SS 1 60 7 28 17 28 17 17V4 16 17 2 42 42 42 1260 14 13 84 86 42 40 41 29 36 35 36 7 13 23 23 49 16 15 161 58 29 28 28 44 4H consummated. or 60 stocks took a slight loss of The early rise of stock prices 40 at 257.20 with industrials 48 1 1 5-l Pit Steel 21 Pit SU pr pf 1 PUAW Va 26 Phtston Co 1 20b 5 10 10 11 55 55 55 20 20 20 76 75 75 4 18 19 I 11 11 BarChria lnd. RalU llil. SUckt! 12 12 1 11 25 125 was a tentative thing sfad it faded! down .90, rails up .10 and utilities Kroehkfr" 29 2 2 PitUtoo pf3.59 1130 128 128 128 1 IM 15V, 114 40H 4IH Kroger 1.10 n- through lack of additional in-! off .20.

2 3 0 83 82 82 riougn 1.1a Net Change .9 .1 .2 .4 Barry Wr .50 Monday 368.4 125 6 138.3 257.2 Baruch Fost Prev. Day 369.3 125.5 138.7 257.6 1 Bavview Oil Week Ago 367.0 124.2 137.9 255.9 27 19 2 1 4 55 KVP Suto 1.40a 2 37 38 1 88 33 33 XIV. 44 Klym OU 7 I 1H 34 II S9'-j 45Vk 50 197 53" 16 ZZli centive. News of a naval skirmish 1 15 15 19 2 1 4 55 11 5 VJ lJO UOUCU, JUBCia I belweph ihf. niitrh nnrl Tndnnoc i i 17 50V Month Ago 377.5 12J.6 146.1 263.4 Bell Tel Can 2.20 25 24 24 Year Ago .330.5 120.9 114.5 227.8 1 Belock Inst 5 1 ll 27 19 2 1- 4 55 10 5 14 Vi 3 7 S4 4 14 5 14 21 20 43 54'V -rV4 7 ouuiumijereu gainers oy aw lO' ihRWi lans was a disconcerting element ica hiPh fnr fniaiori i Lactetle Cam 18 31 11 12 2 1 1 15 24 8 27 2 22- 3 4 5 22 31 13 8 8 20 5.1H-1 16t 44 11 16H 39 27 27 Kaltman Kawecki 4.121 Kay Jwly Kidde Kmgsfd Kingst Pd Kin Ark Oil Kirby Pet Kirk Miner Kirk Natu Klion, HL Kratter A 1.68 Kropp Lafay Rad Lake Sh Lakey Fd Lamb lnd Lele Real Lith Am LodgetS Loral El La Land 1.80a-Lynch Lane Bry 1 2 36 36 14 14 36 I 1 25 44 43 ut loreign news out.

general, j8 ew iows 10 inei-oz nign i iju i Mo. Birds boro 1961-62 Low ....319.5 112.2 Sil 29.4 Borne Chem 1960 High 354.9 136.2 127 233.9 Rrai Trac J5g 1960 Low 296.4 103.0 96.1 202.9 Breeze Cp 2H Lurvin .00 20 32 31 31 1 3 2 16 22 8H 8 8H 3 3 7 7 34 34 2 1 22 3 4 roiaroia .20 Zi ZU3 199 203 I PoorliCo l.S&f 4 20 20 20 Porter pf5.50 120 93 93 93 PotmEIPw 1.44b 13 44 43 43 1 ProctkG 1.50 42 86 15 86 PubSvColo 210b 11 91 90 91 1 PubSv E4VG 2.20 45 62 62 62 PSE4VC pf5.28 1I6O 106 108 108 PSEftG pf5.50 20 105 105 105 PSE4G ptl. 40 2 29 29 29 PubSv lnd 220 12 61 6OV4 60 1 PS In pf4. 110 151 151 151 Publick lnd JOT 11 8 8 8 PugSd PtL l.S 7 39 39 39 Pullman 2 22 37 37 37 Pure Oil 1.60 25 33 33 23 Aldnu Alleg Cp 05( A lief pf 60 Allef Lud 1 Ailef Pw 180 Alia lnd 1.20 AUwd Ch I SO Allied Kid .50 Allied Milla 1 Allied Pd Allied Strt Allied Sup .60 Alii Chal 1.25f Alpha PC 1.50 Alude .55 Alum Ud Alcoa 1.20 Amal Suf Amerare Amerada 1 Am AeCh l.Xg Am Airlio 1 Am Baker 1.40 uie weeKena Drougm notning much of an inspirational nature on the economic front. 63 15 12Vi 30 1 3 1 4 7 35 2 Volume slipped to 3.45 million shares.

Prices were mixed on the Amer- Bond Averages 63 (3 15 15 25 22 29 29 28 29 44 5 Br Am Oil 1 Brit Pet JOd Brown Co .10 Brown Rub BSF Co 05d Lear .40 24 20 19 19 Lee Rubt (18 17 18 Leesona .50 26 39 37 38 Lehigh C4N 4 14 14 14 Leh Port CI 12 22 22 22 Leh Val lnd 14 1 1 1 Leh Val RR II 6 6 6 Lehman 1.46e 47 32 31 32 76 4 13-16 4 21 14 14 17 .5 5 4 14 14 2 2 10 The major steelmakers showed 13 12 12 Compiled by The Associated Pms -24 1 1 10 154 27 27 19 i Bunk Hill i 10 10 a string of small losses even ican Exchange: Volume was I 1 1 1 14 33 32 33 60 t) 1 11 20 20 20 Rail 14. TJUta. Fga. L.V. 71 61 5 19 CalgtrEd .10 1 19 74 4 74 74 thoueh exDeetflt nns ar that thi-w muuon sndres.

.1 Net Change .1 .4 cal Kl pw 29 Z9Vk 29 1 9 9 Monday 76.8 101.4 Lennatr 7 42. 41 41 Leonard 4 11 11 11 LOF Glass 2.40 148 57 56 57 9- 105 124 120 122 3 current high rate of steel orders 6 6 23 21 23 23 23 2379. 19 67i 6 6 1-16 122 4 MS 3 4 23 1 15-16 1 1-16 Magna mi Corporate bonds rose and U. S. Government bonds declined.

5 27 274 27 iA 33 1 Maryld Cup 1.25f 12 35 35 91.7 91.7 91.6 91.3 91.9 Lib McNiL 59 13 13 13 76.7 101.1 76.4 101.5 76.1 101.1 Cal El Pw .8 Campb Chib Can So Prt Cdn Hmsid Cdn Huskv will hold steady for quite a while. Prev. Dy Week Ago Month Ago Year Ago 17 12 12 12 87 22 21 22 23 3 38 38 Quak Oat 2.20 30 84 83 83 Massey .40 McCtUloch Oil 77.1 96.2 86.7 86.1 86.2 86.1 84.0 86.7 83.9 86.4 83.7 86.4 86.5 85.1 85.S 86.0 88.2 84.5 87.2 81.9 10 7 3-16 71-16 71-16 1-16 X20 143 Uuak Oat pf( 143 143 1 Am Bk Note 1.10 1 61 60 61 2 248 37i 3 3 19 137 135 135 2 .5 5 5 5 17 105 104 104 11 43 42 42 48 25 25 25 9 49 49 49 19 17 16 17 I 7 7 7 Ligg 4. My 5 Lily Tulip 1 Ling Tern Link Belt 140 Lionel Litton lnd 2.50f Am Bosch 10 177. 17 17- 15 12 12 12 1961-62 High 78.7 103.7 1961-62 Low 75.1 95.5 I960 High 78.8 96.1 1960 Low 75.1 91.4 Am Brk Sh 140 44 4Va 47 48 1 93.4 Cdn lnd Gaa 90.1 Cdn Javelin 92.9 1 Cdn Marc 7.5 Cap Bdcst 37 18 6 5 5 18 29 149 145 146 2 Mead John 1.00 Menasco Microwave Mohawk Airl Molyb Can Molybdeu MtVerM 1 MtCfTT on 4' 37 17 7 (Vi 11 13-16 8 27 27 l-16 27 Lockb Aire 1.20 69 Loew The 34 1 1 47 46 47 43 41 41 1 22 22 22 Am Bd Par lb 19 46 45 45 Am Can 1 65 46 46 46 Am Can pf 1.7 I 38 38 38 Am Chain 250 48 47 47 Am Chicle 1.60a I 81 81 81 Am Barge 1.20 15 23 23 23 Cen Soya 1.10b 32 31 32 Century lnd I 18 17 18 Cerro Cp 1.10b 2 30 30 30 Cert-teed 218 53 50 50 1 Cessna Air 1 20 33 33 23 Chad Goth 37 7 7 7 Chain Belt 1.60 3 47 46 47 Champ Pap 1.30 35 35 35 Champ pf4.50 180 S3 93 93 ChampSpk l.Soi 10 39 38 39 4 18 18 3 8 5 I Wt 1 14 1 1 1-16 5 12 12 10 53 Lone Cera 1 Catalin Cen Had ley 16 16 i Charter Oil 11 12 1 CherryBur .40 46 46 Chesebrou 1 19 37 36 37 13 12 12 1 19 19 19 10 40 40 40 23 23 23 24 54 52 52 13 12 13 I 49 48V.

49 3 30 30 30 4 19 19 19 25 25 25 13 134 132 133 1 68 46 45 46 Lon 8 Gaa 1 49 26 25 25 Transitron Tranawn PL Transamer .80 Transitron Tranawn PL Tri Cont 1.50g Am lea ina id 4 2k z4 25 Fed Mogul 1.50 Fed Pac El Fed Pac pfl.2t Fed Pap Bd 2 FedPap ptl 15 FedD Str 1.10 Fenestra Ferro Cp 1.60 Fibre Pip 1 Fifth Av Lin Filtrol 1.351 Finan Fed 3.501 Firestone lb FstChartF 1.87f First Str 2 Firth Cpt Flintkote 1.10c 8 8 64 17 II 12 29 47 64 17Vs 18 12 21 47 4 55 16 16 Christiana utl 1 17 17 17 9 32 31' 31- 27 5 5 5H- 2 10 9 9 -Vi 4 6 6 6 21 12 11 12 44 2 2 7-16 2 2-K-1-16 3 21 21 21 Lone SG pf 4.84 110 154 154 154 Long 1st Li 1.50 12 54 53 53 Long 1L pf 130 102 102 102 Lorillard 220 (9 60 59 59 1 Am Cryat 2 12 Vi i Chromalloy 1.121 12 17 17 Champlin Oil 1 46 26 ZS 26 Cinerama 1 50 50 50 124 45 44 44 25 S3 51 52 62 66 66 66 47 47 55 55 13 24 23 24 Lou it Naah 3a 4 60 60 60- Tri Cont pf 2.70 Muntl TV I MuskPRing .40 Muter Co I Nat Bell J5 Nat Pet i Nat Pre .60 Nat Telefilm i Nat Un Elec I Nedicks .20 NEngTAT 1.90 Hark CM .28 Clarostat If 86 1 21 16 5 1 10 32 44 10 1 7 21 4 17 3 53 27 2 24 24 24 24 12 54 2 8 17 17 8 12 9 4 15-K 15 36 20 Am Cyan 1.60 Am Distill 1 Am El Pw 1 98 Am Enka l.KW Am Europ 2.81f Am Export 42 42 42 14 46 45 46 lTuax IT l.i Tuns Sol .70 2 9 9 4 9 Lowenstein 14 14 14- Lukens Stl 1.1 5g 14 63 62 63 Lykea SS 2 15 15 15 24- 2334 24 44! Clary Cp RCA lb RCA pf3.50 Ralston Pur .80 Ranco .80 Rand House Raybest 3.60 Raymlnt Rayonier Raytheon 1.12f Reading Co Reading 1 pf Reading 2 pf Reed Bit Rev Bro .50 Reich Ch Reiiab St 1.20 Reliao El 1.80 ReUan Mf JOd Repub Av 1 Repub Corp JM Rep Corp pfl Repub SU 3 Revere 2 Revkm 1.10 14 12 2 2 2 2 2 36 48 46 47 1 67 66 66- meeker Hot Chemeta 1 Chemway Che a Oh 4 Chi 111 Chi Gt West 1 1 36 2 36 I ciopay tp 53 72 44 19 28 771 12 20 37 9 19 13 19 18 16 18 47 22 21 11 15 59 40 62 47 38 37 17 17 3 8 8 13 12 12 10 9 9 4 4 4 45 15-K 17 15 15 37 38 36 8 20 20 2 6 5 11 18 10-r Coast Oils Twent Cen Twin Coach .60 TXL Oil 17 7 7 29 24 23 24 33 1 4 23 1 25 26 37 36 9 11' 10 287 26 25 -u i L-DCKsnun i i i rn 36 36 17 17- 10 10 39 39 76 76 29 29 17 17 Ch MSPPc 594 59w! 12 12 23 23 18 15 60 60 21 21 32 31 59 12 23 15 0 21 31V MacAndftF 1.80 I 17 37 37 lW 98 441 AM Pw .50 34 10 Am Rardw 1.40a 14 39 Am Horn Pd 1.44 27 77 Am Hoeptt .25 32 29 Am Intl 1 17 1310 98 98 1 44 44 UOO (4 84 22 5 5 Ch MSPtP pf 5 ChisiNW ChiliNW of MacAmlAF pf6 (350 141 138 141 4 Mack Trk 1.80 30 42 41 41 5 84 1 5 V'i I i 1 Colonial Sd JOb Con Diesel Con Mng .80 Con New Pac Con Sun Ray Flint pfA 450 Flint piB 25 Flint 4 pit Fla Cst Fla Pw .90 Fla P4.L 1.11 Flour 1.50f 6 4 22 22 22 Macy 2.20 19 66 64 (6l Am Inv 1 1 24 2 24 4 11 10 11 13 (1 50 51 44 1 1 13 13-16 13-16 21 15 35 35 3 11 11 11 468 2 2 2 25 8 5 5 5 36 21-16 2 11-16 3 Yt 4 4V4 26 3 3 '3 329 25 "24 25 1 Chi Pneu 1.20 34 31 30 30 9 15-18 15-16 17 44 41 42 29 77 76 77 25 25 23 CM RltVPae 1.60 8 NH Clock Idria Zinc NMaxiiAr New Pk Mng Nickel Rim Norf So No Cdn On Noeast Airl Nuclear Am Occident Pet 1 Macy pf4.2S ISO 87 86 87 MadisonFd 2.45 89 30 30 SO MagmaCop 2.871 43 68 68 68 14 27 26 26- cm can .50 IZ70 21 20 20 AmMFdy .90 249 38 37 Am MF Pf3 90 zlO 85 85 Am Met CI 1 40 84 37 35 Am Met Pd 1 12 17 17 38 85 36- 17... Food Fair job Chick Cot 15 39 37 37 1 16 16 16 36 16 29 63 Ma tin a vox .50 79 42 16 1 1 40 1 9 9 52 2 2 27 11 10 2( 8 i7 4 2 1 Chock FN .40 Food pf 4.20 150 89 89 89 Cont Av It En Cont Mater Cont Vend 2f Cott Bev Crane Carr Mallory 1.40b 4 50 Am Meter 2 2 57 57 57 Food Mkt .621 25 Chrysler 1 Rex Drug Reyn Met .50 52 72 43 18 28 77 12 19 37 -9 17 12 19 18 15 18 46 22 21 11 15 58 39 61 46 37 115 48 74 13 1 95 43 31 29 2 38 53 29 35 532 22 26 24 23 34 13 16 41 23 27 27 27 20 20 20 Mannsnirt .700 23 29 119 52- 72- 44 19 28 77 12 19 37 9 18 1 13 19 18 15 18 46 22 21- II 15 58- 62 1 47 38 115 1 48 74 13 1 95 1 43 Vi 32 1 29 3 38 53 30 35 535 2 22 26 24 23- 34 13 16 41 Vi 23 16 Vi Fd Mkt Pf.40 1 Cin C4E 1.50 40 40 49 49 28 28 Vi 25 25 5 5 22 22 Manning 1.40 Rey Met cvpf4.50 1115 9 5 25 2 5 Ogden Cp 12,621 27 10 9 Cin Gdtrj Df 4 39 38 Creole Pet 2.60a 11 Marac Oil 83 82 82 13 13 13 Rey Met pf2.37 48 Oh Brass 1.60 1 28 28 FMC Cp 1.40 12 Food Mart .60 12 Foote 8 9 2 10 7 1 1 I 38VH- 17 8 12 10 11 9-16 7 28 26 26 26 92 52 52 52 22 46 45 46 120 89 89 89 5 49 48 4S 1 39 45 44 45 41 95 54 55 i 33 33 33 24 25 25 254 28 63 Maremont 11 23 O'okiep 6.28g X200 63 63 18 18 18 Marine Mid lb 47 32 31 32 V4 19 18 18- Ford Mot 3.60 384 110 107 108 2 Opelika 4 Pan Indus J7f 4 30 18 17 17 Marquardt 16 17 17 8 8 2 12 12 27 10 10 12 11 11 54 9-16 9 8f Cin Mil 1.60 C1T Finan 1.50 Citie Svc 2.40 -City Invest City Prod 1.30b City Str .60 ClarkEquip 1.20 Clev CI if 1.40 Marsn ield 1.40 8 43 42 43 1 Pac Nw Tel .22 1 33 33 33Vi V4 Cubic Cp DaitchCD DC Tran A .8 Desilu Det lnd Pd Devon Oil Dixon Ch Res Dome Pet Dorsey Martin 78 26 26 26 Pac Pet Ltd 102 14 14 14 5 13 13 13 Mara. Cem 1.80 Udylite 1 3 15 15 15 Underwd 56 33 30 30 2 Unuev Ltd 268 27 27 27 Unilev NV UOg 174 53 52 52 Vi Un AsbdR 2 7 7 7 Vi Un Bag CP 1.20 21 38 38 38 Un Carbide 45 119 118 118 Un Elec 1.80 -12 47 47 47 UnEI pf 4.50 2150 96 96 Un El pi 1.50 160 75 75 75 Un Oil Cal 2b 16 65 64 64 1 Un Pac 1.20 86 33 33 33 Un Pac pt .40 12 8 8 Vi Un Tank 1.60 14 36 36 36 Un Twist 1.20 2 28V. 28 28 Unit AirLln 134 39 37 39 1 Unit Aire 2 74 46 46 46 Un Air 1956 pf 4 1 96 96 96 1 Un Artist 1.60 35 32 31 32 1 Unit Bisc 1 43 43 43 Unit BdJtC 2 26 26 26 Unit Carbon 2b I 75 74 75 Un Carr 1.20 i 32 31 31 United Cp 41 8 8 8 Unit El Coal 1.60 5 62 61 62 Vi Unit 1 4 21 21 21 Un Fin Cal 30 52 50 51 1 Unit Fruit .50 110 28 27 27 Un Gas Cp 1.50 48 38 37 37 Un Gas lm 2.64 1 77 77 77 Vi 1 1 1 53 53 53 29 28 UJ't 8 ,7 72 IS 89 23 13 20 3 (9 10 5 6 17 ey Too 1.50 Rheem Mi Rhodesian Rich Merrell 1 Richfld Oil 1 80 Riegel Pap 1.20 Ritter Co .80 Roan Ant Rob Fulton lb RochGiE 180b Roch Tel 1.10 Rock Std 2 Forem Dair Ml 24 13 13 13 Font Wheel lb 10 39 39 39 Foxbor .70 13 64 63 63 Fram Cp 1.10 32 32 32 Frank Str .80 2 19 18 18 Freept Sul 1 JO 455 28 27 27 1 Friden 28 S2 51 51 Frueh Tr 1.20 44 25 24 25 11-16 1-16 Pancst Pet 16 1 Pantep Oil- 14 Prkb Aet JOd 3 9 12 13 11 35 2 47 12 66 34 34 47 47 65 65 13 14 46 14 9 9 7 7 CTev FJ III 2 7 Masorute j.zuo 3 May Str 2.20 13 May JW .80 20 Maytag new 1.20 I 5 Am Mot 141 16 16 16 V4 Am Gas 1.20 29 47 45 45-3 Am New 1 5 44 43 43 Am Optical 2b 5 68 68 68 IV4 Am Photo .33 123 28 27 27- Am Potash 1.20 12 53 52 53 Am Resrch J5e 23 25 24 24 Am Seatinr 1.60 9 37 37 17 Am ShipBd LlK 12 18 17 18 Am Smelt 2 19 60 S9 60 Am Smelt pf 180 143 143 143 Vi Am Snuff p(6 x50 123 123 123 Am So Afric 17 22 21 22 Am Std .80 151 16 16 16 Am Std Pf7 IlO 144 144 144 1 Am SU Fd 1.60 22 36 35 36 Am Store 2b 9 94 93 93 Am Sugar 1.60 18 35 35 35 Am Sug of 1. 75 20 S3 32 32 4 Am 3.60 185 133 132 133 Am Too 2 SO 38 100 99 99 Am Ton Dlft z50 Wi 129 129 Perfect Photo 13 16 16 16 55 54 84 32 30 30 32 31 32 73 72 72 2 Clev El Df 4.50 160 99 99 99 Draper 1.40 40 39 39 15 15 15 Peru Oils 391 1 1 1 Clev ft Pitt 3.50 120 59 58 58 1 Drill li Expl .25 14 MCA Inc Philips El 4 13 13 Drug Fair .40 75 14 1 96 43 32 29 3 39 53 30 35 537 22 27 24 23 34 13V4 16 41 23 38 37 37 12V4 12 12V4 V4 9 9 9 I levlte 1.40 5 56 56 56 Cluett Pea 3f 18 80 78 78 1 Cluett 170 137 136 136 Phoenix SU i Plume ft At 1 McCalt McCord 2.20 McCrory .80 McCr pf4 50 2 30 30 30 I 46 46 46-t 47 23 23 23 1310 87 87 87 Vj 13 30 4 12- 20 1190 17 RohmiH 3b RohrCorp 1 Gabriel 395 19 18 30 30 4 4 13 12 20 19 DuvalSul 1.25 Dynalect Dynam Am Elect Comm 19 1 34 V4 5 5 9-16 5 9-16 Preston Min lg 4 Coca Col 2.40 21 98 97 97 1 Gamble Sk 1.20 3 34 34 Progress Mf 9 16 16 16 Vi 11 3 3 3 Gar Wood cl Term .600 27 27 52 51 52 Coca Bot NY 1 9 Cols Palm 1.20 49 20 42 41 1 41 1 32 45 44 44 Rapid Am .50 65 35 35 35 McDon Air 1 Gar Wd pf i Reeves Brd 7 5 4 5 14 28 27 27 con nut McGraw Ed 1.40 15 38 37 37 Gardner Den 2 ttonion 39 .20 3 RC Cola .80 12 Royal Dut 1.45d 860 Royal McB 20 Rubber md 22 Ruberoid 2 4 32 7 6 6 V4 10 11 11 11 4 24 23 23 4 50 50 50 12 54 53 53 5 24 24 24 14 14 14 Reeves Snd RemArms 33 33 McGraw 15 33 Collins Rad Colo It It Garrett 1.50d Gen Accept lb Poultry McGregDon Alt 19 19 19 4 4 4 4 7 1 Am Viscose 2 85 55 54 55 Kepub lnd CBS 1.40b Gen Ace pf .60 Rio Algom 1.50g 11815-16 8 8 15-16 1-16 Mc Intyre McKee .50 23' Colum Gas 1.10 r.Am Inves 2.65c 14 9 28 29-f V- Un Greeni 1.10 10 17 17 17 Ryan Aero 5 Rio Gr VG .16 14 Am WWk 1 9 23 23 Am Zinc 33 14 14 Ametek 1.60a 5 47 46 Col Pict Gen AmOil 17 34 34 34 22 8 7 8 11 15 15 15- 1.50 64 37 36 37 SO 16 16 16 48 39 38 39 41 28 28 28 47 29 28 28 22 72 71 71 5 69 68 69 17 28 27H 28V4 15 53 52 53 2 32 32 32 Hyder Sys 34 16 17 22 2 1 1 66 68 1 Col Carb 2.40 ColfcS OhEl 2 118 13 12 13 45 45 45 18 18 18.., 43 41 41 11 11 11 35 34 35 20 20 207, ift 24 24 24 24 24 24 16 53 26 11 1 AMI MO .30 24 30V4 Unit M4M 1 70 23 Un Pk Mia 31 1 Unit Shoe 2.50a 34 68 US Borax .60 13 38 US Bor Df 4.50 120 97 3 Gen AmTran 2.25 14 82 81 82 1 Gen Bak 14 6 6 6- Gen Bak pf Z40 89 88V4 88 4 Gen Bane .40 10 10 10 McLean .40 McNeil Men lb McQuay Nor la Mead Cp 1.70 18 FAYETTEVILLE Weekly Arkansas poultry: Snow and Ice disrupted normal trading activities with most movement either early or late in week.

Lows at top price for out of state movement. Sales for week ended Jan. 12 totaled 3,149.300 Ampex Cp 41 19 Comb Eng 1.20 37 37 47 lV4 30 19 36- 51 35 3 6 Amoh Bore 1.40 27 37 36 Com! ere 1.60 97 Safeway St 1.60 24 56 55 55 163 7-16 41- 7 37 44 Anaconda 2.50g 37 51 50 Coml, Solv 80b, 97 1 30 80 US For 1.85g 9 30 29 Gen Bronze 4 18 17 17 i 5 Medusa PU 1 Safe St Df4 160 92 92 92 3- Vi 1-16 7 Vi 4 24 -Vi 9 9 4 Ross Prod Royal ite RyanCPet Sapph Pet Scurry Rain Sod Air Seeburg Cp Servo Cp Servomech Shaw Wat .89 SherwWm 3 Anac Z120 36 35 66 44 44 44 torn vjx 111 28 31 -30 30? Gen Cable 2 10 40 39 40 Melv Shoe 1.60 US Freight 2.20 7 80 80 US Freight wt 3 40 40 35 12 35 35 CnmwRrt of 5 25 X70 110 110 110 St Jos Lead 1 StLSan 1 40. head. Prices at farm, buyers loading.

Melv Shoe Df 4 120 B2 82 82 Gen Cigar 1.20 15 43 42 43 39 24 24 99 11 9 9 67 24 23 23 V4 US Gvps 2.60a 36 103 102 102 1 2 51 51 51 Vi 6 Mercant a4 1.4U) com rm 13 Controls 11 6 35 84 83 83 Merck 1.60 34 35 34 34 Vi 21 19 18 18 69 3474 34 34 20 35' 35 35 80 IS 14 14 6 18 17 17 '29 26 25 25 StRegPap 1.40b SanDGas 1.20 SanDImper If Con tie Nast II 10 iu Cone Mill .80 7 14 14 14 Congoleum 12 11 11 11 Con Cinarl.20 7 64 63 63 18 24 23 24 Anch HG 1.40 A poo Oil Ander Clayt Arch Dan 2 Argo Oil tp Ariz PSv .72 Armeo SU 3 367 34 16 16 33 33 71 71 44 32 Gen Dynam Gen Elec 2 3 47 46 46 32 37 37 37 11 1 2 2H 34 35 34 35 26 70 68 6BV4 2 4 114 114 114 1 114 11-16 MergenLino I Merr Chap Mesabi Tr 210 72 uruiiCT miu njcr nviiiiiu ranged 15-16 cents. Hen and rooster sales for week: heavy type 2,600 head at 16, 1,000 head at 16; 4,500 at 17; light type bens at farm 10,000 head at undetermined prices; 12,000 head 7,000 head at 7, 10,700 head at 15.000 head at 7 roosters 300 head at 7 cents. Sigoney Canb 17 32 32 70 12 11 38 13 13 111 51 49 12 13 Con Edi 3 48 80 79 80 1 52 52 52 Sienal Oil A 43 28 26 27 MGM 2 1 5 105 105 105 4 46 46 46 39 56 55 55 Silv Crk Prec 77 1 1 1 US Hoff 7 3 3 3 US Indust 44 19 19 19 USLinea 2b 9 32 31 31 US PipelrF 1.20 19 22 22 22 US Play Cd 1.10a 3 297k 29 29 US Plywd 1 4 47 47 47. US Rub 2.20 44 57 56 57 US Rub pi I 1700 159 158 159 US Smelt .25 36 36 36 1 US Smelt Df 3.50 1 53 53 53 ArmourttCo 140 31 13 51 52 Con Edi pf 3 Con El lnd 1 Con Foods 1.10 Middle SUt LOS 46 36 36 36 1 bangamo 4 .75 Scheuley 1 Schering 1.40 -Schick Scott Pap ScoviUMf I Scovill pf 3.65 Slick Air 64 64 12 38 37 37 ArmstCk 1.60 11 65 8 7 7 7 4 80 11 11 11 Gen Finan 1.40 Gen Fds 1.60 Gen Instru J5g Gen Mill 1.20 Mills pf 5 Gen Motors 2a Gen Mot pf 47 93 92 93 58 25 25 25 49 31 30 30 140 112 111111... 209 55 54 54 18 55 54 55 1 Midi Rosa 3 Arms Rob 1.40 21 45 44 45 Cnn Ijiiinrt 1.20a 16 31 31 38 10 10 10 41 41 40 40 8 22 22 22 V4 150 74 74 74 MidlROEs pf5.50 glO 97 32 3 32 32 97 97 55 56 Arnold Con X30 18 18 18 31 1V4 59 41 Con Gas 2.30 34 59 59 mkjw 011 i.tna 7 Market at a Glance 18 19 7 19 5 22 21 21- Aro Corp .80 ConaohiCoal 1.40 3 41 41 10 23 22 23 MinerliCh 3 109 109 109 Screw Bolt 4 6 6 Sonotone .28 SoPennOil 2 So Mater .60 perry wt Std Dred -50g Std Prod Std Thom 16 12 12 12 Consum Pw 2.80 21 8OV4 80 80 Gen Out Ad 1.30 4 40 40 40 Mpl Hon 2 30 8 8 9 8 Seab AL RR 11 30 30 Seab Finan lb 22 23 23 23 130 128 128 1 4 98 97 98 1 125 63 62 63 23 12 13 Arvin lnd 1 Ashl Oil 1 20 Ashl OH pfl.50 Assd DryG 2.50 ADG pf5.25 174 13 6 8 Aipi non pt 3 Minn MM .70 Minn Ont 1 20 20 20 8 8 beagrave if 3 Sealright 1.40 4 16 23 22 23 24 14 25 18 3 US Steel 3 196 76 75 76 US Steel pf 7 I 146 146 146 USTob 1.20 15 38 37 37 US Tob pi 1.75 210 38 37 37 US Vitam .70 12 40 40 40 Unit Stkyd .70 1027 27 24 27 1 UnWheian .50 19 13 12 13 46 46 46 4 4 19 4 StarrettCp 4 40 40 40 Minn 1.60 30 29 30 57' 56 56 7 7 7 33 32 32 42 42 42 22 21 21 37 37 37 Gen PCera 1.20 Gen Prec 1.20 Gen PubSv Gen PubUt 1.20 Gen RjuSig 1.20 Gen Refrac 1 Gen Stl lnd 1.00 12 31 30 30 18 26 26 26 4 42 42 42 3 101 101 101 1 1100 106 106 106 1 23 75 74 74 1 51 27 27 27 16 10 10 10 11 48 48 48 1 11 43 42- 43 Sear Roeb 1.40 64 80 80 90 NEW YORK (AP) Stocks Lower: early gain falter.

Bonds Irregular; some corporate ahead. Cotton Lower, liquidaUon. CHICAGO Wheat Easier; liquidation and hedging. Corn Lower; hedging. Oats Weak! off with corn.

Sterl Al Pd 2 12 12 12V4 Mission CD 1.402 9 39 39 39 14 13 13 15 2 2 2 Sterl Prec Con Pw pf 4.52 180 97 97 97 Yi Con Pw pf 4.50 2150 98 97 97 Container 125 25 25 25 Cont Air 69 8 7 8 Cont Bak 2.20 5 49 49 49 Cont Can 1.80 49 45 45 45 Ct Can pf 3.7S 20 83 3 83 Cont CopS 21 8 8 8 Cont Cop pf 1.25 1 20 20 20 Cont In 2.20b 50 67 66 67 Cont Mot .40 34 10 10 10 Mission Dev IS 23 23 23 13 13 13 seiber KUD 2 Servel 25 Shahmoon lnd 2 51 39 37 37 1 4 4 Mis Riv 1.60 37 37 37 11 10 11 Univ Cyc 1.200 35 35V4 35 UnivLfTb 1.20 6 47 47 47 TfliEl .76 224' 27 27 27 Sham 1.50b 2 42 42 42, 4'i 77- 2 14 StopShop Stylon Cp .25 Sunset In .37 Sup Tool Sym Way wt 4 4 4 42 8 7 1 2 2 14 9 8 1 Soybeans Mixed; new crop months firm. GTelFla pfB 1.30 2 26 26 26 Sharon Stl .40 10 29 29 29 85 zmi -a 3 3 1 374 .46 45 46 36 36 36 24 24 24 Gen Time 40 16 15 15 Univ Match UnivOilPd Untohn .80 2 20 20 20 8 25 55 54 54 150 82 82 82- 4 24 24 24 Aaaoc Inv 2.60 Atchison 1.20 Atchison pf.50 AUCttyEI 1.36 AUCstUne 2 AU Refin 2.40 AU Ref pf3.7S Atlas Chem .60 A tlx Cp Atlas Cp pf Aust Nich .354 Autom cant Avco Corp 60 11 59 5744 5.7 1 I riogs aa to ow. cents mgner, wp ait.w. 18 52 52 .52 Cattle Slaughter steer steady to 25 cents 85 37 37 37 lower; top $28.50. 32 42 41 41 Syntex Cp Gen Tir 1 Gen? sco 1.60 44 37 37 37 1 12 16 16 16 50 50 1 Cont Oil 1.60 73 52 3 9 1 9 20 5 1 73 10 9 9 9-r Utah PtL 1.32 snattuck Shell Oil 1.10 Shell Tran Shelter Mf 1 Sheraton 45 85 83 84 20 42 41 42, 39 53 52 51 15 59 58 59 Mo Kan Tex Mo Pac A 2.40 Mo Cem 1.60 Mo Pub Sv Mohas lnd ,40 Monarch Monon RR Monsan Ch lb Mont Ut 1.20 Mont Pw 1.12 3 55 Cont SU 1.60 Talon A 1 xd 1 30 30 30 V4 Tampa EI .80 10 43 43 43 38 22 55 2 2 2 29 11 11 11 2 16 16 16 17 17 7 7 48 4B Dividends Declared Tech Oner 17 7 49 36 22 22 17 18 26 27 32 32 4 44 43 44 54 24 23 23 31 16 16 16 55 55 1V4 28 29 31 31 V4 14 14 17 17 39 39 15 IB 28 27 5 32 2 29 10 32 12 14 15 17 5 39 36 36 28 18 10 IB Mi 15 1 11 15 15 33 29 28 28 320 25 24 24 44 26 25 25 1 Controls Am .80 Coop Be 1.60 Coop Copper Rug Copeland 1 Copw Stl 2 Corn Pd 1.30 76 48 47 48 13 13 Vi 14 38 38 38 9 31 30.

30... 2 49 49 49 3 90 89 90 Vi 55 14 4 3 Avnei ha Siegler Slgnode Simmon 240 Simonds 3.80g Simp Pat 1.32 Sinclair 2 Siiuer Mf 2.60 2 Technicol Teleprom Teleregist Telev lnd Texam Oil Texstar ThewShov 20g 86 1 29 5 38 38 3 1 43 21 38 54 4 1 1 32 J2 11 11 18 87 86 (2 30 29 9 18 17 47 13 13 39 55 54 Monteratini. Mont Ward 1 Moore Mc Morrell Motec lnd 1 17 1 53 53 53 40 387k 38 38 22 111 110 110 IV4 I-I6 258 1 5-18 Pe- Stk. of Pay-Rate riod Record able STOCK Reich Chem 2pc 1-26 2-15 Taft Broadcast 2.5pc 2-15 3-14 Thriftimart AB 5pc(x) 2-20 4-12 (x) Payable In class A stock. EXTRA 1 1 180 183 34 34 13 2 19 19 19V Vi Corning Gl 1.50 7 1B3 Corn of 3.50 IlO 88 88 17 45 44 44 7 58 57 Skelly Oil 1.30 57 -1 24 2 2 2 Inomp Mar 16 12 40 34 53 18 32 15 .33 87 3 39 Van Raal 1.20 1 25 25 25 Van Al SU 1.40 4 30 30 30 Vanad Cp .40 210 28 26 28 2 Varian A 33 42 41 41 1 Vendo Co .40 29 47 46 46 1 Victor Comp 20 17 17 17 Cro Ch 9 36 35 35 Vi CCh pi- 1113113 113 1 Va ElftPow 1.30 20 59 58 58 EP pf 120 107 107 107 Va EftP pf 4.20 120 92 92 92 1 Von' Groc 1 24 23 23 Vulcan Mat .50 18 12 11 12 Vulcan pi .80 1 15 15....

Cosden Pet 1 3 14 13 13 Smith AO J5exd 14 31 30 SO' 3- 51 12 15 34 Bbbitt 37 5 5 Babco*ck 1.60 9 52 51 Baker OT 86 13 12 Bald Lima .10 91 18 15 Bait G.E 1.12 35 35 34 18 14 84 38 27 18 14 87 3 38 27 Coty InU 4 1 1 1 Smith Cor 171 25 24 24 88 23 6 65 17 Vh 24 V4 51 67 66 6 10 23 23 6 6 I 65 65 4 17 17 4 24- 24 25 35 35 6 27 Crane Co 2 Cresc Pet reset pf 1.25 48 43 42 42 Smith Dou 1.20 Smith KF la Socony 2k 9 27 27 27 26 67 66 67 124 52 51 51 100 Bait DtB 4.50 140 100 100 vj Trans Cub A 11 5-32 5-33 5-321-32 Trans Lux .40 43 17 17 17 54 Transpt A 27 11 11 11 V4 Tri Cont wt 8 38 38 38 Unexcell Ch 4 14 14 14 UnAircPd .251 5 5 5 Unit Asb 26 5 5-16 5 3-16 5 3-16 Un Can 04G 27 1 15-16 1 13-16 1 13-16 3 23 23 23 Mot Wheel Motorola 1 MtFuelS 1.40 MSL lnd .50 Mueller Br 1.40 Munsingw 1 Murphy 2.20 Murphy Cp .50 Murray Cp 8 44 45 46 35 Crow Con 1.621 25 83 82 83 GaPac Cp lb Gerber Prod 1 Getty Oil Giant PC .80 Gillette 1.10 Gimbel 2.50 GinnsCo .48 Glad MrB 1 Glen Aid .40 Glidden 2 Globe .60 Goebel Br Goodrich.20 Goodyear Gould Bat 1.20 Grace JKo 1.60b Grab Paige Grah Pg pf .60 Granby Grand Un Gran SU 1.40 Grant 1.20 Grays Rob .751 1.20 GtNIron 2b GtNoPap 1 GtNoRy 3 Gt Fin new Gt Sug 1.20a Gt Sug pf? Green Shoe 1 3-14 3-20 3-15 3-1 2- 1 3- 14 3-1 Taft Broadcast .10 REGULAR Am Hospital Sup .0625 Ashl Ref JO Fiat Metal Mfg .15 NJ BankATr .40 Taft Broadcast .10 Thriftimart A4B .30 2- 1S 3- 5 2-12 2-1 1- 13 2- 15 2-9 Crown Cork Soo Line RR 3 So AmGliP 9 So CarEaVG 1.50 4 10 10 10 0 8 8 54 33 53 14 28 27 28 2 52 52 52 7 25 25 25 48 32 31 32 1 20 2 2 2 li 9 8 9 21 30 29 30 2 33 29 27 29 2 5 43 42 43 V4 41 43 42 42 1 18 18 1R1 Bait 4k on ptVO stp ftalt pf BirO pf stp Ban 4 Ar .40 17 17 17 So Jer Gas 1.20 2 43 42 43 1 US Air Cond 3 3 3 3 9 Univ Amer. 22 31 31 31 7 47 46 4 2 67 66 66V4 Barber Oil 1.2M 9 8 9. 874 9 Haste Inc 1 16 20 19 19 10 10 10 20 28 28 28 58 23 21 22 SoPRSug .25 284 39 37 39 2 So PRSug pi 1 3 32 32 32 Soeastn PS .92 4 2" 20 20 SouCalEdis 2.60b 27 88 86 86 Sou Cal Ed wl 22 29 29 29 Southern Co 1.50 28 57 56 56 11 11 11 48 32 30 31 1 22 11 10 11 Va 4 56 55 56 31 121 120 121V4 1 1 45 45 45 22 57 56 57 21 20 20 20 105 104 105 1 7 16 16 16 78 14 14 14 1 11H 11 UH 1 33 33 33 27 11 11 11 31 31 31 1 12 12 12 4k 14 17 17 17 1 S3 33 33 4 69 68 9 11 11 11 11 21 89 59 59 1 23 22 23 Crown Ck pr 2 Crown Zell 1.80b Croc Stl .80 Cruc SU pi 5 23 CubAmSug .10 Cudahy Pk Cuneo Pre .80 Cunn Drug 1.60 Curtis Pub CtirPub 4 pf CurPub 1.60 pf Curtiss Wr 1 Curtis WrA Cutler 2 3 1 3 Bath It Wk I TtauschAL 1.20 Baxter Lab .27 Bayuk Cig 2 Beat Fda 1.60 Beat Fd pf4.50 BeaunH 1 18 14 14 14 7 54 54 54 36 35 36 33 32 32 1 8 54 53 84 1 67 7V4 7 110 98 96 98 30 24 23 24- Un Control .05 Univ Mar UtahldS .40 Valspar .50 Van Norm wt Vict Paint Victoreen Vlnco Cp Vornado 3 9 22 54 63 53 SOO lnd 1.70 1 48 48 48..... 9V4 3 10 35 10 Sou Gas 2 9 10 31 464 45 45- 44 39 38 38 39 31 31 31 21 83 82 82 1 l70 156 158 156 Vi 9 46 46 46 77 28 28 28 24 55 55 55 8 6 8 8'k VI 5 34 34 34 25 11 10 11 104 16 15 15 11 145 14Z 142 Beck man In 260 143 142 142 NAFI Cp I Natco I Nat Acme 2 Nat Airlin Nat Avlat 2.71a Nat Bisc 2.80 Nat Bi pf7 Nat Can NCashKeg 1.20 Nat Cast Nat City 1.20 Nat Dairy 2 Nat Distill 1.20 Nat Dist pf2.25 Nat Dist pf4.25 Nat Fuel 1.20 12 35 33 33 1 18 18 18 33 31 31 1 Beech Aire 43 20 19 20 35 120 120 120 3 35 35 35 Sou Pac 1.20 Sou Ry 2.80 Sou Ry pf 1 Swest PS 1 Spalding Spart lnd .10 Sparton Cp Waltham Pr 28 27 2 2 4 25 25 25 42 26 26 26 1 tpech Crk 3 r.270 33 T2 33 eech Sv 1 80 2 75 75 75 -1 (tern .70 5 18 17 18 .0 64 37 36 37 26 25 26 58 39 38 39 1 7 7 7 2 1 5 1 1 WebhtiKnapp 117 Wn Develop 28 White lnt 15 WlchitROii 8 9 20 21 69 70 1 27 28 48 48 Wab RR pft.SO 1 80 80 80 Wagner El 1.20 7 29 28 29 Waldorf Sys 1 9 9 '9 Walgrn 1.60b 4 61 60 60 I Walker 1.60a 7 55 54 54- Wall Tier 15 38 38 38 Walworth 35 7 7 7 Ward Bak 7 9 9 Ward Bk pf5.50 150 (6 (6 (6 1 Ward lnd 13 17 16 16- Warn Pic 1.20 3, 79 79 .79 Warner Co lb 30 30 3o Warn Lam 1.50a 18, 86 85 85 Warren SD 60a 4 51 50 50 WashGas 1.32 1 40 39 39 Wash WatP 14 SO 49 49 Way Knit 3 34 33 34 Welbtlt Cp 10 4 4 4 Ky Coal 4 13 13 11 WPenP pf4.50 l50 99 99 99 Va Pulp 1J0 8 41 40 41 1 Wn Air Un 1 18 22 22 22 Wn Bancorp 1 43 37 37 37 Wn Md l.60g 29 26 26 26 Wn PC 1 7 27! 27 27 Wn Un Tri 1.40 II 40 39 39 Welti A Bk 1.40 68 29 28 28 West El 1.20 230 37 36 36 Wheel SU .50 17 42 41 41 Greyhound 1.10 Grum Aire 1.50 GulfMobO 1.50 Gulf Oil 1 20b Gulf St lit 1 Gulf Stlpft 40 Vt 1 -1 9 Vj 14 14 3 26 2-V 25 272 39 3H 387k 29 39 19 39 34 21 39 70 74 28 3 48 26 86 9 29 10 17 39 39 90 90 Spen Chem 1.40 11 40 Spen Ch pf 4.20 110 90 3 1 18 9 8 41 40 14 41 i 14 40 1 26 X10 92 92 92 1 22 22 Hd 1.121 158 23 85 86 28 29 14 39 33 2 35 35 Gust uae Sper Rd pf 4.50 120 94 94 94 Wms McW .121 WoodNM .80 WrightH Zale Jwly 1 Zapata Pet Bell ft Mow 77 4 wn Bell lnt 50g 4 11 11 11 Bendtx 2.40 82 68 67 68 1H Benef Fin lb 189 50 50 50 Ben Fin pf 4.50 3 123 122 122 Ben Fin pi 2.50 9 52 51 52 2 Benguet 158 1 1 1- Best Co 1 2 41 41 41 lltf 15 43 43 43 Nat Gyp 2b Nat Gyp 20 26 Spiegel 1.50b 27 34 33 33 1650 14 13 .13 1 4 15-16 15-16 15-16 1-16 1 34 14 34 4 6 6 BONDS Hi zi Mi 39 I Nt Gyp pf4.50 1100 93 93 93 12 14 9 407 23 27 39 41 51 55 9 18 1 52 pf 4.5 40 41 54 54 Dow-Jones Averages NEW YORK (UPD-Dow-Joift closing range of averages: Stock Open High taw Close 30 Inds 712.54 715.00 706.18 709.50 20 Rails 148.80 149.34 147.61 148.31 15 Utils 125.03 125.56 124.05 124.38 65 Stcks 241.I8 243.07 240.12 241.14 Net change: Industrials, off 2.23: rails, off 0.07; utilities, off 9.43; and stocks, off 0.64. Transactions In stocks used in average Monday: Industrials railroads utilities 55.900; total 464J00.

Bonds Close Net change 40 Bonds 84.58 off 0.03 10 1st Rail 78.68 off 0.10 10 2nd Rail 81.91 off 0.01 10 Utils 86.02 op 0.M 10 lnd 91.71 off 0.06 Dow-Jones commodity futures Index (1924-26 average equals 100) closed at 148.08. Chicago Potatoes CHICAGO (AP) (USDA) Potato arrival 160: on track 184; total U.S. shipment for Friday 588: Saturday 394; Sunday old supplies light, especially russets; demsnd good; market firm; rarlot track sales: Idaho bakers 4.10; Minnesota North Dakota Red River Valley round reds 2.40-3.50; new offering! light; no sale reported. 1 rial ijeaa j.ei i wi i Lead pf A7 230 154 154 154 18 DIAW NJ 4s93A 1 30 30 10 19 38 38 38 12 72 72 72 Vi I 17 16 17 58 32 31 32 3 34 34 19 53 53 25 26 25 26 26 E7 rvat Laa pt iiuv 1.11 iju wt ,51 Square 1 Std Brand 1.80 Std Finan .50 Std Koll 1.12f Std Oil Cal 2b NatResearch Ss7( 3 111 25 Dan Rlv .80 Dan Cp 2 Day co Daystrom .37 Dayt PlrL .88 Decca Rec 1.20 Deere 2 DelliHud 1.40 Del PL 1,32 Delta AirL 1.20 Dent Sup la IenlRGW 1 DeSoto Ch .10 Det Erils 2.20 Del Stl Cp 1 Dlam Alk 1.80 Dlam Nat 1.60 Dim Str 1 Rrth Steel 240 122 42 41 41- 11 111 2 95 95 Hall Print 1.40 Halliburton 2.40 Hallicraft Hamil Wat 1 Ham Wat pA Hanna Co 110 49 46 naiMana i.u Nat Starch 26 21 21 84 55 84 54 tlO 103 103 103 1 81 61 1 Nat Steel 1 1 44 97 St Oil Cal PF3.30 1 85 85 85 69 14 S3 34 1 N.i Kni 56 1 56 tj Tn. iu 32 32 1 Ohio Pw 3s 1 Peru 3 97 2 SoCslEd 4s82H 5 Approx stock sale Sale year age Approx bond sale Sale year ago 37 17 Std Olllnd 1.40b 17 54 51 54 SldOilNJ 2.30g 302 51 50 51 44 7 1,560.000 165.950 (230,000 1143,000 26 Bigelow 4 22 Bigelow pf 4.50 t40 81 Black tV Dec 1.60 I 57 Blaw Knox 1.40b 16 37 Bits at 160 1 26 Bliss, EW 18 33 Bobbie Bk .40 11 50 Boeing 1 108 51 Rrthn Alum la 4 28 26 1 Z7 28 21 21 I 10 10 21 59 58'4 19 17 17 I 85 64 9 51 51 32 26 25 4 15 15 Std Oil UH 2.50 7 34 34 34 4k Wheel SU pf 5 1200 94 94 94 Whirl CP 1.40 20 32 31 32 1 18.

52 49 1 26 V4 21 10 59 17 64 1 51 26 1.1 18 38 43 19 18 33 50 S3 49 21 21 21 Stand Pki 20 Hmd Org 1 21 Harb Walk 1.80 3 Ilarcourt .50 21 Harris lnt 1.20 11 Harsco Cp 1.40b 33 Hanhaw Ch 1 2 Hart SAM 1.40 I 33 46 36 71 36 23 34 45 34 70 35 23 45- SSH 1 70 1 36 23 14 28 28 28 Std Pk 1 Jftpfl.XO 3 Nat Tea .80 Nat TheadT Natomas Nautec Cp 1 Neisner .40 Neptune .80 Newberry 2 NewEngEI 1.12 Newmont 1.40 White Dent 1.80 46 48 46 White Mot 1 15 52 51 SI 50 50 I 27 27 28 28 29 Std Pk (pf 1.20 12 21 20 21 DiGlorgio .6 34 21 21 SI White Sew 42 10 9 10 White Sew cv nf 1 2 39 39 39 Bond Stra 1.25 10 21 Bond Stra 1.25 10 21 Harvey Al 1.20 14 29 hiiri Cluh i 12f 11 19 B. of Mod 1.20. 4 25 25 -JUSS" 39 std press Stan War 1.20 Stanray Stan-ettLS .80 18 38 43 17 36 36 36 21 10 10 10 4 22 22 22 Wickei I 7 43 41 41 2 Hat Corp 10 28 28 8 9 40 40 9 67 67- IS 48 Borden 1.50 vj In bankruptc or receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act, or securities assumed by such companies, xl ex interest, ct Certificates. Stamped, Dealt flat, Matured bonds, negotiability impaired by maturity, nd Next dy delivery, eld Clled. xw Ex warrant, ww With warrants.

Dis Seag 1 20 16 43 Wilcox Oil lb 2 52 52 52 40 NewptNSh 1.60 Hat Cp pfl.50 IltlO Haveg lnd 14 19 Stauff Ch 1.20b 33 47 40 46 Wilcox OH Wi 3 26 26 26 19 18 Dlvco Way .80 Dr Pepper .60 32 45 20 79 11 20 Borg Warn 2 Borg pO.iO Borman Fd .50 43 45 79 79 20 20 12 83 1 1 34 34 34 Vi I 44 44 44 II 91 90 11 II 21 21 21 46 20 20 20 20 6 6 6 23 8 8 8 3 18 17 17 1 11 11 11 1 23 23 23 1 49 48 49 34 25 25 25 13 78 77 77 i 7 52 51 5l 2 36 16 36 167 20 19 19 1 II 40 40V4 40 16 2 1 1 pf 7 3 3 3 -V. 16 15 14 15 9 40 40 40 110 79 7914 79 1 42 4474, 44 44 t2O0 107 107 107 10 101 160 82 91 61 1 1150 75 74 75 1530 71 71 71 1 17 26 26 7 34 33 S4 Isoa CO 14 52 80 50 31 SO 31 18 17 17 29 18 28 64 62 64 2 Wilson Jon 1 1 39 39 19 Hayes lnd .80 17 Hnwltine .80 14 H-inl 1 15 26 26 24 24 83 Bo Mil Windsor exq 7 7 7 18 27 24 22 71 4 Me 4 10 Dome Mln .70 17 Dnmin Fd 1.05 17 Doug Aire 99 Dover Cp 4 Dow Chem 160 128 Winn Dlx .84 24 38 37 38 43 42 42-I 10 Statu Ch pfl.50 120 82 82 82 Sterthi Br 1 11 18 17 18 Sterl Drug 1.80 41 16 84 85 1 Stevens, JP 1.50 29 33 33 S.W4 Stew War 1.40 31 31 11 Stlx BftF 1.20 28 27 18 1 Stoke Van 17 294r 28 28 Stone I 66 65 66 Alrw Bra ran I 53 51 53 Wis El Pw 34 22 69 347 22 70 2- 7 7 4 10 8 57 .1 Bnuen Mf Hel Curt A .80 I Heller 1.60 Helme 1.60 I Helme ofl.75 87 4 57 INVESTMENT COMPANIES Brliigs 27'' IHern lnd 1 20 57 92 91 Mv 1.20 29 2 29 1 Drewry Unu. DA. 1 fJU NY AlrBrk NY Central NY ChSL 2 vjNY Hd Hart vJNY NH 4t NY Shlpbd NYStaUK) 1.30 NYSEG pfl.75 NiaM Pw 1.80 NiaM pf525 NiaM pi 4 85 NiaM NiaM pf360 NiaM P43.40 NiagShr 1.20 Nodco Ch 1 87 85 8K-3 7 43 42 43 1 50 36 36 36 19 99 97 971i Vi 120 112 112 112 3 171 170 171 20 00 Wl 0 40 40 I 1 38 28 8B 52 91 1 10 i 38 38 1 28 28 42 90 88 8 52 52 110 92 92 4 10 10 Rklv Gas 1 200 19 Wise Sv 1.40 Woodwd Ir 1.60 Wool worth 2.50 Worth ington 2.50 Worth pf 4.50 Wyan Wor 21 19 19 30 stnrer Bra 1 ju 96 97 1 55 4 11 b. 1 Hersh Choc 41- Std Fd 29.

44 Stud Pack 134 10 42 42 9 9-v, Broun Sh 2.8n 1 Brunswick .60 905 Buckeye PL 1 1 24 40 55 Dreyfus 17.83 19 38 Eaton Bal 12 43 13.56 Eaton Stk 14.51 15.68 Elec Inv 7.41 110 40 24 23 14 10 9 DuRois Ch .50 Duke Pw 1.60 Ihinhlll Duplan du Pont 7.50 (In Pont pi 4.50 9 Suburb Gl .44 28 27 27 5 27 Bucy Erie 27 27 33 31- 26 26 26 Select 10 21 10.91 ar Pay 7.30 7.90 Canad (.35 (.86 Inv Reach 13.85 15.14 Istel Fd 38.72 39.49 Johnetn 14.84 KEYSTONE: Cu Bl 24.43 25.32 Suburb Prop 1.12 31 232 211 111' 4 106 10.VH 105 5T- li 19 13- 39 I4'4 Energy 42 55 19 137 39 15 53 3 HerU 1.20 Hew Robin 1 Hewlett Pk Hoyden Npt .1 Hill Cp .20 Hilton Hut 1.50 Hoft Elect NEW YORK (AP) National Association Securities Dealer, Inc. Bid Ask Aberdeen 2.38 2 61 Advise Fd 6 98 7.69 Affil Fd 1.42 1 11 Am Bus 4.60 4.91 Am Inv 17.64 17.64 19 13 39 14 15 13 15 II 8 V. 149-! SI 154 149 Xerok Cp .40 24 30 3 30 15 15 15 Sue rent .80 Sun Chem Sun Oil lb Sunheim 1.70 11 34 43 18 2 11 265 31 19 17 4 8 1310 43 43 Duq I 24 Ihiq 4 pf 2 DWG Cig 12 53 52 52 434 25 11 31 16 1 25 25 3 S3 32 53 15 us B2 21.95 23.95 21 Sunristrind 21 22 8 Build Co Buf Forge 2g Bullard Bullocka 140 Rulova .60 Burl lnd 95g Burndy .60 Burroughs bi Buh T'rm .5 Byers JO F- 15.19 16.58 27 28 28 1 33 32 32 27 17 27 4 35 35 9unray 1 .40 52 52 14 14 23 J3') 23 21 41 42- 22 12 II 11H4 23 98 23.98 9.43 9.77 13.30 14.54 19 30 20.98 16.92 18.29 14 24 15 48 19 17 20 94 4.90 (.53 7 16 2.22 2.43 12.71 13.82 2.45 2.70 707 7.77 28 32 101 22 Yale Tow Young SAW Yngst ShT Yngit fi Dr 1 Equity Fed Grth Fid Cap Fid Fund Fid Tr Fid Mut F.I.F. Fla GUI Fla Mut Fnd Mut Fnk Bnd Fnk Com 11 ll'- 8 35 39 49 3t 28 .4 J2- 39 Holland Holly Sug 1.40 Holt RW .40 257 4 Hnmestk 1.60a 49 1 Hooker Ch I 19- 1 Hnov Hill .60 Am Mut Asm Fd Atom Ph Axe A 9.61 10 50 163 1.82 5.53 (03 5.59 (.08 NorfdWest 4a 108 108 108 Norri Th .90 9 22 22 22 No Am Av 2 143 65 66 NoAmCar 1.40 1 (4 64 (4 NoAmCoal .30 48 13 12 12 Nor NGaa 1.50 33 42 42 42 No NGa piS 60 150 109 109 109 NoNGa nfS.SO III 106 106 lo 1 Nor Par 120 35 42 41 i 42 Nor RtaPw 1.11 15 34 34 34- 67 24 24 141 42 Ik 3 22 4 11 37 39 19 4 49 49 40 29 9 3 28 28 23 4 4 10 102 101 I 22 22 -z 4 (9 (7 Cus Bl Cus B4 Cus Kl Cus K2 Cus SI Cus S2 Cus S3 Cus S4 Key Csn 9.50 10.37 9.41 10.27 5.91 6.45 23.38 25.51 13.26 14 4. 15.48 16.89 5.07 5 54 1(19 17.52 Sunny pf A 1 12 2 24 24 14 Sunny 1 pf (5 1 31 33 13 Vi Sunsh Bis 4.40 1 112 111 111 Vi Sunsh Mn .20 4 10 10 SupcrOil 7.50g 140 1250 1230 12.105 Swtft4VC0 1.90 47 45 44 44 Swtnghn A 1 15 437k 43 43 i Ax 919 9.

(7- Zenith Rad .80 98 Houd lnd lb I 37 Houd lnd pf 2 24 1 22 22 39 39 Ax Stk 3.77 4.11 Ax Sclen 12 05 13.10 Axe Temp 10.77 11.77 Blue Rid 13.30 14.54 Fnk Pf 261 2.83 NS Pw pit 11 130 87 87 87 1 29 30' it 'i 6- IS1. 16 sym wy .90 21 17 17 17 49 49 fal Pack .70 30 30 allah Mng 24 6 alum .40 16 16 Kmckern 6.48 7.1J 88 'ltMieh Kin 1.20 10 9t i House pf 4 11 00 N9 Pw pfl.RO 130 75 75 Northrp new 20 91 29 84 84 84 1 Knirk GUI 7 42 8 11 Boat Fd Sale figure! ire unofficial. Rate of dividend! In the foregoing table in annual disbursem*nts based on the last quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Unless otherwise noted, special or 20 06 21.92 IS 15 75 29 1 32 34 10 112 110 110 amb IJt 112 Campb Roup 129 28 113 112 Nwst Airlin .10 23 31 32 Nwst Air pf 1.31 1 34 34 Howe Snd 1 12f 23 16 15 16 Fnk UT 7.87 8 63 Fund Am I 62 9.37 Fund Inv 10.35 11.34 Gen Cap 20 06 Gen lnves (.99 7.60 GROUP SEC: AvAEl (81 9 68 21 25 25 25H 14 22 15.37 14 21 15.58 7.78 150 16 46 17.99 1 53 53 83 Hud Hay I Broad St Bullock Call! Fd, Cm On Cdn Fd Nw StlAW 1 Grwth 9.55 10.44 New Eng 11 39 12.31 NY Capit 16.67 16.67 NCE Sh 13.47 14.72 One WmS 14.951.34 Oppe Fd 18 90 18.47 Penn Sq 15.50 15.30 People 11.26 12 34 Phil Fd 11.17 13.12 Pine St 12 13 12.98 Pioneer 9 90 10.76 Price TR 16.18 16.34 Provtdt Fd 4 45 4 86 Puritan .8 51 9 20 Putnam 16.60 18.04 Put Grth 9 13 10.68 ttuar Dist 7 31 8.21 Revere 13.77 14 97 Scud Can Unavailab Scud SO 20 11 20 31 Scud Stk 10.76 W.76 Selec Am lo 84 Sharehld 11 23 2J7 Smith Ed 10 46 Sw lnve I 34 9 01 Sover Inv 15 16 16 82 State St 41.75 Stein KT 18. 3 38 53 Steia Stk 23 85 33.85 Sterl Inv 12 15 11 13 Telev El 16 9 40 Texaa Fd Unavailab TwenC GUI 9 30 10.11 UBS Fd 10 11.59 UNITED Ft' MIS: Acr J4 93 1 31 Coot 7.71 141 Incom 13.01 14 13 Unit la 11.14 12 11 Sclen 7 62 1 31 UnF Ca 18 85 20 48 Val Une 7 59 8 JO Val Line 8(1 1 11 Vll LSpl 4 74 III Wall St In 9 91 10.71 22 80 49 S0 22 11 10 0 30 14 13 13- 9 59 58 29 29 29 54 S3 52 Hunt Fd 50b 19 (4 64 64 iTaleoU 1 Tandy Cp Telaulogr Tenn CP 1 40b T-nn Gal 1 11 alii ii.

wito i a 50 85 g5 85 glO Sl 51H IH- 56 56 56- Lazard 18.00 16 875 Lexingt 11.86 12.96 LU Inv 17.10 18 60 Life Stk 1224 13.34 Loom St'a Unavailab Loom Say 16.54 16.54 MAN AG FUND: Elect 2.77 1.0J Eagle 1.20 9 22 22 East Air 26 28 25 F.ast GIF 1 60 8 49 47 F.xst Stl .90 9 19'k 19i Fast Kod 2a 51 107 105 F.sslKod Il.TO 98 98 Eaton Mlg 1 80 .14 38 37 Mil Br Str 2b 2 88 88 F.kco Pd 1.10 13 25 25 Elas Stop lb 5 27 27 El Auto 2 40 9 60 58 El BomlftS 1.20 I 11 II El Mus lie 11 5 5 i Elgin Watch 15 15 iKlf'soNG 1.30 249 15741 25 i F.mer El lb 11 77 76 Emer Rad 28 12 12 I FmpDEI 1.51 44 43 iFndJohn II 22 22 1 7-IMl JrJin Bf 110 62 61 1 Engel lnd ,80 4 21 22H EquM Gas I It 44 4.1 Erie Urk 21 4 4 Erie l.lrk pf 120 20 Eurofund 41 99 19 Evans Pd IS 13 17 Evemhirp 1 20 13 13 F.s-Ceu-O 1.50 I 41 42 18 (5 20.17 11.19 11. 4S 4a Cdn lGtk 87 23 23 23- Cap Gr 61 7.25 97 -1 I T14 44 I 97 97 7 17 Hunt pfA 1120 97 Hunt pf I 120 97 Hupp Cp 38 7 Hupp Cp pf 150 1 17 54 -1 Texaco 1.60a 102 3.5 94 Cn 1 Dry pf4.25 I'm Boo Ry 1 4dn Brew 170 Pic 1 50 Carborun 1 60 Cary.Phil 1(0 (arlijle .40 ttiroCftO I Faro I'L 1.64 Ciplt Shr IS 52 17 01 Cent Shr 13 58 14 84 I 48 45 46 130 100 100 100 17 1954 Tex Est .80 47 17 17 Tex Oa 1 SO 12 19 19 37 Ohio FdH 1.80 17 Oh Ed pf 4 56 Oh F.d pf 4 40 86 I 19 II 1150 17 17 Hiss Reft 1 t.en lnd 1 7J 4 10 137 I II Metal 141 42 40 4IH I 25 54 33 13 98 58 41 42H 60 11 5 15 Mi 76H-1 II 43-l 22 6t 44 4 20 l- 17H S3 42 10 94 93 91 (20 83 82 82 1 21 40 40 40 Itxlra dividends ar not Included. Also extra or extras, Annual rate plus stork dividend, Declared or paid 1 In 1961 plus Mock dividend. Declared lor paid so far thl year. I Pivible in stock during 1961, rash value oa ex-dividend ar ex-distrinution date.

1 Paid last year, a Declared or paid I alter stock dividend or spilt up De- elared or paid this year, accumulative Issii with dividend in arrears, Paid thi year, dividend emitted, deferred I' no rtiiti take at last dividend Declared or paid hi 196 plus stork dividend. Payiht stork during 1962, stlmated cask value oa ex-dividend or Oh Ed pf 1 90 Chase Fd Chem Fd Colon Fd Col Grth Cwth lne Cwth I a Ohio Oil il l.cob Com St Ful Ad Gen Bd Petrol Grth lnd Guirdn Ham kc7 Ham hda Haydock Imp Cap Imp Fd Inc Fnd 14 03 15 34 10 00 10 9S t.07 7 75 11 47 12 .30 21 93 22.59 22 41 22 48 3 88 (.43 S77 29 50 29 9 1 9 98 19 1(1104 71 1 99 137 1.59 1 38 16 135 157 4.21 4.60 191 1.11 15 07 16 47 Ok la G4VE 1 18 Paper Petrol Sped Trans Mass Tr TexGI'rod .19 Tex GSul 1 Tex Ina I TexP( 0 1 10 i TexPL Tr 45g I Tex UtO 1( 1 Textron 1.29 118 1185 11 11 tM 14 34 IS 69 9 75 10 66 11 00 12 01 1019 11 25 17.88 1 51 5.1 31- Vi SB-M 47Hf 32H 66 4 3H Mi 41 53 11 12 9 5H 40 41 17 66 8 39 3 4VH 44 44 44 19 39 39 40 19 40 11 23 23 (amen Stl 1.20 Carrier 10 l.ODg Carter .1 33 Idiho Pw 1 Iclral Cem .80 111 Cent I 111 Pw ltd III Pw pf 140 Indian Gea .60 16 14 3 26 II 41 16 73 150 43 22 Com Inv Com Stk Okla NGai 1.44 Olln Math I OUnOilftO .80 OnngegiRk 1 20 (Hi Kiev 1 8 19 06 Mass GUI 17.71 19 43 52 0 11 23 21 47 111 110 112 IS 36 19 18 18 14 101 11111011 S3 16 28 29 28 15 15 1514 125 41 40 40 1 21 MM (3 (1 I I 26 26 16 23 20 20 10 Mass Lite-23 45 25 15 I 11 74 70 33 14- 26 H5H 4.1 43 72 73 43 43 39 35 59 59 11 14 94 44 44-m 56 Ml 48 41 -1 17 17H 1 22 (Kith Mar 1120 (3 10 1 121 41 i lne Boat 127 9 04 33 II 51 1 19 70 22 22 79 7 2 90 90 41 4 Hi 9 94'tr Owen Cng I Incom lne 9 71 10 99 27 27- ISO II 90 Owens 1I1GI 90 84 45 48 17 25 lndpls PliL 1.90 11 Ing Hand la 14 Inland Ml 1.00 31 In.plr ISOg 11 lnaur .90 1 Interchem 1.40 2 Inlerlak Ir 10 11 I F. Fd Unvailab I F. GF 4 SO S.19 Mut lnves 10 44 II 46 Mut Shr 14 99 14 99 Mill Trust 1.19 1 26 Nat WSee 22 99 24.55 Nst lnve 14 19 17.11 NAT MFC 17 174 Textroo pf ID Thitrk Gl 1.40 Thkikal 87f. Thomp RW 14 Thor Tool Ttwat Oil TM Ofl of 1 20 Tlmk RR 149 Tlh Real Toledo Fd .80 27 41 38 98 Oxford Pap 1 -Oxf I'ap pf I 124 174 174 4 19 14 11 14 17-2H I (1H1 82 7 8.1 I 55 55 55 Cowip Bd 20 12 21 17 Comp Fd 80 I J7 Concord 14 64 15.81 Can Inv 20 50 Cont 9 33 10 20 Carp Ld XI 15 23 19 Crown 114 191 Dll Fd 110 14 04 Iel Inc 1041 II 44 deVeah In 1 43 II 61 dcVeih 117 51 IHvvr Gr 10 90 113 IHver Inv 1.83 10 44 Dtvk) Shr 1 50 194 Daw Th la (.09 31 US 14 ae, Jl Case 7pf Case pf titer Trac 1 Ceco Stl 10 Celanese 1.20 elsn pf7 tla PM en In' Cen Fdv la CenllndO I OnlllU I 52 fnllH' I 11 11 ex-dlstrtbuUoa dat.

LtquidaUng dividend l-Sale. la full eld Called, xd Eg dividend, k-dle Kx distribution, XT F.x rights, xw Without Warrants WW With warrants, wd Whe distributed wl -When kneed, nd Next day delivery, wt Warrant, ar ander rule. In bankruptcy or receivership mt being reorganited under the Bankruptcy Art, ar securities assumed by such computes. 33 12 11 21H lnt Illi.Wch 140 11 567 SW Sh4 24 18 37 89 7 61 II (0 36 9 IH 16 10 10 10 37 36 35 94 I Hi1 2ft Fn-tnr A Fau- Whit Fur am Fur Strat Fairmont 1 Fihtsff Br 1.30 Fim Fin .90 Fanateel a 53 5J1 52 Po Am Cp lg I 11 II 27 26 Incorp Inv 1 59 1.39 IN9TIT RHRH: Found 1197 1109 Grwth 1 (7 12 76 Income 78 7 42 lnt Resnur S2 (7J Inv CoAm 11 47 11.54 lnves Hi 12 81 14.91 INVrHT GUP: Milt II 77 II 73 Stock 19.U 21.43 Halan 11 60 11 27 13 lnt Harv I 40 Wash Mut II 20 12 74 30 14 34 2 Vi 22 22 14 15 46 4S S4 2 9 58 37 I Torrtng Co 1.8n In 35 62 2 22 39 14 13 i il (11 Well Jr. 3 -1 lnt Hirv pf 17.02 185 ft 12 Well Fd 247k- lnt Miner I 80 40 3 404 4 78 71 77i2 Bond pivid PI Stk Worn Stack I 1250 147 146 14-.

Pac CemtA I 15 7 47 46 4 wl 15 37 2 17 32 37 IPartiliEl 1 80 28 9 16 83 12 82- pic I II 1 40 II II 14 14 Vi 1 1AT 12 II 31 lnt Mining lg rm 95 .54 Trac Sup A .09 Trane 0 ,90 Tnn Air Tranmr 32' k- 99 A 39 38 1 Sv 4 15 7 23 790 (22 (Ml 900 1.14 15.17 51 13 40 14 41 19 9 49 1 11 7.93 Whitekll V. mil. id Wiscoa 10 l' 8 Fawk-k 70 70 75 14 13 14 2 47 44 49 70 lnt Mi 1 hi lnt Peck 3 79 42 41 41- Vi Fedd Coip 1 14 23 13 23- I.

The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Views: 6413

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (49 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.